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Vicente Huidobro

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Thursday, August 6th, 2020

🦋 Jamming with myself

For a long time I've been wanting to get a jam going with the tin-can cello and my Stroh fiddle. The problem is, I can't play them both at the same time.... Multiple tracks to the rescue!

Here is the method I've hit on: I compose a rhythm section in Noteflight, then jam against that with fiddle and cello, recording the instrument I'm playing while the rhythm section is playing in headphones. I use Audacity to mix the instruments and vocals with the rhythm section, so I can hear the cello while playing fiddle or vice versa.

Below the fold, a take on "Jagged Sixpence": pretty good although it falls apart a bit near the end. Needs another take of the cello part for the instrumental break at the end. Should see if some better singer than I would be interested in singing this one (and playing guitar). Maybe Malcolm.

posted afternoon of August 6th, 2020: 2 responses
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Tuesday, June 16th, 2020

🦋 Relativity

posted afternoon of June 16th, 2020: Respond
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Friday, May 22nd, 2020

🦋 viola d'ottone: neck geometry

Here is how the two-piece neck is shaped --


Next step is cutting the mortise in the upper neck and finalizing the length!

posted afternoon of May 22nd, 2020: Respond
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Thursday, May 21st, 2020

🦋 viola d'ottone: alignment

Today I did a first rough fit of the tailpiece and neck into the viola d'ottone. I'm overjoyed to see everything lining up straight, I was quite convinced there would be a misalignment that I'd have to correct for.


posted evening of May 21st, 2020: Respond
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Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

busy being born, and busy
dying. Busy
with decisions and revisions
which a minute will reverse. Busy
busy busy
believing foma
and doubting

the strength to force the moment
to its crisis.

posted morning of May 20th, 2020: Respond
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Monday, May 11th, 2020

🦋 Ten books

So the ten books that first occur to me as "books that have profoundly influenced my worldview" (whatever those words mean) are, and I posted them in the order that they occurred to me yesterday and today:

  1. Snow (Orhan Pamuk, Turkey 2002)
  2. Bicameral Mind (Jaynes, US 1976)
  3. INFINITE JEST (dfw, US 1996)
  4. El arte de la resurrección (Hernán Rivera Letelier, Chile 2010)
  5. Bleak House (Dickens, UK 1853)
  6. The Autograph Man (Smith, UK 2002)
  7. Manituana (Wu Ming, Italy 2007)
  8. Debt (Graeber, US 2011)
  9. Regeneration Through Violence (Slotkin, US 1973)
  10. The Unknown University (Bolaño, Chile 2011)
(9 should probably have an asterisk by it, I don't think I ever actually read the whole book.)

I'm happy with this list. I would recommend any of these books highly, were a friend to come to me looking for reading material. Maybe 9. should trade places with #11, "Blindness" by Saramago. I have blogged many of these reads, not all.

posted afternoon of May 11th, 2020: Respond
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Sunday, May 10th, 2020

🦋 Nametag Rag

From The Modesto Kid and his Imaginary Ragtime Ensemble,

Score beneath the fold

posted evening of May 10th, 2020: Respond
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Tuesday, April 28th, 2020

🦋 viola d'ottone: second thoughts about the neck

I think I need to laminate the brass viola's neck out of two pieces, so the grain in the upper neck and pegbox/scroll can be straight. I do not think it will be strong enough going at an angle across the grain as it is currently laid out [cf]. I have a pretty clear mental picture of what the joint should look like.


posted morning of April 28th, 2020: 1 response
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Monday, April 27th, 2020

🦋 viola d'ottone: cutting the neck


I've laid out the neck for my brass viola. Next step will be cutting the outline and the tenon. I will leave the full thickness of the board in place until the neck fits into the viola body straight and lined up with the tail.


posted morning of April 27th, 2020: Respond

Saturday, April 25th, 2020

"Epistolary Verse", the review began, "is neither." "Buckle up," he whistled, and read further.

posted afternoon of April 25th, 2020: Respond

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