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Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of genius.

— William Blake

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Thursday, May 22nd, 2008

🦋 Little Dieter Needs to Fly

This is a good movie without, I think, being in the same league as Herzog's best stuff. The main two good things in the movie are: the personality and charisma of Mr. Dengler, who is kind of a natural ham; and the camera work and composition of shots. It is a good decision of Herzog's, to let Dieter talk through most of the film. Herzog's narration is not very useful; and his decision to have Laotians and Vietnamese in the film but completely without speaking parts and frequently posing as statues, just seems bizarre to me. I think I'm going to take a pass for now on watching Rescue Dawn.

posted evening of May 22nd, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Two movies to look forward to

Today I read about two movies -- neither one will be coming out for a while yet, but they both sound like something to look forward to.

  • David Lynch is collaborating with Werner Herzog on My Son, My Son: a "horror-tinged thriller" based on Œdipus Rex. This has every potential to be a fantastic movie; or it could also possibly stink.
  • Jonathan Demme is going to be directing a biography of Bob Marley, taking over from Martin Scorsese, who is leaving the project. This is just fine with me; I like Marley and I think Demme makes the best movies about music. (Scorsese's are good too, but I prefer Demme's.)

posted afternoon of May 22nd, 2008: Respond
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Wednesday, May 21st, 2008

🦋 Box Set

My package arrived in the mail today! -- Well it arrived Monday, no-one was home to sign for it; I picked it up at the post office this morning. (WTF? There is now overnight parcel service from Shanghai to New Jersey! This totally boggles my mind. Makes the large sum the seller was charging for postage seem much more reasonable.)

And, well, it seems legit. I have not yet popped a disc in the player to watch it; but all the dvd's are there, and marked as region 0. It weirds me out a little that I can't find any reference to this collection (The Master of Cinema: Werner Herzog Collection) anywhere on the web except for Chinese e-bay auctions. It's a pretty recent collection, includes a movie from 2005. This seems like it might be a signal of piracy but I can't figure out what the incentive is for pirates to produce a 24-dvd collection of Werner Herzog, with obscure titles and professional-looking packaging and everything -- the target audience seems tiny. (Also weirding me out is the inclusion of disc #23, My Best Friend by Patrice Leconte. Which one of these dvds does not belong?)

Well unless somebody convinces me it's unethical, I will be buying more box sets from this seller -- s/he has collections of all the classic directors I'm interested in.

Title list below the fold.

Update: Note if you're thinking about buying this, many of the titles will not play on a US region DVD player -- the seller claims they are region 0 but this is false in many cases. Also some of the discs have screwed-up aspect ratio.

posted morning of May 21st, 2008: 1 response

Tuesday, May 20th, 2008

🦋 Summertime Salad

Ellen made this salad for dinner last night, and it was very tasty. She remembered it from a Greek restaurant she ate at when she and Sylvia were in D.C.

Watermelon and mint salad

  • Watermelon, cut into bite-size chunks
  • Bucheron, cut into small pieces (the restaurant used feta cheese; Ellen used bucheron because it was on hand. I think the goat cheese was great.)
  • Scallions, chopped thin
  • Kalamata olives, pitted and cut in half
  • Fresh mint leaves

Mix everything together in a bowl and serve. The juice from the melon will combine with the cheese to make a fabulous dressing.

posted morning of May 20th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Robyn in Ridgewood

Woo-hoo! Robyn Hitchcock is doing a tour of the northeastern US in July; and on Saturday the 12th he will be playing at The Blend* in Ridgewood, not far from here. And I will be there watching him. Other dates:

  • July 9th: The Iron Horse, Northampton, MA
  • July 10th: The Linda (WAMC Performing Arts Center), Albany, NY
  • July 11th: Stephen Talkhouse, Amagansett, NY
  • July 13th: John & Peter's, New Hope, PA (Hmm: maybe I could go to this show as well.)
  • July 15th & 16th: The Turning Point, Piermont, NY
  • July 17th: World Café Live, Philadelphia, PA

*Which looks like a nice venue! I had never heard of it before just now.

posted morning of May 20th, 2008: Respond
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Monday, May 19th, 2008

🦋 Story Idea: "Never Forget"

All I have at this point is the background; I think a good, science-fictiony story could be written with this background but I don't have characters or events yet. A method of memory-enhancement has been developed, I think a genetic-modification method, that leads to a world in which people do not forget anything. However people want to forget a lot of their painful and traumatic memories. So: a method of memory transfer has been developed (note the passive voice: this story is not about these developments, they have already happened in the past), which can move memories between hosts. The memories cannot be deleted -- what is a memory without a host?

A new profession springs up of "bearer of unwanted memories". Practitioners are reviled, kind of similar to how our society looks at prostitutes. People with no other way of making money sell their services at memory-transfer labs. The affluent visit these dens of ill repute to rid themselves of memories of rape, shame, abuse, criminality. The story is about one of these memory hosts and how he gets through the day with all the ghosts in his head.

posted morning of May 19th, 2008: 2 responses
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🦋 Irises

Our irises are blossoming this year! Last year the plants grew but produced no flowers. The bulbsrhizomes are from The Presby Memorial Iris Gardens in Montclair, where you can get a mixed grab bag during bloom season for cheap.

posted morning of May 19th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Dream blogging

Last night I was reading Thomas Pynchon's new novel (!), Stockton (!!), out loud to Sylvia (!!!). Alas I cannot remember any of the content. The curious thing about the book was that it had these metallic spinners embedded in it with a word or words on each side; but no explicit direction for how to use them. The reader needed to experiment with each one as he came to it, and see how its words could be integrated into the surrounding text. The largest of these spinners contained the entire final sentence of the book, with several possible ways of constructing it.

posted morning of May 19th, 2008: Respond
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Sunday, May 18th, 2008

🦋 May 18th only comes along once a year

...That's why we call it by that name. Today in history:


Nuptials of cousins Henry II and Eleanor of Acquitaine are celebrated. (Their anniversary is shared by blogger Kevin Drum and his wife, who are not however cousins or nobility.)


An arrest warrant is issued for Christopher Marlowe, on charges of heresy. Marlowe will soon be dead.


Rhode Island declares slavery illegal. It is the first American colony to do so.


Wyatt Earp starts his new job as assistant marshall in Dodge City, KS.


Apollo 10 is launched.


Jeremy Osner is born, in Berkeley, CA. He will go on to create a blog for notes on his reading and his music, and generally worry too much about everything he does.


The 27th Amendment, generally acknowledged to be the least interesting amendment, becomes a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Having some friends over tomorrow, that will be fun. Except it's going to rain, grumble grumble.

...A lovely party it was! and Jupiter smiled on us -- after a brief heavy rain in the afternoon, it didn't rain at all, even cleared up a little. The barbecue was tasty and Redfox's onion jam was the perfect relish.

posted morning of May 18th, 2008: 7 responses

Friday, May 16th, 2008

🦋 Rats

Looks from this article like the movie Blindness is going to be really dreadful. That's so disappointing! The book could absolutely be made into an excellent movie -- it is "cinematic", visual detail is such a key part of it. But Dargis' description gives me a sense of exactly how Blindness should not have been made into a movie -- with overt concentration on the allegorical aspects of the story. Saramago really played this down, except for the cathedral scene and a couple of spots while the characters were interned, and of course the very end -- but the end should be surprising, should take your breath away. If Meirelles is using blinding light effects throughout the movie, I can't imagine the end is going to feel meaningful at all.

posted evening of May 16th, 2008: 1 response
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