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🦋 Codices

John Holbo's latest episode of Squid and Owl (if you haven't been reading along, view them as a slide show here -- funny stuff) mentioned the pleasantly-named Codex Zouche-Nutall, which sent me looking to find out more about it. Turns out scanned images of it and several other Aztec, Miztec and Mayan codices are online at the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies website.

posted morning of Saturday, June 27th, 2009
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(warning: cynical dissent follows, con permiso)

Yes, the codex is interesting , but artistically, not too complex--perfect for Holblo's Dilbert-meets-the interior decorator style. And I sort of doubt JH the great philosophaster can read the glyphs (or mayan).

Check out Tenniel's original illustrations for Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking Glass for the authentic sort of victorian graphic whimsy that JH the Wannabestein attempts on his Apple.

posted afternoon of June 27th, 2009 by Perezoso

Don't see where Holbo makes any claim to be able to read the glyphs, or how that is relevant. Tenniel's illustrations are great, and are certainly one of the things Squid and Owl calls to mind.

posted afternoon of June 27th, 2009 by Jeremy


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