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— Sir Francis Bacon

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🦋 La literatura del Norte grande

So right now I'm reading Ariel Dorfman's Desert Memories -- a fantastic book, one I recommend highly though I have yet to write anything about it -- it is making me think I should start keeping a bibliography of books dealing with northern Chile. This book will serve as the jumping-off point I think, for one thing because this bibliography would be directed towards an English reading audience and the book is written in English (and Dorfman seems like a marvelously interesting figure, certainly worth seeking out the rest of his work); all of Rivera Letelier's work will be on the list with big stars next to it indicating it ought to be published in translation; what else?

  • I expect The Motorcycle Diaries includes a lot of time riding through the Atacama and probably belongs on the list.
  • Juan Ignacio Molina's Geographical, Natural and Civil History of Chili should be present as background information.
  • Andrés Sabella Gálvez's Norte grande.
  • The work of José Joaquín Vallejo Boscoski (Jotabeche) appears to be seminal to the literature of salitreras.
  • Escritores desde el límite describes itself as a blog dedicated to the literature and history of northern Chile; I have not looked at it any further yet.
  • Another potential source of information is this article on El salitre en la literatura, from
  • Lessie Jo Frazier's Salt in the Sand. And Dr. Frazier's bibliography is quite huge, and could mostly be incorporated.
  • Sergio González Miranda's Ofrenda a una masacre: La emancipación pampina de 1907.
  • Wars are popular subjects for fiction and history -- I'm sure there is a good deal of reading to be done about the War of the Pacific.
  • Parra's Sermones y prédicas del Cristo de Elqui.
What else? If you've done any reading about the north of Chile, fiction or history ot otherwise, please post in comments. Movies too! (imdb gives me an Argentine film from 1959 called Salitre and a Portuguese short from 2005 of the same title, and a brand-new Mexican documentary called El salitre, esbozo de una historia en fuga. And Patricio Guzmán's Nostalgia de la luz looks well worth watching.)

posted afternoon of Sunday, January 23rd, 2011
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Did you know around 10 years ago TVN (chilean national television), broadcasted Pampa Ilusión, a very well produced soap opera based on the last years of the salitreras?
I never saw the whole thing, but it marked great ratings and its last chapter (with the closing of the salitrera) was quite good, as far as I remember!

posted evening of February 10th, 2011 by Jorge López

In part of Desert Memories, Dorfman is touring Humberstone, the former salitrera that is being opened as a museum, and where Pampa Ilusión was filmed; some teenage girls come and ask where the house of Mr. Flack is -- after directing them to where it is, the museum director complains to Dorfman that the telenovela gave a false vision of life on the pampa, did "more harm than good."

posted morning of February 11th, 2011 by Jeremy

...Looks like Pampa Ilusión is not on either Hulu or Netflix. There are many clips from it on YouTube though.

posted morning of February 11th, 2011 by Jeremy

AFAIK it had *some* social commentary, but it was a soap opera after all!
I think you can find most of it on youtube, though I'm not sure if it's really worth it

posted morning of February 11th, 2011 by Jorge López

You may be interested in checking out:
- Caliche sangriento (about the Guerra del Pacifico)
- Cronica del Salitre (documentary)

I haven't seen them, but they may be worth the search!

posted morning of February 11th, 2011 by Jorge López


posted morning of February 11th, 2011 by Jeremy


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