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Lo primordial, hermanos míos, no es nuestro sufrimiento, sino cómo lo llevamos a lo largo de la vía.

el Cristo de Elqui

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🦋 Busy, fun, weekend

Lots of stuff going on this weekend! Sylvia (a child of the millenium, a dragon baby) is as of today, no longer able to write her age with a single digit (assuming of course that she is writing in decimal notation). We are having a birthday dinner with some friends this evening, and tomorrow afternoon her party will be at the Raptor Trust in the Great Swamp.

The other big activity for me, outside of celebrating Sylvia's birthday, is fiddling. Barbara Lamb is in town this weekend, she's giving a concert at Menzel Violins tomorrow afternoon -- I can't make it because of the party, alas, but I've arranged for a fiddle lesson this morning. Really looking forward to it! I've learned her jig "Twisty Girl", I'm hoping she'll teach me "Älgen på taket". And the fiddling continues this afternoon, when Mountain Station (i.e. me and John) will have its first gig, at John's neighborhood block party. I'm pretty shocked at the amount of music we are comfortable playing -- we didn't work out a set list exactly, but we have enough songs to play for an hour set easily, and the order of the songs will determine itself...

posted morning of Saturday, September 18th, 2010
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Still single digits in duodecimal or hex, though. Nice thing with those bases--puts off the teenage years a while :)

posted afternoon of September 18th, 2010 by George

This song "Aelgen på taket" reminds me of my youth in sweden when my father took me to all kinds of swedish folk music festivals.
Tried to find some more information of this beautiful tune but it seems pretty hard to get any..
Can you please help me with some information about this tune.

posted evening of November 8th, 2011 by Frode Schulze

Hi Frode, you ought to try getting in touch with Barbara Lamb. She would probably be able to help you out.

posted evening of November 8th, 2011 by Jeremy

("Älgen på taket" is from her record Swedish Design.)

posted morning of November 9th, 2011 by Jeremy


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