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Me and Ellen and a horse (July 20, 2007)


Jeremy's journal

Fix your eyes where the lonely sun sets in the immense sea.

Miguel de Unamuno

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🦋 Spanish Lit Month

Welcome to visitors from Caravana de recuerdos -- I am glad to be observing Spanish Lit Month this July along with Richard and the rest. Reading Bartleby y compañía, watching Cría cuervos... And principally I seem to be using this Spanish Lit Month as an occasion to create some Spanish language poetry (and/or prose, hasn't really gelled into one or the other yet) of my own! Perhaps this will interest you, perhaps not -- this link will (loosely) track that project.

For the time being, I'll be writing all or most of my posts going back and forth between English and a clumsy, stilted attempt at Spanish; hoping people will bear with me...

Some archival material that may interest you: Slavko Zupcic, The Art of Resurrection and Our Lady of the Dark Flowers both by Hernán Rivera Letelier, endless nattering about Borges... A poem I quite like from Unamuno, and some from Pablo Antonio Cuadra. A few fun Argentine stories.

posted afternoon of Sunday, July 8th, 2012
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Belated thanks for this "table of contents," Jeremy--will have to backtrack and read some of those earlier posts of your I've missed, but suerte with your ongoing writing attempts in Spanish--a noble ambition!

posted morning of July 12th, 2012 by Richard

Thanks Richard, and thanks for setting up this event.

posted evening of July 12th, 2012 by Jeremy

A couple of other archive posts worthy of your consideration: readings from García Lorca and Huidobro

posted evening of July 13th, 2012 by Jeremy


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