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Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.

I John 3:18

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🦋 Water, Wealth, Contentment, Misery

Modesto gets the recognition which is its due! We are more miserable than Flint, MI, but less so than Cleveland, OH; our next-door neighbor Stockton takes top honors.

Update from my dad:

The idea that life in Modesto is "miserable" is laughable. Individual lives (anywhere) are miserable, but the total of misery here is not worse than most. I think I could name numerous places in the US where I would be more "miserable." These things are all dependent on the metric chosen. That said, Modesto seems to consistently come out in the bottom of the pack on these ratings listings. (I'll bet I could design one to boost it, though, just by choosing what factors/measurement sets to use).

posted morning of Tuesday, February 10th, 2009

Modesto is a city I've never heard of. I've seen mentions to cities such as Fresno or Sacramento, but never thought the "modesto kid" nickname came from a city!

posted evening of February 10th, 2009 by Jorge López

Modesto is midway between Fresno and Sacramento! It is thusly named because William C. Ralston, the banker who founded the city, was too modest to allow the city to be named after him. That's where I grew up.

posted evening of February 10th, 2009 by Jeremy


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