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Gabriel García Márquez

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🦋 Three Thoths

Here are three pictures I took while Sylvia and I were looking at the Egyptian exhibit at the Met this afternoon.

This is from the beginning of a long scroll, it stretched across a full wall. I am in general not careful about reading labels in museums, so cannot tell you much about the scroll.*
Ibis-headed Thoth, facing himself in the center column, is the god credited with the invention of language and writing -- an appropriate frontspiece for the document.

Three small Thoths** are grouped together here:
In addition to an ibis' head the god may be depicted with a baboon's head. The ibis in the middle, watching over his likeness, must be related.

I felt lucky to spot this relief on the way out of the museum:

Just breathtaking. I had not been to see this exhibit in quite a while; indeed this may be the first time I ever really gave it any of the attention it deserves. Very happy about Sylvia's newly blossoming interest in mythology and ancient cultures.

*(added) Aha! But they have much of the metadata online. I think it was likely a papyrus belonging to the Priest of Horus, Imhotep.

**These are: Striding Thoth, Thoth as Ibis, and Figure of a Cynocæphalus Ape.

posted evening of Saturday, February 5th, 2011
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