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It must have been a long time before men thought of giving a common name to the manifold objects of their senses, and of placing themselves in opposition to them.


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Thursday, October 4th, 2007

🦋 First post using the New Software

PHP is the coolest.

Update: But its lack of required declaration of variables is, well, kind of a pain.

posted evening of October 4th, 2007: Respond
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Monday, October first, 2007

🦋 Woo-hoo!

Well now I've got Apache 2 and PHP 5 installed on the new server, and working nicely together. Tonight or tomorrow should see MySql working, and then I'll be ready to write a test version of this blog. Also: I built my own vim, because the one that came in the distribution did not have a lot of features I use like syntax highlighting and mouse support.

Update: ...And, MySql is working! A bit of a hassle while I recompiled the latest version of php with MySql support, broke it, and eventually fixed it. (Still not quite sure what was broken or how I fixed it; but am finding the FAQ's at pretty useful.)

Update: Here is an update done with the new system.

posted evening of October first, 2007: Respond

🦋 Ornamentation

One thing the sheet music for Farewell to Peter does not include, is the fiddly bits that you hear when you listen to Natalie MacMaster playing it -- grace notes, trills, etc.. I've been trying to get some of these going on, and having a little success with it; but more success when I am not looking at the sheet music.

posted morning of October first, 2007: Respond
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Sunday, September 30th, 2007

🦋 The right idea

Tonight for bedtime stories, I read the end of De Jong's Along Came a Dog to Sylvia. She noticed there were several blank pages after the last page of text and wanted to know why. Well... I'm not sure, that's just how it always is with chapter books... Sylvia's suggestion: "That way if you don't think the story's over, you can write some more."

posted evening of September 30th, 2007: Respond
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🦋 A deep, resonant quality

Playing that viola feels like having an organ on your shoulder! (No, not like that, get your mind out of the gutter.) -- Tonight I played all of Farewell to Peter, which I have played bits and pieces of but never the whole thing. My music reading is getting better -- playing "the whole thing" meant being able to distinguish the slight differences in the repetitions of the theme, based on their representation on paper. I was transposing from F down to B♭, because I was reading the music as if I were playing a violin -- i.e. where I read notation for "A", I was playing D. This is way easier than it sounds. I should probably figure out how to read viola music straight at some point.

Update: Hmm... apparently learning to read viola music straight is going to involve accustoming myself to a new clef. May possibly never happen.

...and Later: Well, I bought a book of music in alto clef today -- 6 Suites for solo viola, by J.S. Bach. Wonder if this will go anywhere.

posted evening of September 30th, 2007: Respond
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🦋 Site progress

Well, I have received my new computer (after a long wait), christened it "Readin", got sshd and apache running. (You're still looking at the old computer.) I also ordered a book about Apache, because I want to find out more about how to configure it. I think for dev, I will be running Apache on the new machine on a non-80 port, so my router does not get mixed up. I will let you know when that gets going, and you can point your browsers there if you want to see the sausage getting made. Also: I found an old backup disk with all or most of the site files that I inadvertently deleted last month! I knew I had that disk somewhere. So READIN is back on-line, even if it doesn't get updated much.

posted afternoon of September 30th, 2007: Respond

Saturday, September 29th, 2007

🦋 Viola

Last week I bought a viola on an impulse. I was at the violin store for supplies and decided whimsically to look at the violas; and it turned out they had a very cheap student model which sounded pretty nice when I played it. And, well, I've been wanting to play viola for a long time now, and it turns out that was a good thing to want -- playing it is absolutely addictive. It seems to have taken me outside the habits I had fallen into on my violin and is allowing me to come up with a lot of interesting improvisational stuff. Bob and Janis came over to practice this afternoon.

(How exactly is the viola jarring me out of my melodic habits? Well there is the change in tone obviously; also the finger positions are very slightly wider-spaced, enough so that I need to pay attention to where my fingers are falling. And, I didn't buy a shoulder rest for it; so my head position is a lot different and it rests differently on my shoulder and my wrist. All this together is enough to make it difficult to play just like I'm used to playing.)

