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Me and Ellen and a horse (July 20, 2007)


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The city is a recapitulation of the cave, by other means.

Hans Blumenberg

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🦋 May 18th only comes along once a year

...That's why we call it by that name. Today in history:


Nuptials of cousins Henry II and Eleanor of Acquitaine are celebrated. (Their anniversary is shared by blogger Kevin Drum and his wife, who are not however cousins or nobility.)


An arrest warrant is issued for Christopher Marlowe, on charges of heresy. Marlowe will soon be dead.


Rhode Island declares slavery illegal. It is the first American colony to do so.


Wyatt Earp starts his new job as assistant marshall in Dodge City, KS.


Apollo 10 is launched.


Jeremy Osner is born, in Berkeley, CA. He will go on to create a blog for notes on his reading and his music, and generally worry too much about everything he does.


The 27th Amendment, generally acknowledged to be the least interesting amendment, becomes a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Having some friends over tomorrow, that will be fun. Except it's going to rain, grumble grumble.

...A lovely party it was! and Jupiter smiled on us -- after a brief heavy rain in the afternoon, it didn't rain at all, even cleared up a little. The barbecue was tasty and Redfox's onion jam was the perfect relish.

posted morning of Sunday, May 18th, 2008

Happy Boitday Mister O!
Hope you have a good one, and many more to follow.

posted morning of May 18th, 2008 by Pet


posted morning of May 18th, 2008 by Randolph Fritz

Happy Birthday, Jeremy! Hope you have fun!

posted afternoon of May 18th, 2008 by martha_m

Happy Birthday M.Kid. xoPB from TGW

posted afternoon of May 18th, 2008 by PB

Happy Birthday! You're like one hundred, right? :)

posted afternoon of May 18th, 2008 by heebie-geebie

Close. Thanks everybody.

posted afternoon of May 18th, 2008 by Jeremy

Happy birthday!

posted afternoon of May 20th, 2008 by Magpie


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