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José Saramago

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Sunday, March 20th, 2011

🦋 Our own little group read

Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendía would remember that distant afternoon when his father had taken him to learn about ice.
Ellen and I have decided to start reading a book together -- one I have read before, one that she is reading for the first time, the book which inspired this blog's butterfly logo. She is reading One Hundred Years of Solitude in translation, I'll be reading Cien años de soledad in the original. Our goal is to read one chapter every week, and my goal is to post notes on the week's chapter every weekend.

Why now? Why García Márquez?... Just happenstance I guess. I've been carrying the book around in my backpack lately, reading bits of it on the train in to work, savoring the language and the imagery. Yesterday I mentioned it to Ellen and asked if she had ever read it; she has not but said she'd be interested in reading it if I have the translation. And lo and behold, I do! Looking forward to sharing it...

posted morning of March 20th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Pushing Forty

Happy Birthday to Rex Broome! Broome is the singer and guitarist for Skates & Rays. On his 39th birthday last year he covered Velvet Underground's "I'm Waiting for the Man"; today he covers his own tune "Pushing Forty". In between he has recorded one cover version for every day of his fortieth year of life, and/or leaned on friends to contribute their own cover versions. I'm impressed, and gratified to have played my own small part.

posted morning of March 20th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, March 19th, 2011

🦋 Around Chile

Mientras pensaba en un viaje inminente a San Pedro de Atacama, Jorge López puso unas fotos encantadoras de Viña del Mar:

y otras. ¡Buen provecho!

At South Orange Patch, Marcia Worth reports that Mario Sepulveda will be speaking at Seton Hall next week. Sepulveda is one of the copper miners who were trapped underground at Copiapó last year.

posted afternoon of March 19th, 2011: 6 responses
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🦋 Closer to the moon

Sylvia and I and some friends will be outside tonight looking at the Supermoon -- the brightest full moon in years, it being at its perigee with the earth of only 221,567 miles at the same time it is full. And this same approach of the two bodies allows Larry Burns of Atwater, CA to declare victory years earlier than he expected to be able to, in his decades-old quest to bike the distance from the earth to the moon.

Update: Some great photos of the super moon from Flicker users.

posted afternoon of March 19th, 2011: Respond
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Friday, March 18th, 2011

🦋 ·

New from Sumo Science at Aardman, micro-claymation:

Thanks for the link, Shannon!

posted evening of March 18th, 2011: Respond
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Monday, March 7th, 2011

🦋 A matter of scale

Neither should it be forgotten that the 21st of December 1907 wrote in miniature, [and its] defective pantograph would appear imprinted... [on] the morning of 11 September 1973. More or less the same contenders, more or less the same result, more or less the same dead, more or less the same shame, but now all on a gigantic scale.

Eduardo Devés, Los que van a morir te saludan.
quoted by Lessie Jo Frazier, Salt in the Sand.

posted evening of March 7th, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, March 6th, 2011

🦋 It was twenty minutes after three.

The events of Chapter 19 of Our Lady of the Dark Flowers are unfolding like a malevolent clockwork, like a bad dream in which events cannot progress any way except toward their preordained, tragic outcome -- in short like history. "They are turning this place into a mousetrap," Olegario Santana thinks as he returns to the school of Our Lady of Iquique, perhaps for the last time -- he tries to persuade Gregoria Becerra to leave the school but she is steadfast in her commitment to the strike.

This impending sense of doom requires that Rivera Letelier move his narration to the past tense. Throughout the book the narrative present tense has been dominant, and the stories being told have focused on individuals, makers of free decisions within the context of the history which is the framework of the book. Here the story is the history, the concrete events of the past, where free choice is no longer relevant, and the events are related in the past tense. (And still there is a quick switch to the present tense when Olegario Santana is pleading with Gregoria Becerra to leave, when she is deciding freely to stand by the union; and somehow this is not confusing to the reader, somehow it flows perfectly.) The last words of the chapter have General Silva Renard making his fateful decision:

At this point, the general was convinced that the situation was no longer maintainable -- «in order not to compromise the prestige and honor of the authorities, of the security forces, I was faced with the necessity of checking the rebellion before the end of the day» is how he put it in his journal. Finally, he made the decision. Rising up on his steed, the sun's rays shining off his military harness, he crossed himself lightly. He raised his hand to give the order to fire.

(It is extremely disconcerting to be reading this story while the unions in Madison are occupying the state capitol and threatening a general strike. Not that I expect governor Walker to call out the state militia and fire on the protestors, although such things have happened in our history as well as in Chile's -- but this book is a sad reminder of the lengths to which those in power will go, have gone, to maintain their power.)

posted morning of March 6th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, March 5th, 2011

🦋 One piece seems to have gone missing

Ellen and Sylvia gave me a lovely jigsaw puzzle for Valentine's Day -- an unusual puzzle in that the edges were the hardest part to assemble. Most puzzles, I do the edge first, then fill in the middle; with this one, I had to start with some of the easy-to-recognize bits in the middle and work outward. The puzzle sat for a week or more with everything complete except for the edges (and, well, except for that annoyingly lost piece in the middle there)... You can click the photo to see a few in-progress pics.

posted morning of March 5th, 2011: Respond
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Tuesday, March first, 2011

When I got to Hoboken this evening, the sun was low in the sky, and when my train pulled out of the station it was just touching the horizon. By the time I got off the train in South Orange a half an hour later, it was nearly dark. In between I was treated to one of the loveliest sunsets I can remember seeing around here.

posted evening of March first, 2011: Respond

Monday, February 28th, 2011

🦋 Contorsion, Stigma

And yet (fact): Hands lack the anatomical mass required to support the weight of an adult human. Both Roman legal texts and modern examinations of a first-century skeleton confirm that classical crucifixion required nails to be driven through the subject’s wrists, not his hands. Hence the, quote, “necessarily simultaneous truth and falsity of the stigmata” that the existential theologist E. M. Cioran explicates in his 1937 “Lacrimi si Sfinti,” the same monograph in which he refers to the human heart as “God’s open wound.”
The current New Yorker prints an excerpt of David Foster Wallace's forthcoming The Pale King. It's shocking, beautiful, engaging; it "allows the reader to leap over the wall of self". You can also listen to Wallace reading this fragment, ten years ago, in a recording preserved at The Lannan Foundation.

And more! George Lazenby of 424 W 23rd St, NY 10011—2157 (an address to conjure with!) has a recording of Sunday, February 6th's edition of Endnotes on BBC radio; Geoff Ward presents his research into the life and work of Wallace.

posted evening of February 28th, 2011: 1 response
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