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Liberty is not a woman walking the streets, she is not sitting on a bench waiting for an invitation to dinner, to come sleep in our bed for the rest of her life.

José Saramago

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Monday, November 21st, 2011

🦋 House Concert - River Man

Knight from Presto MusiCo in Point Pleasant was at the show in Freehold and made some lovely, ghostly videos of a couple of songs. Look at his YouTube channel for "Crystal Ship" and more. The impressionistic quality of the video -- its pixellations, its lacks of focus -- is really key to capturing the weary feeling of "River Man". Watch it full screen.

posted evening of November 21st, 2011: 1 response
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Sunday, November 20th, 2011

🦋 House Concert

This afternoon's show was fantastic. I have really been anticipating it for a month or more now, and it was worth the waiting for. The whole concert was acoustic, no amplification at all, just Robyn and his guitar, about 50 people in the audience -- his amazing voice and his guitar. (There was a pleasant cognitive dissonance between that and the much larger, packed Bell House show last night. Both shows were in best-ever territory but the two could not have been more different.)

He comes in to Mark's garage where we are sitting and starts talking about the show, says Thank you so let's see what it sounds like... I'm going to play as many of your requests as I have time to play. First a little context, I'd like to play a couple of cover songs. "In the unlikely event of a water landing, please locate the exits nearest you..." and starts strumming, blocking out chords, "Mark and Elaine will equip you with flotation devices should you not feel sufficiently buoyant.But remember... God wants you just the way you are..." His Dylan cover takes you away, seizes hold of you -- the music and the voice will have complete control over the events of the coming hour.

Thank you he says, and without a beat lost continues laying out his context -- "Dear Prudence" he dedicates to Michele and Montague, he plays a Barrett tune -- Thank you he says Thank you, that's what I'm all about. That's what I've been aiming for and missing all these years. What you're hearing today is what I've come up with over the years, how I've fallen short of my aspirations. But this is a collection of Robyn Hitchcock songs. And here starts playing his own music. He tells us that a song is always, properly considered, a form of invocation or of exorcism, a summoning up or a getting rid of. Plays for us devotional songs. (Last night's songs had been more of the exhortative genre.) After the set we went out to Mark's back yard and he played a few more cover tunes in the unseasonably pleasant outdoors. (It felt as my friend Jeanne remarked, "like being extras in Rachel Getting Married.")

The whole afternoon had a pleasant patina of starstruckness to it. It was weird and enjoyable to be chatting with and eating dinner with one's musical idol, to be able to listen to his music in such an intimate setting. Many thanks to hosts Mark and Elaine Costanzo. Set list below the fold.

posted evening of November 20th, 2011: 2 responses
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🦋 Food Pie

Herewith a recipe.

Food Pie

Ingredients: lots of vegetables, two pie crusts.
  1. Roast some whole button mushroom caps and some sliced red bell peppers.
  2. While the vegetables are roasting, fry one zucchini (sliced thin) with some salt. When the slices get brown, take them out of the pan and
  3. Start sautéing two red onions, chopped roughly, and as much thinly sliced red cabbage as will fit in your pan. I used about a quarter of a cabbage.
  4. The roasted vegetables will be ready about now, so take them out of the oven. Leave the oven on to 450° so it will be hot for cooking the pie.
  5. When the cabbage starts to soften, fill the pie crusts. Cabbage and onions, then zucchini slices and mushrooms, then red peppers. Cook at 450° until crust is nice and brown, approximately 20 min.
The inspiration is Robyn Hitchcock's Cooking with Rockstars post from a couple years ago. It seems like a nice dish to bring to the potluck supper which will follow this afternoon's concert.

posted morning of November 20th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, November 19th, 2011

🦋 Amadeo Salvatierra

De repente sentí que alguien me hablaba. Decían: señor Salvatierra, Amadeo, ¿se encuentra bien? Abrí los ojos y allí estaban los dos muchachos, uno de ellos con la botella de Sauza en la mano, y yo les dije que nada, muchachos, sólo me he traspuesto un poco...

