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We all know where we were born, o my brothers, but not where our bones will lie buried.

el Cristo de Elqui

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🦋 Set List

John was over tonight (after the reading) and we jammed out for a couple of hours. This is the approximate set list with some comments. (Hoping to keep set lists every time we play -- that seems like a good way of keeping track of the music.)

  • Prodigal Son -- this was good, maybe my favorite song of the evening. I used to play a pretty good version of this on guitar, I'm finding it's a very different song on violin -- here is a tape of me playing it, except with no guitar or vocals: Prodigal Son (the ending needs work, both in the solo and duet versions)
  • California Stars by Woody Guthrie and Wilco -- a really fun song to play. I'm trying to work out the structure of the song a little better. Playing the solos can be very much effortless, like laying one's head on a bed of California stars. But I have to maintain a balance, not sink too much into the bed.
  • Lay Me Down a Pallette on Your Floor -- another song that is very different on fiddle. Lovely old tune about adultery.
  • Beautiful World by ? -- don't quite get this song.
  • Angel From Montgomery by John Prine. I like playing this song a lot, not sure if I enjoy singing it.
  • IKY Rider
  • Honky Tonk Woman
  • Jockey Full of Bourbon by Tom Waits -- totally new song for me. I like it a lot.
  • Cry Baby Cry
  • Mother Nature's Son
  • Will the Circle Be Unbroken
  • Jesus Etc.
  • The Louisville Burglar

A song it would be fun to play:

  • Weary Day by the Stanley Bros.
  • Amazing Grace, but faster and without the lack of synchronization caused by recording in multiple tracks -- which should be easily solved by having two people play it instead of one in two takes.
  • After Midnight by Patsy Cline

posted evening of Friday, November 6th, 2009
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love Prodigal Son. i had my Tele tuned to open D for many months while i tried to duplicate Keith Richard's playing on the Stones' version.

i came pretty close, not perfect though. Keith is a really good rhythm player - seriously underrated.

posted afternoon of November 9th, 2009 by cleek

Nice. Yeah I used to play it in Drop-D, mainly because I hated retuning. That was sort of the first song that I ever really came up with a coherent guitar part for, not too close to Keith's though.

posted afternoon of November 9th, 2009 by Jeremy


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