The READIN Family Album
Me and Sylvia, walkin' down the line (May 2005)


Jeremy's journal

At first I didn't quite know what I would do with the book, other than read it over and over again. My distrust of history then was still strong, and I wanted to concentrate on the story for its own sake, rather than on the manuscript's scientific, cultural, anthropological, or 'historical' value. I was drawn to the author himself.

Orhan Pamuk

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🦋 Instrucciones

Escucha; oye. Mira. Ve.
¿Qué oyes, pues, amigo? ¿Me oyes
gritar en mi espanto hondo?
Tu mirada me recuerda algunas cosas olvidadas;
dime cosa divertida, hecho falso, algo que
yo pueda olvidar en su lugar.
Oh confuso, casi ciego, busca
simpatía o rechazo
—tratamiento por curarte—
escucha; oye. Mira. Ve.

posted evening of Tuesday, August 28th, 2012
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Primitivo -- sofisticado
que tu graznido
el micrófono, y los amplificadores
y las lágrimas

posted evening of September first, 2012 by The Modesto Kid

Me toca me bendice padre
no bendígasme, mi padre
aunque he pecado

posted evening of September first, 2012 by The Modesto Kid

Instrucciones by The Modesto Kid

posted evening of September first, 2012 by The Modesto Kid

Autotranslation attempt:

by The Modesto Kid/tr. Jeremy Osner

Listen; hear. Look: see:
What are you hearing, my friend? Hear me
screaming in my pit of terror?
Your face brings it all back, things I had forgotten;
tell me something, make me laugh, some lie
for me to remember instead of all that.
Confused man, almost blind, go look
for friendship or rejection
—seek some treatment—
Listen; hear. Look. See.

Caveman — sophisticate —
slowly your cawing
    will seep
the mics, and the PA
and the tears

Touch me bless me o my father
Don't bless me father
Even though I've sinned

posted morning of September second, 2012 by Jeremy


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