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Me and Sylvia, smiling for the camera (August 2005)


Jeremy's journal

Sometimes I would forget Time altogether, and nestle into "now" as if it were a soft bed.

Orhan Pamuk

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🦋 Viola

Last week I bought a viola on an impulse. I was at the violin store for supplies and decided whimsically to look at the violas; and it turned out they had a very cheap student model which sounded pretty nice when I played it. And, well, I've been wanting to play viola for a long time now, and it turns out that was a good thing to want -- playing it is absolutely addictive. It seems to have taken me outside the habits I had fallen into on my violin and is allowing me to come up with a lot of interesting improvisational stuff. Bob and Janis came over to practice this afternoon.

(How exactly is the viola jarring me out of my melodic habits? Well there is the change in tone obviously; also the finger positions are very slightly wider-spaced, enough so that I need to pay attention to where my fingers are falling. And, I didn't buy a shoulder rest for it; so my head position is a lot different and it rests differently on my shoulder and my wrist. All this together is enough to make it difficult to play just like I'm used to playing.)

(What is it that makes it feel so rewarding to produce sound on the viola, makes it so difficult to put the instrument down once I'm playing? Well the instrument is just so damn resonant, notes will ring a long time from a light application of the bow. Of course there is the simple novelty of it, and the feeling of having waited a long time for it. And somehow the feeling of playing in that lower register just makes me want to keep on playing.)

posted evening of Saturday, September 29th, 2007
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