The READIN Family Album
Tyndareus Crushed, by Igor Mitoraj (taken August 2005)


Jeremy's journal

Los verdaderos poemas son incendios. La poesí­a se propaga por todas partes, iluminando sus consumaciones con estremecimientos de placer o de agoní.

Vicente Huidobro

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🦋 Revision!

Another stab at the story of Laura and Peter's day in the life.


Laura's wishing Peter would just
Drop this false persona, would just
Break this patterned silence
Where he's built a lonesome castle. Now she
Cries out in the morning when she
Wakes and finds him gone. She wishes
He'd reach out and touch her, wants
To hold him in his grief -- she wants to
Have back these long years that
     she's been waiting for his voice. Peter's
Walking in the garden, where his
Winding paths are laid,
Blooming crocus in the springtime, blooming
Hostas in the shade, he wanders
Down the road to town, but nothing's
Open Sunday morning, now he
Rubs his eyes and wonders if he'll
      ever find his home.

Expectation conquers knowledge and the
Evidence of senses; what I
      see and hear and feel
      I'll never grasp, I'll never find;
For all I cogitate and pray I'll never
Sit beside your bedside, seeing
Gauzy patterns traced out
On the page of wounded time.

She gets up, groggy, runs the water,
Steaming up the mirror, she hears
Peter downstairs in the kitchen,
      hopes he's making coffee,
Laura's tired out, she didn't sleep well,
Combs her hair and squints and in the
Mirror she can see the look of
      anguish on her face.

She's downstairs with a cup of coffee,
Looking quizzically at Peter,
Peter's solemn face that just
      can't seem to meet her gaze.
A question's in the air and they both know it, but the
      heavy silence keeps their lips held tight; keeps
Heavy thoughts drawn back to yesterday.

Peter in his sweatshirt and his
Groggy eyes, unshaven, takes the
     coffeepot that's sitting
On the table, on the table.
He mumbles some reply to Laura's gaze, he smells the coffee,
Smiles weakly, frets; he says
The weather's beautiful outside this morning,
      springtime Sunday morning, says
      we ought to take our bikes up to the Glen Trail, take a ride.  


Laura's in the garden, weeding,
Smiling, legs are aching
From the ride up Union Hill to Chester
      fresh now in her memory;
She bends down, and the shadow
Of the mountain laurel's branches
Writes — asemic scripture sliding off her shoulder as she moves.
Peter's sitting reading in the sunshine, drinking coffee,
Now his book lies open on the lawn,
      he's watching Laura working,
Dancing slow across the garden,
Yellow t-shirt smudged with topsoil,
Dancing slow across the garden
      through the sunlight and the shade.


Laura's by the bedside, catches
Peter's eye, she smiles and asks him
      what's he thinking, work tomorrow, ready for another week?
He yawns and stretches, smiles back, already dreaming some,
      he mumbles, says let's take some time off in July, he'll maybe
      take some days around the 4th... and fireworks already going
      off in the air around them

posted morning of Sunday, July first, 2012
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And thanks, Jorge López, for suggesting I change Lauren's name back to Laura. Good call.

posted morning of July first, 2012 by Jeremy

posted afternoon of July first, 2012 by Jeremy


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