So a few weeks ago I had an idea for the beginning of a story... I've been working on it for a little while and am still not totally sure where it's going; if any of you would like to take a look at it and tell me your thoughts about it, I'd be glad to have your feedback on where to go with it. I'm not sure what it means that I am revising and reworking this piece more heavily than I have worked with any other writing I've done that I can think of, besides maybe the review of Death with Interruptions; this is already the third or fourth revision of the story's beginning. The story is going to be called "Silent Rain" -- I'm trying to capture the psychological/linguistic conditions and sensations created by absence and by the perception of absence. Comments welcome.
posted morning of Saturday, September 11th, 2010
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With a fictional html to boot! With titles like 'Empty,' 'Pause,' 'Fumbling,' it was like half expecting a character named Presence to absent herself from the scene and someone named Absence to suddenly enter it. Is it to be made up of other textual fragments? Or will the narrative be shaped linearly by these first lines? I am curious as to how the emptiness will emerge from the void. :p
posted evening of September 17th, 2010 by Rise
I'm playing around with different ideas. I would like to write a lot of fragments about this group of characters, with the setting being Daniel's composition of this work "Silent Rain" (which is the same work I am writing), the end of his and Carla's marriage, the group's attempts to get recognition for their artistic works... told in the context of this fawning admirer writing several decades later, who is convinced that this unrecognized group was the key artistic movement of the early 21st Century.
posted morning of September 18th, 2010 by Jeremy
Thinking now about having the point of view character be John, who as the nameless critic points out is just a footnote to the movement's history...
posted afternoon of September 18th, 2010 by Jeremy