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perhaps this too is in the scheme,

Charles Reznikoff

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Tuesday, February 8th, 2011

🦋 Central America: Photo Essays

I was very happy the other day to run across James Rodríguez' web site: is a blog of photo-essays about Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras... The text is bilingual in English and Spanish, the images transcend language.

posted evening of February 8th, 2011: Respond

Sunday, February 6th, 2011

🦋 8 tracks

To borrow a page from cleek, let's listen to Trampled by Turtles!

You're welcome!

I'm enthralled with 8tracks' algorithm for ordering its users' mixes. Either the average quality of mixes (adjusted for being in accordance with my own tastes, blah blah blah) is phenomenally high, or the site's software is very, very good at figuring out what music I'll like. I found "You wait so long" by listening to a mix tape that was served up to me seemingly at random. Now I am anxious to find out more about Trampled by Turtles, and about Cadillac Sky and Old Man Luedecke as well.

posted afternoon of February 6th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, February 5th, 2011

🦋 Three Thoths

Here are three pictures I took while Sylvia and I were looking at the Egyptian exhibit at the Met this afternoon.

This is from the beginning of a long scroll, it stretched across a full wall. I am in general not careful about reading labels in museums, so cannot tell you much about the scroll.*
Ibis-headed Thoth, facing himself in the center column, is the god credited with the invention of language and writing -- an appropriate frontspiece for the document.

Three small Thoths** are grouped together here:
In addition to an ibis' head the god may be depicted with a baboon's head. The ibis in the middle, watching over his likeness, must be related.

I felt lucky to spot this relief on the way out of the museum:

Just breathtaking. I had not been to see this exhibit in quite a while; indeed this may be the first time I ever really gave it any of the attention it deserves. Very happy about Sylvia's newly blossoming interest in mythology and ancient cultures.

*(added) Aha! But they have much of the metadata online. I think it was likely a papyrus belonging to the Priest of Horus, Imhotep.

**These are: Striding Thoth, Thoth as Ibis, and Figure of a Cynocæphalus Ape.

posted evening of February 5th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Scripture

Rereading "La escritura del dios" last week, I was inspired to do some searching for background material, to find out who is Qaholom, the god who has written his sacred scripture in the markings of the jaguar for Tzinacán to read. I found out about the Popol Vuh, a transcription of the K'iche' creation story -- written down in the 1500's by a Jesuit missionary in Quiché, Guatemala based on the reading of a (no longer extant) hieroglyphic document, translated into Spanish and annotated by Adrián Recinos.

According to Recinos, Qaholom is "the paternal god, the god who sires children, from qahol, 'a father's son', qaholoj, 'engender'." Recinos also notes that Gucumatz (one third of the trinity which is called Heart of the Heavens, and I think possibly another name for Qaholom? -- I haven't quite got the pantheon straight yet) is a "serpent covered with green feathers, from from guc, in Maya, kuk, 'green feathers', Quetzal via antonomasia, and cumatz, 'serpent'; he is the K'iche' version of Kukulkán, the Mayan name for Quetzalcoatl, the Toltec king, conqueror, bringer of civilization, god in Yucatán during the epoch of the Post-classical Mayan Empire."

posted morning of February 5th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, February second, 2011

🦋 Mmm, blues

I spent a lot of time last night listening to and playing "Mystery Train" -- this was the upshot of cleek's Start Your iPods post for this week. Did not take long for me to find a high degree of assonance between that song and "Meet Me in the Morning" -- well, one thing led to another... Here are some blues tunes for you to listen to.

posted afternoon of February second, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Borrowed Beams of Light

Ryan of Rock and Wry* is in a band called Borrowed Beams of Light; they are soliciting donations to help produce their first full-length record. And that's not all! The tunes on this record will be "loosely based on a 500 year old, vellum manuscript known as The Voynich Manuscript." Far out, I can't wait to hear! Go pledge. $10 gets you a record when it's ready, $25 gets you a record when it's ready plus their previous short-format CD.

* (Which I am happy and puzzled to discover is a 2-drummer blog)

posted afternoon of February second, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, January 30th, 2011

🦋 Sunday Morning Blues

A new look: I shaved off my moustache and am digging the way the air feels on my upper lip. Also: changed my E string last night -- listen to that thing ring!

posted morning of January 30th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, January 29th, 2011

🦋 January is a good month for mixes.

I am greatly enjoying New Year's mixes from Steve of Hot Rox Avec Lying Sweet Talk and from Tim W. of The Great Whatsit. Steve's is a mix of his favorite cover versions of the past few years. Mostly new listening for me, and most of the tunes are ones I'm familiar with. I always find it exciting to hear new takes on songs I love. And Tim's is a list of new songs from this year, almost none of which I've heard before or even heard of.

Here is my contribution to the disk-jockeying fray:

    Los once: Jeremy's 2011 Mix

  1. "Hanohano Hawai'i" -- Sol Ho'opi'i's Novelty Trio
  2. "I Wouldn't Mind Dying" -- The Carter Family
  3. "I Love You Because" -- Ernie Tubb
  4. "You Met Your Match" -- Stevie Wonder
  5. "I Watch the Cars" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  6. "Starvation Blues" -- Big Bill Broonzy
  7. "Movin Day" -- The Holy Modal Rounders
  8. "Little Birdie" -- The Stanley Bros.
  9. "Ain't Misbehavin" -- Stéphane Grappelli
  10. "Belly Full of Arms and Legs" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  11. "Sikiliza" -- The Lafayette Afro Band
  12. "Pretty Polly" -- B.F. Shelton
  13. "Rock of Ages" -- Christian Kiefer
  14. "Sing You Sinners" -- Fletcher Henderson
  15. "Burning Up" -- Mutiny
  16. "Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues" -- Bob Dylan
  17. "I Know You Rider" -- The Grateful Dead
  18. "Famous Blue Raincoat" -- Leonard Cohen
  19. "Kanes Blues" -- The Kanek Hawai'ians
These are all songs I connect with discovering a new musical interest -- some quite recently, some in memory over the years as far back as high school. I hope everyone has a good, eventful year in 2011, gets to enjoy plenty of newly discovered and long-nurtured interests.

I haven't quite ironed out all the tagging issues with the mp3s of these songs. I will post a link in comments later on when I get the tape together.

posted afternoon of January 29th, 2011: 1 response
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Friday, January 28th, 2011

🦋 Kate Beaton as a Second Language

A friend of Katie Beaton's is teaching English to Korean students; as an exercise he had them fill in the speech bubbles of some of her comix with their own imagined dialog. The results are quite impressive -- what a marvelous idea for a language class activity! (Also a fun comments thread.)

(Sources: batch of comics #8, Nancy Drew #2, Shetland Pony Adventures, Return of the Saucy Mermaids, Aquaman: Defender of the Seas.)

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 A bellyfull of arms and legs

One title, two very different songs.

  1. Robyn Hitchcock's Phantom 45.
  2. Mr Fist's brand new tune from their third, as yet* unwritten album.
The two have in common that they rock hard.

* ("As yet" as of 2008 or so.)

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: 2 responses

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