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Adamastor, by Júlio Vaz Júnior


Jeremy's journal

Be quiet the doctor's wife said gently, let's all keep quiet, there are times when words serve no purpose, if only I, too, could weep, say everything with tears, not have to speak in order to be understood.

José Saramago

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🦋 Patrone de las causas urgentes y justas

A few lines from Marta Aponte Alsina's "Glen Island (1900)" . A prayer to Expeditus, the patron saint of urgent causes:

The days do not have 24 hours -- what you do today you will atone tomorrow, what today you seek will be bestowed on you tomorrow -- sometimes it will not even be your turn. The only speedy saint is San Expedito. ....

Do not envy the lion his mane, nor the untamed colt
his skull; nor yet the brawny
hippopotamus his enormous loin
Who prunes the bushy branches of the Baobab,
Roars at the wind.

posted evening of Thursday, June 13th, 2013
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No envidia al léon la crin, ni al potro rudo
El casco, ni al membrudo
Hipopótamo el lomo corpulento
Quien bajo los ramajes del copudo
Baobab, ruge al viento

(Rubén Dario, Estival)

posted evening of June 13th, 2013 by Jeremy

That's "He does not envy... he who prunes... and roars..."

posted evening of January 21st, 2014 by J


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