(What is it that makes it feel so rewarding to produce sound on the viola, makes it so difficult to put the instrument down once I'm playing? Well the instrument is just so damn resonant, notes will ring a long time from a light application of the bow. Of course there is the simple novelty of it, and the feeling of having waited a long time for it. And somehow the feeling of playing in that lower register just makes me want to keep on playing.)

posted evening of September 29th, 2007: Respond

🦋 The Sin of Solitude

I have read nearly to the end of the first section of Other Colors, titled "Living and Worrying". A couple of interrelated things: I think this section title is very apt; the essays seem to me to show Orhan in the world but not part of it, worrying about what is going on around him. I referred to some of the essays below as "impressionistic gems"; and while I don't understand everything that is communicated by calling something "impressionistic", I am going to tentatively say that it describes this book well. Where I am going with this is, roughly, that I'm not getting a good sense of Pamuk as a character, though I am certainly getting a wealth of insights about his surroundings. (Note: the prose is so fluid and comfortable, it is frequently impossible to distinguish my own insights from Pamuk's.) At first I found this a little surprising, since characterization is such a core strength of his story-telling; but thinking about it further, probably not such a strange thing, that such a wonderful story-teller would be shy about opening up his own psyche.

The "Earthquake" essay (and I'm presuming the next one, which is called "Earthquake Angst in Istanbul") is amazing in its evocation of the chaotic scene following the earthquake. Pamuk is a master of description and in these few pages gives me a sense of being there, being able to see the fallen buildings and debris. Something that really struck me (after a lifetime of reading opinion pieces about how poor planning contributes to damage and loss of life in eartchquakes, hurricanes etc.) is how Pamuk mentions in passing or just alludes to the substandard construction of apartment buildings on the islands south of Istanbul, the corruption that allowed contractors to evade construction codes, and lets the reader fill in the blanks.

Update: I noticed the Times review came out today. A very positive review although it seemed to focus a little more on Pamuk's life and work than on this book itself. Like maybe the reviewer did not know just what to make of the book? I was surprised they waited this long to review it.

posted afternoon of September 29th, 2007: Respond
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Friday, September 28th, 2007

🦋 Beat Goes On

Last night I was playing the open mic at Here's to the Arts, in Maplewood, and I met this musician I really hit it off with, a guitarist named Steve. We (and his friend Rob on bass, an amazing blues guitarist named Hugh, and a drummer whose name I did not catch) played four songs; two were really fantastically good. (I should say: the other musicians were fantastically good on all four songs; I really made a worthwhile contribution to two of the songs.) Those were "I Know You Rider", slower and bluesier than I've heard it done before, and "Johnny's Garden" by Steven Stills*, which I had never heard before but fell in love with -- Michael said he thought we sounded like The Band on that, which seems like pretty high praise. Steven is going to be playing a show in Millburn in October and though I was not 100% clear on this, it seemed like he was asking me to come play in it. So we'll see about that, I would be overjoyed to play a show with him or them, but I have been known to misinterpret invitations like that in the past.

*Both songs are in D; the two that I did not do as well on were in E.

posted evening of September 28th, 2007: Respond

🦋 Almodóvar

Ellen and I have been watching a lot of Almodóvar's movies -- first we saw Talk to Her, then Volver, and tonight All About My Mother -- fantastic stuff. I did not like All About My Mother on first viewing as much as I liked the other two on first viewing; but it was also the first of them to make me feel like I need to watch it again. I felt like I missed a lot of the complexity in the characters' relationships and the quickness of the dialog. I definitely want to watch it again this weekend, and then to rewatch both All About Eve and A Streetcar Named Desire in the near future before watching All About My Mother again. So I've got my movie-viewing mapped out a little ways forward.

posted evening of September 28th, 2007: Respond
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