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Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream -- a scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows -- is essentially poetry.

Michel Leiris

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🦋 Two poetry events

I went to two different, entirely copacetic poetry events today. In the afternoon was the Medicine Show Theater poetry workshop, led by Martin Espada who turns out to be a wonderful teacher; the workshop's subject was poems that deal with one's motivation for writing poetry. One of the poems used for introduction of the topic was Espada's own The Playboy Calendar and the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám. This was almost too neat of a coincidence -- the poetic image I'd been working with all week was "the moving hand writes and having writ moves on," and taking this image as the motivating force for me to write poetry. Here is what I came up with --

A jug of wine and thou: The art of consciousness
by J Osner

nor all your Piety nor Wit
shall lure it back to cancel half a line.
So just let roll
this animation
this unhoped-for, imagined moving picture
let move these fingers, moving fingers
moving, writing, moving on
these dancing fingers
across the page
on the other side of my eyes
and trail their strands of inky meaning
and befuddlement
So just watch the fingers
see what they have to say
remember in the end they're yours

So watch these twining braided lines of florid text
into sentences and sensations and lineations
evocations of senselessness, fading crenellated echoes
of bifurcation
into written finality

So start now to articulate
the moving meanings that motivate
this text amassing
lines unfolding
and relating
inky meaning
in memory
inky unfolding asemic semantic kernel
of beauty

In the evening, I went to the launch party for the Universidad Desconocida. This is going to be great -- I spoke to Enrique Winter, who will be leading the taller de poesía, and found him to be familiar with Huidobro and extremely receptive to the idea of writing in a language not your mother tongue -- he said a non-Spanish-speaking friend had found that the distance from the language allows for more precise, analytical use of the language -- exactly what has drawn me to writing Spanish poetry. So, well, this will be great.

posted evening of Saturday, February 8th, 2014
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The line "this unhoped-for, imagined moving picture" is not very meaningful. The meaning I'm trying to convey is of an animation in my field of vision and (imagined) in my mind. Unhoped-for snuck in when I free-associated from imaginada to inesperada, which word I like but without being quite sure what I mean by it. I have edited the line to "this unexpected picture moving frame by frame" which I think is a bit of an improvement.

posted morning of February 10th, 2014 by J


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