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Jeremy's journal

Decide that you like college life. In your dorm you meet many nice people. Some are smarter than you. And some, you notice, are dumber than you. You will continue, unfortunately, to view the world in exactly these terms for the rest of your life.

Lorrie Moore

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Thursday, May 24th, 2012

🦋 QE Roughs

Andy Metcalfe has, in his Soundcloud role as flatpicker, been posting some rough mixes from the Queen Elvis sessions -- that is one of the Hitchcock records that I'm least familiar with and it is great listening to these versions.

Dig it!

posted evening of May 24th, 2012: 2 responses
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Tuesday, May 22nd, 2012

🦋 Ecce Bilbo

In foramine terræ habitabat hobbitus.
Middle Earth Network News reports that Mark Walker's Latin translation of The Hobbit will be available this fall.

posted evening of May 22nd, 2012: Respond
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Monday, May 21st, 2012

🦋 Pix of the Party

Darcy had her new camera along when she came over on Friday, and she got some great photos --- a selection is at the Family Album for your viewing pleasure.

posted evening of May 21st, 2012: Respond
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Sunday, May 20th, 2012

🦋 North, then east: Argentina to Brazil

La culpa is (must be said first of all, and I am after all just starting out reading it) an amazing, wonderful book. I have two questions about the setting; I'm hoping someone reading my notes will be able to clue me in.

César leaves Buenos Aires hitchhiking, bound for a Brazilian town on the coast, between Porto Alegre and Florianópolis; the route he takes is north to the Brazilian border, crossing into Uruguayana and then west to Porto Alegre. (This happens before page 1; the book starts with his crossing into Uruguayana.) Looking at a map it seems like it would be shorter to cut northeast through Uruguay; but I have no idea what the ramifications of this would be in terms of ease of travel or specifically of hitching a ride. I'm assuming the route he takes is the natural one but would love to get confirmation/​explanation of that. (The historical period is probably of interest here; his trip takes place 16 years after the coup -- or rather, 16 years after his last trip there, which was a few years before the coup -- I assume this is referring to the 1976 coup, so the story must be set, at a guess, in 1988 or 89.)

Also, I wonder how much language difficulty is to be expected for a Porteño hitchhiking in southern Brazil. Communication with all of the people he interacts with seems to be pretty trouble-free -- or any troubles communicating are not based on language barrier -- and the dialog is written in Spanish, but it has crossed my mind to wonder if they are speaking Spanish, Portuguese, or something in-between.

Further research on the hitchhiking route -- Google Maps® suggests as a route from Buenos Aires to Porto Alegre, heading north to Uruguayana (although crossing the river into Uruguay at Concordia), so I guess the coastal route has issues not immediately apparent, and/or does not actually save distance. If the roadways are the same now as they were at the time of the story, it looks like César traveled through Argentina keeping on Highway 14, then across Brazil on Highway 290.

posted afternoon of May 20th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Hmm...

posted afternoon of May 20th, 2012: 2 responses
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Saturday, May 19th, 2012

🦋 Purple and Orange

Courtesy of Ellen's green thumb:

posted afternoon of May 19th, 2012: 1 response
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🦋 Otras Palomas (otros almuecines)

Some really striking passages are popping up in this collection of Giuseppe Ungaretti's poetry. Sound, listening, singing, sirens,...

y el mar es ceniciento
tiembla dulce inquieto
como una paloma

Agua confusa
como el ruido de popa que escucho
en la sombra

Hay niebla que nos borra
Tal vez nace un río por aquí
Escucho el canto de las sirenas

El sol roba la ciudad
No se ve más
Ni   siquiera   las   tumbas   resisten    demasiado

Below the fold a stunning elegy. Who is the translator? Not credited in the linked file -- possibly it is Luis Muñoz, his is the only name I am finding as a translator for Ungaretti in a few tries via Google.

posted afternoon of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Una Paloma

Speaking as I was the other day of epigraphs, here is a nice one (from one of my birthday books) --

De otros diluvios una paloma escucho

-- Ungaretti, 1925
(epigraph to Antonio Dal Masetto's La culpa, 2010)

I am taking this to be a reference (or more vaguely an allusion) to the dove that returns to Noah, a message of hope.

posted morning of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Richer than Midas, poorer than Bezos

I never realized this -- yesterday I was thinking about the King Midas legend (amid all the talk of wealth passing me right by...) and it occurred to me that Midas' golden touch must be, loosely and remotely, a root for Vonnegut's idea of ice-9.

posted morning of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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Friday, May 18th, 2012

🦋 Books for my birthday

A great party this evening! Some friends gave me books. Thanks, Janis! Thanks, Mariana!

  • Becoming Jimi Hendrix
  • Antigua vida mía
  • Manual de pintura y caligrafía
  • El siglo de las sombras
  • La culpa
  • Peanuts Guide to Life
Other friends gave me bottles of wine, also much appreciated; and Ellen and Sylvia gave me a spatula in the form of a Stratocaster. (Spatucaster? Stratula?)

posted evening of May 18th, 2012: Respond

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