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Disbelief is more resistant than faith because it is sustained by the senses.

Gabriel García Márquez

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Tuesday, May 24th, 2005

🦋 More Shareware

Does anyone know if Bazz Ltd., creators of Just! Webmail, are still around? I downloaded their product from a shareware site and like it, but their web site doesn't seem to have much content on it. I am hoping to be able to license the product -- it would be a shame not to be able to use it.

Nevermind... I just found SquirrelMail, which seems more useful.

posted evening of May 24th, 2005: Respond

Sunday, May 22nd, 2005

🦋 Summer projects

A status update on my home improvement tasks for the summer.


  • Sylvia's room is painted and lovely; I would post a picture of it if I could figure out how to make my scanner work again. (Update: Scanner working; here's the picture.)
  • I finished building Sylvia's playhouse on Friday. Still needs to be sanded and weather-proofed.
  • The garbage-can enclosure is pretty well-thought-out now and may commence actually getting built over Labor-day weekend. (Although the priority project for that weekend is cleaning the garage.)
  • The small tool shed is still a thing of fantasy.


  • Today I started raising the slate walkway up to driveway level, and got about 3/4 of the first section done, before the rains came. The work is going pretty quickly and coming out well.
  • Next weekend, when I may-or-may-not start building the garbage enclosure, I also may-or-may-not start laying stone in the area where it is to go. I think I don't have enough bluestone to do this and would like to figure out if there's somewhere I can buy 20 or so square feet without having to buy a full pallette.
  • If I might not have enough stone for the garbage enclosure base, I certainly don't have enough to extend the back patio. So that's on hold for now.

posted evening of May 22nd, 2005: Respond
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Friday, May 20th, 2005

🦋 Forgot to pay for my shareware

D'oh! I must say Selisoft's ActiveHTML (the product which is driving this blog) has a very effective way of reminding you when your free trial has expired. Okay, well all paid for and licensed now.

posted evening of May 20th, 2005: Respond

Wednesday, May 18th, 2005

🦋 Halfway There

In the middle of our life's walk
I found myself in a dark wood
for the straight road was lost

Happy Birthday Matt Yglesias! Reading his post reminds me that it's my birthday too, yeah, I am to the day, 11 years older than Matt. So I am as old now as the narrator of the Inferno.

posted afternoon of May 18th, 2005: Respond

Monday, May 16th, 2005

🦋 Playhouse progress

A lot more work yesterday on Sylvia's playhouse -- I shingled the roof (in a kind of half-assed way which involves nail heads being visible at the top of the roof) and put up the railing along the sides and back. Today I am quite sore.

Next step is to put a railing on the front (only halfway across the front) and a ladder. It seems totally possible to me that the house will be finished by next weekend in time for my birthday party.

posted morning of May 16th, 2005: Respond
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Friday, May 13th, 2005

🦋 Roof-raising

Frank and I got roof up on Sylvia's playhouse last night -- it looks good and all that is needed now is a ladder and a railing.

posted evening of May 13th, 2005: Respond
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Sunday, May 8th, 2005

🦋 Roof layout

Today I made practical use (for I think the first time in my life) of that most vital bit of mathematical knowledge (according to the folks that write the standardized tests), that a right triangle whose legs are 3N and 4N will have a hypotenuse of 5N. (Seriously, if you're planning to take the GRE soon make sure you know that -- about a quarter of the math questions reduce to it.) I was trying to figure out how long to cut the sticks for the edges of the roof of Sylvia's playhouse. Thinking I can use trigonometry but unsure about what angle it ought to be at -- I'm trying to mimic the garage which is nearby, it has a pretty steep roof but it does not look like a 45 degree slope... I was drawing different triangles on paper trying to get one that looked nice when it hit me -- the horizontal leg is 32" (which leaves a nice amount of eaves), if I make the peak of the roof be 24" above the eave then I have a nice 40" long hypotenuse. Cut everything up and a couple of hours later I had roofs. (They are currently lying on the lawn, waiting to be mounted -- this is a task which requires some pretty heavy lifting and I am getting my neighbor Frank to give me a hand with it on Wednesday Thursday.)

posted evening of May 8th, 2005: Respond
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Friday, May 6th, 2005

Here is an essay William Gass wrote for the New York Review of books on the occasion of a new and complete translation of The Man Without Qualities -- nice piece but poorly formatted. (Note that I am reading the older, abridged translation -- only even learned today that that's what it is.)

posted evening of May 6th, 2005: Respond
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Note on the below: "treating someone as a means rather than an end" is the same as "objectifying" the person, and the thought I am trying to develop about Ulrich can be rendered as that he "objectifies himself".

posted evening of May 6th, 2005: Respond

🦋 Bland Ambition

For the inhabitant of a country has at least nine characters: a professional one, a national one, a civic one, a class one, a geographical one, a sex one, a conscious, an unconscious, and perhaps even too a private one; he combines them all in himself, but they dissolve him, and he is really nothing but a little channel washed out by all these trickling streams, which flow into it and drain out of it again in order to join other little streams filling another channel. Hence every dweller on earth also has a tenth character, which is nothing more or less than the passive illusion of spaces unfilled; it permits a man everything, with one exception; he may not take seriously what his at least nine other characters do and what happens to them, in other words, the very thing that ought to be the filling of him.

-- The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil: Chapter 8, "Kakania"

I have been getting my first inklings of sympathy for Musil's characters, I started to notice it around Chapter 14 -- specifically for Ulrich but also Walter and Clarisse. With Ulrich my thinking has run sort of like this -- that Ulrich, there's something weird about him... I have heard calculating people described as "treating others as means reather than ends" -- could that be applied to Ulrich? Maybe, but (a) I am not concretely sure what the phrase means (NPI), (b) Ulrich hasn't even interacted with that many other people yet (at the time I was thinking this, about Chapter 12, only 2 other characters had been introduced, both very briefly). Aha! But Ulrich has been relating to himself quite a bit in this story. Could it be that he is "treating himself as a means rather than an end"? That sounds promising, though with the caveat that I am still not so sure what I mean by it. But let's pursue...

I am feeling a good deal of sympathy for Ulrich -- could the point of identification be reducible to the (still not-well-defined) attribute of "treating oneself as a means rather than an end"? When I started sympathizing with him it was in connection with his desire to become "an important person" and cluelessness about how to achieve that -- such a vague, shapeless ambition has been characteristic of my Bildung. It is something I am really thinking I need to grapple with in approaching my Master's Degree.

posted evening of May 6th, 2005: Respond

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