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Me and Sylvia (April 4, 2002)


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We poets will write a thousand words to get at a single one.

Roberto Bolaño

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Thursday, August 6th, 2020

🦋 Jamming with myself

For a long time I've been wanting to get a jam going with the tin-can cello and my Stroh fiddle. The problem is, I can't play them both at the same time.... Multiple tracks to the rescue!

Here is the method I've hit on: I compose a rhythm section in Noteflight, then jam against that with fiddle and cello, recording the instrument I'm playing while the rhythm section is playing in headphones. I use Audacity to mix the instruments and vocals with the rhythm section, so I can hear the cello while playing fiddle or vice versa.

Below the fold, a take on "Jagged Sixpence": pretty good although it falls apart a bit near the end. Needs another take of the cello part for the instrumental break at the end. Should see if some better singer than I would be interested in singing this one (and playing guitar). Maybe Malcolm.

posted afternoon of August 6th, 2020: 2 responses
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Sunday, March second, 2014

🦋 Turkey in the Straw

Having a nice weekend with a lot of musical content -- here's my contribution, played on my newly autographed fiddle!

posted afternoon of March second, 2014: Respond
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🦋 Autographs

Check it out,

posted morning of March second, 2014: 1 response
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Thursday, September 12th, 2013

🦋 Summertime fiddle

posted evening of September 12th, 2013: Respond

Saturday, August 31st, 2013

🦋 Let's listen to

Ashokan Farewell.

You're welcome.

posted evening of August 31st, 2013: Respond

Saturday, August 24th, 2013

🦋 At Howell Farm

I cranked out a couple tunes at the NJ Fiddle Contest at Howel Farm. (to wit, Halting March and The Rd to Lisdoonvarna) -- My strategy of practicing everything a shade slower than it should be performed has really paid off.

(On the other hand, of course, I realize now that I've been recording these songs at practice speed rather than performance -- I should record a new version of the Halting tape.)

posted evening of August 24th, 2013: 1 response

Saturday, August 17th, 2013

🦋 Third time's the charm

Taped some tunes tonight...

Set list

"The Halting March"
"The Road to Lisdoonvarna" (with the "Swallowtail Jig") -- this and "Halting March" I plan to play at the fiddle contest next weekend.
"The Arkansas Traveler"
"The Devil's Dream"
"Amazing Grace" -- the quality of performance falls off a bit after this -- none of the recordings after this are something I would play for a friend. The tunes themselves though, definite keepers. (And indeed, they are much improved by the third take!)
"The Sailor's Hornpipe"
"My Bonnie"
"Johnny Mceldoo" (which turns out to have exactly the same opening sequence of notes as "The Arkensas Traveler", making for some pleasant confusion)

posted evening of August 17th, 2013: 2 responses

Saturday, July 20th, 2013

🦋 Fiddle music

I signed up! Think I am going to play (1) a medley of Swallowtail Jig, Road to Lisdoonvarna, and The Irish Washerwoman; (2) The East Tennessee Blues.

posted afternoon of July 20th, 2013: Respond

Sunday, May 12th, 2013

🦋 Mash-up

John couldn't make it over to Lonesome Nickel studios this weekend; Dress Rehearsal Rags will resume in a couple of weeks.

Seemed like it would be a good idea, this sunny Sunday morning on Meeker St., to mash up a couple of old country tunes together which don't really have that much in common. Here's the Carter Family + Ernest Tubb, for your delectation:

Thanks to Ellen for the wonderful camerawork -- thanks to Pixie for sitting and listening!

posted afternoon of May 12th, 2013: Respond
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Sunday, March third, 2013

🦋 Bowing and scraping

Was not able to hook up with John this weekend for a Dress Rehearsal Rags session... I tried taping some of my fiddle practice. Pretty pleased with the results.

See what you think -- it is a pretty free-associative groove spinning off from some traditional fiddle tunes.

posted afternoon of March third, 2013: Respond
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