The READIN Family Album
Me and Gary, brooding (September 2004)


Jeremy's journal

Be quiet the doctor's wife said gently, let's all keep quiet, there are times when words serve no purpose, if only I, too, could weep, say everything with tears, not have to speak in order to be understood.

José Saramago

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🦋 Bing, Bang, Bong

I got interested in the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain a little earlier today, by way of Patrick's link to their "Life on Mars". Which is a fine performance. But check this out: "Satellite of Love". Just stunning.

Just love that singer's voice -- if I'm reading their list of band members correctly, her name is Kitty Lux. (I like the male singer a lot too, Jonty Banks I believe is his name, who has the lead in "Life on Mars"; but not in the same gut-level way. He is a technically gifted singer with a lovely voice*; she is that and also is expressive where he is sometimes emotionally flat.)

* Wait, strike that -- went back and listened to it again -- Banks is a fair singer but "technically gifted" is overstating the matter.

posted evening of Monday, June 30th, 2008
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That's a seriously sweet vintage Martin soprano that the featured guy is playing.

posted evening of June 30th, 2008 by scruss


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