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Disbelief is more resistant than faith because it is sustained by the senses.

Gabriel García Márquez

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Monday, June 9th, 2014

🦋 Prophetic readings

Brahma fue el primero de los Devas, el hacedor del Universo, el preservador del mundo. El reveló el Conocimiento de Brahma, la fundación de todo conocimiento, a su hijo mayor Atharva.
I stumbled on an old blog post this past weekend which prompted me to take a look at the Mundaka Upanishad. Something about the reverent tone of the prophet who wrote the upanishad seemed very familiar -- it sucked me right in in the way some of my Bible readings have.

In keeping with the Bible readings, I'm going to follow the Upanishads in Spanish, prophetic tone seems to come through a little better. But I think I'll try keeping a journal of it in English.

From him comes Agni (fire), the sun being the fuel; from the moon (Soma) comes rain (Parganya); from the earth herbs; and man gives seed unto the woman. Thus many beings are begotten from the Person (purusha).
Last night I read most of the Mundaka Upanishad a bit haltingly in English, focusing mainly on the part about two birds, inseparable friends which is what had brought me to the text -- quickly realized I would like this better in Spanish! Reread in Spanish and going back to the beginning of the upanishad and found a very familiar voice. This is like reading prophets in the Bible, a bit. Plus it has the ring structurally of a couple of my poems in Intenciones extendidas. Is that a tone in common with Old Testament? Not sure -- I tried to model those poems on an OT voice but did not feel like I succeeded, quite.

This testament ("upanishad" is, if I understand correctly, a Sanskrit term with the meaning of looking up to, as to a teacher -- and just now "testament" seems like a good term for Upanishads though I think it is a bit shorter than NT) also seems to bear quite directly on recent musings on self and reality.

"Toma este Upanishad como el arco y coloca en él la flecha afilada de la devoción. Si así lo haces, tu mente permanecerá sujeta y darás en el blanco, que es el Indestructible."

posted evening of June 9th, 2014: Respond
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Saturday, May 31st, 2014

🦋 far out!

posted afternoon of May 31st, 2014: Respond
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Monday, May 26th, 2014

🦋 Quiero ser Varamo

I could swear I've read the first pages of Varamo before now. Possibly a long excerpt was posted on somebody's blog? They dovetail way too closely for comfort with my own fantasy life...

Un día de 1923, en la ciudad de Colón (Panamá), un escribiente de tercera salía del Ministerio donde cumplía funciones, al terminar su jornada de trabajo, después de pasar por la Caja para cobrar su sueldo, porque era el último día hábil del mes. En el lapso que fue entre ese momento y el amanecer del día siguiente, unas diez o doce horas después, escribió un largo poema, completo desde la decisión de escribirlo hasta el punto final, tras el cual no habría agregados ni enmiendas....

posted afternoon of May 26th, 2014: 1 response
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🦋 variations

Over time, working at the Branch Library, I came to think of all books as just misprinted editions of Moby-Dick. Carol told me she felt the same way.
Shaenon K. Garrity has written the only (non-graphic*) "Library of Babel" fanfic that will ever need to be written.

* There is certainly still room for a "Library of Babel" graphic novel. Make with the infinite libraries, cartoonists!

posted afternoon of May 26th, 2014: Respond
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Sunday, May 25th, 2014

🦋 things

Some asemic poetry from Volodymyr Bilyk:

posted afternoon of May 25th, 2014: Respond
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Friday, May 16th, 2014

🦋 Intenciones extendidas

El poemario es cosa física!

posted afternoon of May 16th, 2014: 2 responses
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Saturday, May third, 2014

🦋 A different kind of asemic writing

The final canto of Altazor is sui generis. It is "asemic" -- it communicates a text without using an established language.


Al aia aia
ia ia ia aia ui
Lali lalá
Rimbibolam lam lam
Uiaya zollonario
Monlutrella monluztrella
Montresol y mandotrina
Ai ai
Montesur en lasurido
Lusponsedo solinario
Aururaro ulisamento lalilá
Ylarca murllonía
Hormajauma marijauda
Olamina olasica lalilá
Olandera uruaro
Ia ia campanuso compasedo
Aí ai mareciente y eternauta
Redontella tallerendo lucenario
Ia ia
Ai i a
Ai ai aia
layu yu
ayu yu
Sensorida e infimento
Ululayo ululamento
Cantasorio ululaciente
Oraneva yu yu yo
Infilero e infinauta zurrosía
Jaurinario ururayó
Montañfendo oraranía
Arorasía ululacente
ivarisa tarirá
Campanudio lalalí
Auriciento auronida
Io ia
Ai a i a a i i i i o ia
Here is Juan Ángel Italiano reading it:

posted afternoon of May third, 2014: Respond
➳ More posts about Altazor: The Journey by Parachute


por J Osner

de mandarle al Agua
que sea agua
ni a la Tierra que sea tierra
ni tampoco a la luz
y la oscuridad que se separen
debe hacer creador el Fuego
y lo dejar

posted afternoon of May third, 2014: 1 response
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🦋 Monday's Lunch

Tunes in the mail today! Check it out:

posted morning of May third, 2014: 1 response
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🦋 la Universidad Desconocida: week 2

I presented my chapbook of biblical verse, and got good notes. Primarily -- I should keep my poems short and intense, and resonant; anchor the ideas in imagery; and surprise the reader. The favorite was "Esquéleto":


Esto son mis huesos
desnudos; vestilos
en carne, inspirámelo
el Espíritu a mí.
Planteá Vos la sembra espiritual
que crezca y florezca profecía
que sueñe yo los sueños
de iluminación
Readings for next week are Latin American vanguard poems, a beautiful selection (which somehow manages to omit Pasos and Cuadras).

posted morning of May third, 2014: 1 response
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