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Sometimes I would forget Time altogether, and nestle into "now" as if it were a soft bed.

Orhan Pamuk

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Friday, September 12th, 2008

🦋 The Eye

Samuel Beckett's Film (1965), featuring Buster Keaton as O, has been uploaded to YouTube by user richardhead. It is too long for a single video but I've created a playlist so you can watch the whole thing sequentially. Beckett called his production "an interesting failure"; Times critic Dilys Powell called it "a load of old bosh." Katherine Waugh and Fergus Daly wrote a celebration of Film's 30th anniversary for the Spring 1995 issue of Film West, "Ireland's film quarterly."

posted morning of September 12th, 2008: Respond
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Thursday, September 11th, 2008

🦋 Twin Towers

Kathy's inaugural post at The Edge of the American West makes me wonder how much of the relevant history Sylvia knows about. I don't believe we've talked about it at any length with her; but she has made references to it. Maybe we should go over it some, she's getting old enough. (The events took place just a few days after we had come home from China.)

Not sure if it's a coincidence or what; but on this day, on this date, I find myself wanting to post some tower imagery. Below the fold for more.

posted afternoon of September 11th, 2008: Respond
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Wednesday, September 10th, 2008

Ellen's article about our bathroom renovation(s) is out, in today's Star-Ledger. With nice pictures of the rooms, and a lovely picture of Ellen and Sylvia.

posted evening of September 10th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Indexing and Retrieval

So some people at my company are using Lucene as part of a document retrieval system they're building -- I have interacted with them some and had formed the impression that it was sort of a database product, vaguely like MySql but with more fully featured searching. But now I'm learning a little more about it and am very impressed -- it makes searching totally independent of data storage. This seems like a fantastic idea, I'm really looking forward to learning more about it.

posted evening of September 10th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Queipo de Llano: bad guy

I've written up my summary of the story of Queipo de Llano's conquest of Seville -- you can read it over at History Time.

posted afternoon of September 10th, 2008: Respond
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Tuesday, September 9th, 2008

🦋 Let us give thanks for our poverty, said the guy dressed in rags.

Roberto Bolaño saw himself as a poet rather than a novelist: he said, “the poetry makes me blush less.” Now English speakers will have a chance to read some of his poetry; New Directions is publishing his first collection of poems, The Romantic Dogs, in translation this fall. (I can't tell whether the edition will be bilingual.*) At New Directions' site, you can read his poem The Worm, to get a taste -- I found it enchanting.

(This poem sounds a lot like Ginsberg to my ears -- I hope that is honest reading and not just free-associating off the New Directions imprint. Lines like "built of brick and mortar, between United States and Mexico" and "Twilights that enveloped Lisa's father/ at the beginning of the fifties" bring "Howl" clearly to mind. Oh and "I saw him with my own eyes" is awesome.)

*Aha! Amazon says it is bilingual.

posted afternoon of September 9th, 2008: 2 responses
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🦋 Wigs and rats'll get you killed

So I'm pretty mystified by this Lightnin' Hopkins lyric. Leaving aside the obsession with women who wear wigs, what's up with the rats? Am I hearing this wrong?

(I am definitely hearing at least some of it wrong -- "ain't her own line", "all over mine", "I went to swing out" are all approximations.)

Update: I found a more authoritative version of the lyrics at the African-American Registry. "Rats" is correct. (The verse starting "I woke up this morning" is not present in the recording I've been listening to, from Hello Central.)

Update: Aha! Just figured it out! Thanks, unknown browser who came to this site by searching for "are wigs made of rat hair?" -- This is obviously what Hopkins meant by "rats": "wigs (putatively) made from rat hair."

Update III: Another idea comes by way of Martha M. -- "rats" are the structures used to support outlandish early-20th-C hairdos. The OED says,

5. Something resembling a rat in shape.
a. U.S. A hair-pad with tapering ends.
1869 Mrs. Whitney We Girls v. (1874) 98 She can't buy coils and braids and two-dollar rats.
1888 Century Mag. 769 The crescent shaped pillows on which it [hair] was put up, the startling names of which were 'rats' and 'mice'.

posted afternoon of September 9th, 2008: 2 responses
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Monday, September 8th, 2008

🦋 Rabbit

In comments at The Great Whatsit, Rogan posts a link to a truly mind-blowing animation, by Run Wrake of Sclah Films (and based on the art of children's book illustrator Geoffrey Higham). It's got insects, jewels, words, idolatry, mindless brutality -- it takes my breath away:

posted evening of September 8th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Can Literature Save Your Life?

Not as a medicine, but it is one of the richest springs from which the spirit can drink. Perhaps it can't do great things for the body, but the soul needs literature like the mouth needs bread.
Literature is fortunately to hand -- Saramago has published a new book! The title is The Elephant's Journey; it is the story of the elephant Solomon, who in the 1500's travelled from Lisbon to Vienna. (This is what the article says; I'm presuming before that, he had also been transported from northern Africa to Lisbon.) It is not translated yet. And I have yet to read his most recently translated book, Death With Interruptions, about the problems of immortality.

Saramago is also in the news calling for Spain and Portugal to unite in a single nation under the name Iberia. Not sure what to make of this.

posted evening of September 8th, 2008: Respond
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Sunday, September 7th, 2008

🦋 A Happy Author

I am essentially a fiction writer, and if I ever cry, it's because I am worrying about the beauty of my book.
Orhan Pamuk is interviewed today in the Deutsche Welle (in English). He speaks about his concerns for Turkey vis-à-vis Europe, and about his life post-Nobel Prize, and about the museum of innocence he has assembled to complement his novel Museum of Innocence. Which sounds totally worth making a pilgrimage to Istanbul for.

posted evening of September 7th, 2008: Respond
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