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🦋 Crazy

"Maybe she just wrote this way because she's crazy" is their way of saying that Dickinson can't possibly have thought about how slant rhyme unsettles the reader, or how her dashes would disrupt the flow of traditional meter in evocative ways. She was just crazy, and so none of our methodological processes of analysis can be used. Crazy is a get-out-of-analysis-free card.
A White Bear has a thoughtful post up today about teaching Dickinson (and David Foster Wallace) to her English students without letting the discussion of the works get derailed talking about how the author was crazy. This has come up a lot in my experience of literature because I've noticed over the years, many of the authors that have really spoken to me have had psychological problems -- enough to have made me think at times that being crazy, or damaged, or addictive was a privilege, something I envied these artists. Which of course is pretty screwed up in a lot of ways. Anyways, AWB's take on it is clear-headed and meaningful, recommended reading.

posted evening of Thursday, June 25th, 2009
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AWB's a loud, arrogant , sentimental hack, Kid M. Sort of like a female version of , say, Holblo.

And to think you were doing so well with Ez Pound (and Ez I wager a bit fonder of Aristotelian reals than of the Platonic ghosts).

posted afternoon of June 26th, 2009 by Perezoso

Disagree -- about AWB and Holbo, both.

posted afternoon of June 26th, 2009 by Jeremy

Not to indulge in the usual blogger's Ad Hom. but you might recall some Poundian dicta on modern philosophers---3rd rate minds or something to that effect. Methinx he was referring to the Wittgenstein crew that Holblo idolizes--including the Fabian society, and Bertie Russell. However brilliant Russell was a whig, or at least son of whigs. Pound detested the whigs, roundheads, Lockean-Millian sorts of liberals, and the victorian sorts as well.

EP sided with the Ancients (tho' not the cartoony version that JH promotes). Like Joyce, EP did not lack Dantean aspects as well--something the cyber-buffoons and ironists don't really understand.

posted afternoon of June 26th, 2009 by Perezoso

Yeah, like I said the other day, my interest in Pound is pretty superficial. Wittgenstein and that lot seem to have some pretty interesting ideas and I'm always happy for somebody like Holbo who's interested in helping me understand them. & definitely find "cartoony ancients" worthwhile -- that is practically the best kind of ancient in my book.

posted afternoon of June 26th, 2009 by Jeremy

Alas, Holblo's not likely to be of much help--even with his beloved Wittgenstein (peruse Witt's poker for some insight into the mad Ludwig).

Read JH's stuff on CT, you will note he code-switches routinely--from a sort of implied Platonic realism to naturalism ala Nietzsche or the Dennett crew, etc. JH plays it both ways--nay, all ways. His pompous, bombastic, hyperbolic writing is itself the antithesis of Poundian clarity and simplicity (or even of say Nietzsche's bon mots).

Try Copleston for some solid writing on philosophical klassics. Or even Russell--however uneven, or glib at times, BR had read the moderns closely (I don't think JH ever did) --tho' he didn't have the love for tradition that say Pound and Eliot did--BR advised students that they were "better off with a week with Newton, than a year with Plato" or something like that.

posted afternoon of June 26th, 2009 by Perezoso


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