— Amadeo Salvatierra
January, 1976

Amadeo Salvatierra's voice is one I could go on listening to for a long time without getting tired of it. His narratives seem to me to serve a special purpose in the vastness of part 2 of Savage Detectives, in that they keep the enclosing story of Belano et al. searching for Cesárea Tinajero front and center in the reader's mind. Below the fold, some lovely commentary from Salvatierra, in Natasha Wimmer's rendering, on the subject (near and dear to me) of mistranslation.

posted morning of November 19th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Don't Mourn, Organize

Today in history: Joe Hill was murdered in Salt Lake City, Utah, on November 19th, 1915.

posted morning of November 19th, 2011: Respond
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Thursday, November 17th, 2011

🦋 Fannish Excitement

I'm counting the hours going by until this weekend -- have tickets to see Robyn Hitchcock at The Bell House on Saturday night, and tickets to see Robyn Hitchcock at Mark and Elaine Costanzo's studio on Sunday! This is going to be a great weekend... Here is some classic Hitchcock to tide us over in the mean time.

I've been listening to "All I want to do is fall in love" a lot lately, it is on its way to replacing "Birds in Perspex" as my favorite love song. John and I covered it the other night and I think we did a really good job... The studio concert is being billed as "requests only" -- this is a strong candidate for my request.

Update with some further posts about the Sunday show -- the Food Pie I brought along for the potluck; my notes and set list (which he signed for me!)

posted evening of November 17th, 2011: 1 response
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Wednesday, November 16th, 2011

🦋 Two books

...el mexicano iba desgranando en un inglés por momentos incomprensible una historia que me costaba entender, una historia de poetas perdidos y de revistas perdidas y de obras sobre cuya existencia nadie conocía una palabra...

— Michel Bulteau
January, 1978

I'm sticking to my idea that Savage Detectives is two books -- the first book is part 1 + part 3 + the sections in part 2 narrated by Amadeo Salvatierra, the other book is the rest of part 2. I love both of them but I am having trouble seeing much of a connection between them...

posted evening of November 16th, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, November 13th, 2011

🦋 Books on tape

Al día siguiente ya no fui a la universidad y me la pasé platicando a diestra y siniestra con todos los real visceralistas, que entonces todavía eran unos chavos más o menos sanos, más o menos enfermos, y que todavía no se llamaban real visceralistas.

—Bárbara Patterson
September 1976

It is frustrating and surprising to find that there is no audiobook of Los detectives salvajes available. (The only Spanish-language Bolaño audiobook I see is Nocturno de Chile read by Walter Krochmal, which I expect is great.) The interviews in part 2 should absolutely be read out loud, and preferably by different people. It would make a great reader's theater, except it would go on for a couple of days...

posted afternoon of November 13th, 2011: 1 response
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🦋 Gravitas on tour

Substance McGravitas has been all over the place in the last few days... From Memphis, city of music and Wonder™, to Cleveland for beer and ugly monuments, magical collage houses in Detroit; now he is lost in the desert somewhere out west. Beautiful photography everywhere.

posted morning of November 13th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, November 12th, 2011

🦋 Interviewees

Todo el realismo visceral era una carta de amor, el pavoneo demencial de un pájaro idiota a la luz de la luna, algo bastante vulgar y sin importancia.

— Laura Jáuregui
January 1976

The text of part 2 of Savage Detectives is seizing me, is pulling me along, is making it difficult to put the book down. And I'm remembering what pulled me in last time around -- García Madero's diaries are lovely, impression­istic reading to be sure; but they are mainly about him. In these interviews every voice is clear, distinct, fully realized.

"Interviews" is definitely how I'm understanding these clips of text -- they are not explicitly presented as such, but they read like they are compiled from tape recordings of interviews done by someone making a documentary about visceral realism -- Natasha Wimmer's "faceless interviewer whose presence is only hinted at by the tone of the many characters who testify to their involvement with Arturo Belano and Ulises Lima." Who is this documentarian? And what do the dates on the entries signify? They must be the date on which the interview took place. The identity of the person who spent 20 years on building this archive of interviews became, for me, the central mystery of the book, the first time I read it -- a mystery I was not ultimately able to solve. (It can't be García Madero or Belano, as the first interviews are recorded in January 1976, while those two are driving around Sonora.)

Speaking of mysteries and clues, one of the fun pieces of reading this book, for me, is tracking down information about the infrarealists, the poets whose lives and identities form the basis for many of the book's characters. (And also the stridentists, approximately the visual-art arm of the infrarealist movement.) I'm going to use this entry, below the fold, as a notepad for links about the infrarealists, updating it as I find good new information.

posted afternoon of November 12th, 2011: Respond

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