Saturday, April 19th, 2014
I've started putting together a chapbook of poems based on Biblical verses -- using as a core the poems I've been posting lately under the tag book:bible. It's looking interesting! I'll present the chapbook at the taller de poesía en la Universidad Desconocida. The contents (currently -- I am hoping to write at least one more poem this weekend):
- "Profetizarse" -- quotes from Genesis, John. Invocation of God asking for His Word.
- "Caminos de la carne y del EspÃritu" -- quotes from Romans, Psalms. Dialog between flesh and Spirit.
- "Vete y haz lo mismo" -- quotes from Luke. Meditation on the parable of the good Samaritan.
- "Tíramela" -- quotes from Leviticus, John. Meditation on casting the first stone.
- (untitled) -- quote from Ecclesiastes.
- "insensible" -- quote from Matthew.
- (untitled) -- Meditation on prophesy with reference to Joel.
- "Esqueleto" -- Meditation on prophesy.
- "Lo que diría la esposa de Lot" by Karen Finneyfrock.
posted morning of April 19th, 2014: 1 response ➳ More posts about The Bible
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Saturday, April 26th, 2014
La presa
por J Osner
Las lÃneas suaves y lÃquidas
del poema
se deslizan en su corriente
entre rumor de historia antigua
entre voces que a uno le reavivan la memoria
de conocidos -- Ãntimos
y más distantes --
y quizá también de extranjeros --
sobre una presa dura
de emociones
una estructura intelectual que debe mostrarselo
a través del corriente rápido
de sonidos
nunca tan claramente
porque nunca están identicas
ni pueden serlo
la forma y la intención
y la una oscurece a la otra
como piedras
en el lecho del rÃo
se parecen los attributos
del poema
como un canto
cuyas letras se deben ignorar
para entenderlo
posted evening of April 26th, 2014: Respond ➳ More posts about Writing Projects
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Sunday, April 27th, 2014
both very much still works in progress; I'm liking the progress... Bienvenida
por J Osner
Pues imaginá
de atardecer---es
casi oscuro
no podrÃas dar número
ni asignar nombre
a los mil tonos
de sombra que se efrentan
a tus ojos
pero recordalas
estas rayas de falta
de color
porque son
tu alma
La ontogenia recapitula la filogenia
por J Osner
Cada lectura del poema recapitula
las dudas y incertidumbres
los desasosiegos del autor
en que consiste
su escritura
como árbol se crece el poema
de la haz de la página fecunda
sembrada con sentido
consiste el poema
en ramificaciones
del sentido original
cada vez multiplicándose
hasta que
no se puede decir
en cuáles ramas
se van a florecer
la hermosura y la perspicacia
ni qué van a significar
y cada lectura recapitula
esta procesa de derivación -- saltá
y agarrá
la rama principal; asà se empezarÃa
tu ascenso
Tus manos carecen
corteza áspera del texto
los carecen a tus ojos
los contornos suaves
de la letra
y a tus oÃdos los sonidos broncos
del incertidumbre del poeta
posted afternoon of April 27th, 2014: Respond ➳ More posts about Projects
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Para hacer retrato de un alondro del cielo
por J Osner
Piensa primero una jaula
con la puerta abierta
--Jacques Prévert
pero la alondra no se deja captar, tampoco en la jaula cantará
ni en el lienzo del pintor; ni
en la página blanca del poeta. Los silbidos trinantes
de mid-80's video games
se oyen encima del campo
y se desvanecen; fugaces
como toda hermosa
posted afternoon of April 27th, 2014: 1 response
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Saturday, May third, 2014
I presented my chapbook of biblical verse, and got good notes. Primarily -- I should keep my poems short and intense, and resonant; anchor the ideas in imagery; and surprise the reader. The favorite was "Esquéleto":
Esto son mis huesos
desnudos; vestilos
en carne, inspirámelo
el Espíritu a mí.
Planteá Vos la sembra espiritual
que crezca y florezca profecía
que sueñe yo los sueños
de iluminación
Readings for next week are Latin American vanguard poems, a beautiful selection (which somehow manages to omit Pasos and Cuadras).
posted morning of May third, 2014: 1 response ➳ More posts about The Unknown University
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Génesispor J Osner
de mandarle al Agua
que sea agua
ni a la Tierra que sea tierra
ni tampoco a la luz
y la oscuridad que se separen
debe hacer creador el Fuego
y lo dejar
posted afternoon of May third, 2014: 1 response ➳ More posts about Readings
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Friday, May 16th, 2014
El poemario es cosa fÃsica!
posted afternoon of May 16th, 2014: 2 responses ➳ More posts about Roberto Bolaño
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Monday, June 16th, 2014
"The Cauldron of Verse" by J. Osner,
The poem (if it's successful) always functions on some level
as a metaphor for time: the reader's memory will integrate
the poem (if it's successful) so its meter and its rhyme make up
a cauldron through which filters reader's vision of experience:
the moment, just off-kilter, just opaque enough to shadow
(just concrete enough to straddle) future and the past which bubble
up through the poem (if it's successful)
and comprise the self you narrate to the world.
posted evening of June 16th, 2014: 1 response
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Friday, July 11th, 2014
Working on another chapbook -- this one is tentatively titled "The moment of the poem: Extensions".
posted morning of July 11th, 2014: 1 response
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Saturday, July 26th, 2014
The moment of the poem, by J. Osner
Poems you read, they shape you – watch the singsong of their syllables chase images of light and shadow down syntactic tunnels. Creep down along the sung semantic corridor to where it leads;
act out some solemn ritual of determination.
The poem (if it's successful) always
functions on some level as a metaphor
for time: the reader's memory will
integrate the poem (if it's successful)
so its meter and its rhyme make up a cauldron through which filters reader's vision of experience: the moment, just off-kilter, just opaque enough to shadow (just concrete enough to straddle) future and the past which bubble up through the poem (if it's successful) and comprise the self you narrate to the world.
There is no calculus of consciousness.
The moment that you dwell in is no delta t,
no limit;
its kaleidoscopic boundaries recede.
posted afternoon of July 26th, 2014: 1 response
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