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The bastards that destroy our lives are sometimes just ourselves.

Robyn Hitchcock

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Wednesday, August 8th, 2018

🦋 Washtub Cello: proposal

So here is the idea: to build a cello, using as resonating chamber a washtub + a bass drum head. The construction of it will be on the principle of a gourd banjo; but with curved nut, fingerboard, and bridge. I am using an 11-gallon steel washtub, 20" across at its widest point; splurged and ordered it from Amazon -- consider this circular form the lower part of a cello body. The position of the bridge will be near the top of the soundboard, meaning the neck will need to be a bit longer than the the fingerboard* -- unlike a cello, which has a longer body. So the spot where you're bowing is at the top of the circular soundboard (the soundboard, i.e., the bottom of the washtub), midway between the end of the fingerboard and the bridge. The drum head is clamped in to the back of the body, to enclose the resonating chamber; and I'll cut a soundhole in the side of the tub.

The instrument is in effect a bowed banjo-cello, with no soundpost -- a baritone rebab. I've got my fingers crossed that it will sound like anything :). I find it encouraging that a few experimental taps at the soundboard made the bucket ring like a bell!

First step is of course to have the washtub and cello components in hand, so I can mark it all out on cardboard. Local violin dealer Mo Menzel has very graciously offered to sell me a broken cello cheap, to use for parts, and I'm hoping she'll sell me a good bridge as well. In the next week or so, will swing by Board and Beam in Fairfield to pick up a hard maple board for the neck.

the tin-can cello

posted evening of August 8th, 2018: 1 response
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Saturday, July 28th, 2018

🦋 No todo lo que apesta es mierda

No todo lo que apesta es mierda
me advierte
y que no me involucre

posted afternoon of July 28th, 2018: Respond
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Friday, June 29th, 2018

In the dream, I was mentioning you
on Facebook. I typed the @ symbol
and all your names started popping up
for autocomplete;
names I didn't even know you went by.
Who are you anyways? I typed
but then thought better of asking.

posted evening of June 29th, 2018: Respond
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Sunday, June 17th, 2018

🦋 Building a banjolele

I spent the past week in Long Branch at a instrument-making workshop taught by Jeff Menzies of Menzies Instruments, building a gourd banjolele -- a whole lot of fun watching the instrument take shape over the course of the week.


posted afternoon of June 17th, 2018: 1 response
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Sunday, April 29th, 2018

🦋 Milton

I read To Reign in Hell this weekend and liked it. A few thoughts:

  • How come fantasy authors like puns so much? The puns in To Reign in Hell are generally kind of weak and add little or nothing to the story; my memory suggests that this is generally true of the genre. An occasional bit of fun is one thing, but when it's happening every couple of pages, it becomes a distraction.
  • The characters are generally great. Seems like it would be pretty difficult to sketch a divinity, and Brust's angels do come across as pretty human. Yahweh is a weak link, and I think it's because the attempt is to portray him explicitly as divine. Abdiel is very strong, and I don't see any similar attempt being made in his case; make of it what you will.
  • I need to read Milton -- my understanding of the story was pretty facile based on lack of familiarity with the source text.

posted evening of April 29th, 2018: Respond
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Sunday, April 22nd, 2018

🦋 Serendipity

It is nice sometimes to happen on a book you're completely unfamiliar with, pick it up and see where it takes you. In the book box at Mountain Station this Friday, I found a copy of Orhan's Inheritance (2015), the first novel of Aline Ohanesian. Intrigued by the Turkish setting and wondering idly if the titular character's name was some kind of Pamuk reference :), I took it home. Started reading last night and sort of drifted off after ten pages. Started reading this morning and did not put the book down until I had finished it and read the author's note! Really engaging and well-told story.

posted evening of April 22nd, 2018: Respond
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Saturday, April 21st, 2018

🦋 #angelicpolitics

I wonder if a pastiche of Milton has been written, in which rebellious angel Jehovah leads a divine junta to depose constitutional ruler of heaven Lucifer and assume the title of dictator/God? (Posed the question on Facebook and my friend Sharon was able to direct me to Steven Brust's To Reign in Hell, which while not exactly that, looks fascinating...)

posted evening of April 21st, 2018: Respond

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

🦋 Osman

Two difficult points in reading The New Life -- I am trying to identify with a narrator who is (a) running away to join a cult, or something with distinct parallels to a cult, and is (b) harrassing Janan, who has repeatedly told him to keep his hands off her.

posted afternoon of April 8th, 2018: Respond
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🦋 New territory in The New Life

I am now starting chapter 9 in my reread of The New Life-- if memory (aided by blog) serves, this is as far as I ever got the first time I read it. In the past month or two I've read the first eight chapters in Spanish and then in English. Going forward, I'll be reading each chapter in one language and then the other. (Not really trying to compare the two translations here, I'm just looking to (a) improve my Spanish and (b) get a deeper understanding of the text.)

It is tempting to try to imagine myself in the shoes of the narrator -- as I am reading the book, I'm trying to identify the book I'm reading with the unnamed book that the narrator is reading, so that it will take me to a new level of perception (as it does I, the narrator). But I-the-reader am having some trouble figuring out what's the allure of reading such a book, joining such a peculiar society as those-who-have-read-and-understood "the book", it seems more an onerous burden than a blessing. But as I say I'm only less than halfway through currently. Keep waiting for Pamuk to tip his hat! :) Osman and Janan are meeting Dr. Fine/Delicado, author (IIUC) of the book (not super crazy about either translation, I guess the man's name is a Turkish word with that meaning and it's going to be important somehow to understanding the text, to get that pun) -- maybe they're (we're) going to get access to the supernatural reality of the book (the book).

posted morning of April 8th, 2018: 3 responses
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Saturday, March 24th, 2018

🦋 Faces Places

I watched the new Agnès Varda film for the second time last night. It is a gem.

posted afternoon of March 24th, 2018: Respond
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