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Slugs leave trails, sheep leave droppings, bees make honey, and humans leave two things: art and garbage. Where these meet is called entertainment.

Robyn Hitchcock

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Saturday, February second, 2013

🦋 The bard turns 131 today, in China

Happy Birthday James Joyce! (And Happy Birthday, and thanks for the link, to Aaron as well!) You are a bestseller in China these days.

posted morning of February second, 2013: Respond
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Monday, January 21st, 2013

🦋 Two Bolaño tidbits

1. Infrarealismo

The world gives you of itself in chips, in fragments: At bifucaria bifurcata, Rise reports that Wave Press will be publishing Mario Santiago's Advice from 1 Disciple of Marx to 1 Heidegger Fanatic in translation. You can read the original (which is dedicated to Bolaño and to Kyra Galván) at -- it is 2000 words which seems a bit short for the description "book-length poem" but I imagine the book will have some supplementary material in it as well, and/or the material online is not the complete poem.

The poem has a nicely Tractatus-y quote from Auden as its epigraph: "We must remember here, too, that nothing is beautiful, not even in Poetry, which is not the case." (Back-translated -- I don't know the source of the quotation.)

2. Adaptation

The first of Bolaño's novels to reach the silver screen will be (the as-yet unpublished in translation) Una novela lumpen; Chilean director Alicia Scherson has filmed it as Il Futuro, currently screening at Sundance. The trailer:
Thanks for the link, Jorge!

posted morning of January 21st, 2013: 4 responses
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Sunday, January 20th, 2013

🦋 Otra vez «Prufrock»

caminamos tú y yo
se anochece en el cielo
como un borracho en el arroyo
visitamos calles desiertos
esquinas quejumbrosas
y otras calles las que sigamos
y que formen argumento
cada vez mas aparente
hacia un propósito muy obvio
lo que sin embargo no podemos llamar
por cualquier nombre
o palabra

pero vengamos, no discutamos.

posted afternoon of January 20th, 2013: 2 responses
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Saturday, January 19th, 2013

🦋 epígrafe

Possibly premature (heh) but I have a title page totally thought out for This Silent House... I had been thinking a snippet from "Lullaby for Laura" would be the epigraph, but I just found a Joaquín Pasos poem that makes me think of Ávala: it is the one.

Canción para morir

¡Qué oscuro mar
sin velas
sin sol
sin agua!

¡Qué lejano recuerdo
sin alas
sin luz
sin sangre!

posted afternoon of January 19th, 2013: Respond
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Friday, January 18th, 2013

🦋 Consecuencias

El año va rajando ya más abierto su espina
las hojas dejan pasar más fósforo, más luz—

Los sueños doblan ya en callejones y lo pierden
el delirio de petales rosas en la piedra—

He puesto en marcha la bola que golpea
al final de la cuerda plateada la otra—

Y qué será será, como dice el poema
el que crece en líneas palabra tras palabra—

Come pues, come grano tras grano perlado la pulpa
que brillando se pega a la cáscara—

         por Luisa A. Igloria, en via negativa/tr. Jeremy Osner

posted evening of January 18th, 2013: 7 responses
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Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

🦋 Anotaciones

El silencio, roto por el repique sordo de un reloj—
A orilla de la calzada harapo mojado, harapo que solía ser camisa elegante—
La plaza que se llena de repente con oleada de sombras por delante
de la luz del sol, o de las alas—
El sueño que vuelve al cabo de cuarenta años, de volar por encima de un mar de lino—
Las huellas estampadas como rastros en la nieve
por la tarde disueltos en compunción y lluvia—
Fue aquí que te sentabas, junto al ramo de orquídeas
mirando más allá de la puerta del jardín, a tu lado la mujer
y el pelo ni siquiera gris—

         por Luisa A. Igloria, en via negativa/tr. Jeremy Osner

posted evening of January 16th, 2013: 2 responses
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Saturday, January 12th, 2013

🦋 Prufrock in Manhattan

On these pages I record and bequeath
the semi-autobiographical log,
a sort of last will and testament,
perhaps devoid of the Maestro’s
meter, rhythm and rhyme,
a run-away musical score
for a fugue in counterpoint

-- Fugue in Counterpoint with Prufrock
Colombian poet Luis Zalamea translated Prufrock into Spanish. The Fugue in Counterpoint is his own take on the poem, a take written in 1984 for the collection Voces en el desierto, with an introductory note. (The blog is duopoetico, looks very interesting, a collaboration between Zalamea and his daughter Pilar Kimbrell.)

Nice Prufrock passage at cleek's.

posted afternoon of January 12th, 2013: Respond

Wednesday, January 9th, 2013

🦋 Two takes on Prufrock

caminamos tú y yo
se anochece en el cielo
como un borracho en el arroyo:
visitamos unos esquinas
y calles ya desconocidas
platicamos, sonreímos
me resulta muy difícil olvidar

-- The Modesto Kid

Let us go then, you and I,
the evening sprawled across the sky
just like a drunkard, passed out in the gutter.
The patrons scowl, and mutter.

-- Peter Conlay

posted morning of January 9th, 2013: 1 response
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Tuesday, January 8th, 2013

🦋 Let's listen to

Sidney Poitier, reading the Allegory of the Cave with some sweet horns and vibes...

via kenodoxia

posted afternoon of January 8th, 2013: Respond
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Saturday, December 29th, 2012

🦋 Let's listen to

Woody Allen reading his new story, "Not a Creature Was Stirring":

You're welcome.

posted evening of December 29th, 2012: Respond
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