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Thursday, April 17th, 2008

🦋 Weird

I just got a flyer in my in-box advertising a folk singer's upcoming performance; among other things it says "Her voice is unforgettable - big, soulful, kiss-ass, and wise." I don't think I have ever seen the adjective "kiss-ass" used in a positive sense before.

(Did they mean "kick-ass"?)

posted morning of April 17th, 2008: 2 responses

🦋 Something about this beautiful spring weather just makes people cranky and impatient

That's the only explanation I can see for the amount of honking I heard this morning on the way to work -- in parking lots, on the road, at stoplights -- it was just outta hand. I mean a lot of it was directed at me, a simple explanation for that would be that I'm a lousy driver; but a lot between other drivers, at pedestrians... I got so acclimated to it during my brief commute, I even honked at somebody who cut me off -- I never do that.

posted morning of April 17th, 2008: Respond

Wednesday, April 16th, 2008

🦋 Thought while watching Top Chef

"OK, now that Zoe is out, the coast is clear for Jennifer and Richard to get it together as the Big Hair team. Maybe they can hook up with Marcel once the show is over."

(Yeah okay, lame, whatever.)

posted evening of April 16th, 2008: Respond

🦋 Rumi in translation

Wow, look at this: the Mathnawi of Rumi (and other works -- possibly his complete works?), with multiple English translations and commentary. Awesome.

posted evening of April 16th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Pamuk on writing The Black Book

(From this interview with Horace Engdahl, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy.) Pamuk published The White Castle while he was in New York, being "his wife's husband" -- she was studying for her doctorate at Columbia University.

I had a little room at the library in which I wrote more than half of The Black Book. And very typical of a non-Western person coming through main cultural centers of Western civilisation, say London, Paris, New York, and then having a sort of an anxiety about his cultural identity, and, ah... I lived these things, and I faced the immense richness of American libraries and culture; and I began to ask myself, what is Turkish culture? What am I doing there? And at that time, I used to think that Turkey's cultural identity should only be a sort of ultra-Occidentalism.

There, at the age of 33, I began to read old Sufi allegories, the whole classic texts of Islamic mysticism -- most of them are classical Persian texts -- with an eye on Borges, on Calvino: they have told me to look at literary texts as sort of structures which have metaphysical qualities. I have learned from Borges and Calvino to delete the heavy religious vein of classical Islamic texts, and see these texts as sort of, em, geometrical shapes; metaphysical structures and allegories; parables full of literary games.

Also some interesting stuff in the interview about fluidity of identity and how that plays into his novels. Engdahl mentions René Girard -- Pamuk confirms that he likes what Girard has to say but says he came to Girard's stuff late in life; Engdahl asks if Pamuk sees jealosy as playing a major role in his work, and Pamuk agrees that it does.

posted evening of April 16th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Roy in print

Fantastic: Roy takes a stroll around the warblogs, with no less than Tom Tomorrow illustrating. Real-time blogging of the reaction here.

posted afternoon of April 16th, 2008: Respond

Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

🦋 O Brother Mine

Istanbul was an open book to him now; it harbored no secrets.

Galip's unravelling continues in Chapter 30 -- he accosts a stranger on a bus, asking "What does this snow signify? What does it augur?" -- and the reader is complicit in his insanity. The dream he recounts in this same interaction is breath-taking.

I'm having a little trouble reading this chapter -- I have started it over a couple of times thinking I'm missing the point. Today when I restarted it I was approaching it from an angle of "maybe Pamuk has blown his wad, Galip already became Celâl in the last two chapters, if he's going to spend the next hundred pages talking about the same thing there is a lot of potential for it to get boring." But I started to get excited about the story again as I was reading -- now it's seeming like Galip's eventual metamorphosis may be into the city of Istanbul. (Particularly interesting in this regard is that Freely is translating the names of Istanbul streets in this chapter, which I do not think she has been doing in the rest of the book -- it seems totally appropriate here.)

posted evening of April 15th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Skill and ability

Permit me to compose drunk for a moment, in honor of Michael's birthday. (Happy Birthday, Michael! Michael has been visiting us for a week, roughly, and is going away to Boston tomorrow. I always thought he was a native of Berlin, but turns out he is a native of southern Missouri who has lived most of his life in Berlin.)

Yoga class tonight was taught by a substitute (a little spacy, I thought -- and I have a nerve, to be thinking of other people as spaced out) -- when we did the corpse pose at the end of class I had the following thoughts:

  1. This is not a great pose for me to meditate in. I feel much less self conscious when standing or sitting.
  2. You know what would be great? I should just levitate now.
  3. OK, let's go, levitating muscles. Start lifting!

Well of course I didn't go anywhere. It made me start thinking, in a strongly non-meditative way, about Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a book which I just loved as a teenager and have felt embarrassed about ever since. See what I was thinking, roughly, was: If I was JLS I would just know that I could levitate, and it would happen independent of my wishing it to. But of course the point of JLS was that you didn't have to be a particular person to get this supernatural effect, you just had to be completely comfortable in your being.

posted evening of April 15th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Full Moon Fever

Speaking of Other Colors, this blog looks very promising. Orhan Pamuk category and all. Links to video of a conversation between Pamuk and Rushdie.

Speaking of Orhan Pamuk on video, here is a recent appearance at the NYPL. And offers a half-hour interview with the author. Plus, here is Maureen Freely discussing translating Pamuk's work.

posted morning of April 15th, 2008: Respond
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Monday, April 14th, 2008

🦋 Bond

This evening I saw the first James Bond movie I have ever seen: From Russia with Love. How did I like it? Well, I liked it. It seemed extremely similar to North by Northwest, which is a great movie to resemble. Didn't have Hitchcock's genius, maybe, so a lot of the attempts at wit came off as corny and a lot of the dialog was flat; but the photography was lovely, the action exciting, the plot twists not always expected.

Why did I watch the movie? I saw a reference to Goldfinger in Pamuk's Other Colors, and then read this letter in the NY Times, pointing out that Pamuk had the wrong movie in mind. Thought, I've never seen a Bond movie, maybe I'll see about it, added it to my Netflix queue.

posted evening of April 14th, 2008: Respond
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