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Decide that you like college life. In your dorm you meet many nice people. Some are smarter than you. And some, you notice, are dumber than you. You will continue, unfortunately, to view the world in exactly these terms for the rest of your life.

Lorrie Moore

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Sunday, September second, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: pigment

The fit of the neck into the bucket is... good enough at this point. I'm going to spend today smoothing -- the edges of the soundhole needs some attention, and the whole neck and scroll needs to be sanded to 320 grit. (I am going to leave the dowel rough, including the bit of it that's exposed.) Then it's time to color the cello!

I'm flying a bit blind when it comes to pigment. Have been looking around the web, there's a lot of conversation about coloring violins at The Pegbox and a couple of other forums. What I'm going to try first (on a piece of scrap maple), is mixing dry pigment with turpentine (or possibly lavender oil) and applying that to the sanded wood, and then finishing over that with multiple coats of thinned Tru-oil, possibly mixing some pigment into the early coats of Tru-oil as well. I'll avoid rushing, planning to spend a week or more working on test pieces.

The color scheme I'm going for is: a mix of burnt sienna and orange on the lower, curved portion of the neck, deepening to burnt umber as it approaches the bucket; burnt umber on the tailpin; raw umber on the straight part of the neck; burnt sienna on the pegbox and scroll, deepening to burnt umber at the center of the scroll.

#tincancello neck

posted morning of September second, 2018: 1 response
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Saturday, September first, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: next steps

The cello's neck is for the most part (excluding the very bottom, next to where it will meet the bucket) sanded smooth to 80 grit. The dowel is straight. Today I am looking to do the rough fit to the bucket; assuming (fingers crossed!) this works, I'll be refining the fit over the weekend, and then:

  1. Finish sanding the neck and scroll, to 320 grit.
  2. Color the neck and scroll.
  3. Finish the neck, scroll, and dowel.
  4. Glue up the fingerboard and nut.
  5. ...Setup time!
I've started marking up the bucket.

#tincancello ready to cut voici! Rough cut:

#tincancello rough fit

posted morning of September first, 2018: Respond
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Sunday, August 26th, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: the flat of the neck

#tincancello neck is flat!

This hard maple is making me understand flatness in a whole new way. I'm not sure I've ever properly flattened a board. I'm not sure if other woods than maple can even get this flat!

posted afternoon of August 26th, 2018: Respond

🦋 Tin-can Cello: the curve of the neck, the straight of the neck

#tincancello aligning fingerboard

The parts of the tin-can cello's body (excluding the bucket and all of the components; just talking about the wooden body pictured above) are as follows, from top to bottom, with rough length of each part:

  1. Scroll and pegbox (9")
  2. Neck (the part the fingerboard attaches to) (13")
  3. Curve (11 ½")
  4. Dowel (27")
I have been working this afternoon on finalizing the curved portion of the neck. I noticed last night, running my hand along the curve, that there were some bulges and hollows -- this afternoon I've been endeavoring to smooth that out, using the rasp I bought from StewMac, which I must say is one of the nicest hand tools I've encountered. Then I went over it with 80-grit sandpaper, and it's looking nice. I think I'm about to the point with Scroll, Neck and Curve, that I can start sanding with finer grits.

The curve has been interesting because I have no template whatsoever for it. I layed out the position of the upper neck using the fingerboard as a reference, and then I layed out the curve based on what I thought would look nice and would be strong.

Getting the upper portion of the neck straight and flat has been a while coming. I did a bad job of roughing it out on the bandsaw; I did not tighten the table trunnions sufficiently before I started, and the table moved out of square slightly. So the surface of it was skew. I wasn't able to get much of anywhere squaring it with jointer plane, in part because the scroll rises above the plane of the neck (nonstandard) and in part because the wood is so hard it's just very difficult to plane. I ended up flattening the surface with rasp and coarse sandpaper, checking my progress as I went against the fingerboard that I'll be gluing on there; and it took a while. But I reckon it is right, now; when I lay the fingerboard on there it lies flat and I can sight straight along it to the point of the dowel. Next I will sand it with 100- and 120-grit, to prepare for gluing. I won't glue the fingerboard on until after I have fit the body into the bucket.

#tincancello is straight!

posted afternoon of August 26th, 2018: Respond

Saturday, August 25th, 2018

🦋 Back in business syndication-wise :)

READIN rss feed is a going concern once more! Onward...


posted evening of August 25th, 2018: Respond
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Tuesday, August 21st, 2018

🦋 Broken scripts

Hm, php scripts in READIN have started breaking with the error "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function mysql_connect()". So far it is not affecting the blog itself, but ancilliary scripts that are called by cron jobs, like the RSS feed generator and the header quotes builder. Looks like mysql_connect is deprecated and I need to update to mysqli_connect(), and maybe update the rest of my mysql calls as well.

posted evening of August 21st, 2018: 1 response
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🦋 Tin-can Cello: the lateral pegbox

I've been fretting about carving the pegbox on my cello... Today I had an idea for how to hugely simplify the process. I can't swear it is a good idea, but I went ahead and acted on it. Won't know until setup time if it's a boon or a bust.

The lateral* pegbox

#tincancello pegbox #lateralpegbox

So the idea is, instead of having two ⅜" cheeks for the peg to enter and exit, with the string winding in the middle, there is just a central fin ¾" wide. Pegs enter from alternating sides; the string winds on the opposite side to where the peg enters.

posted evening of August 21st, 2018: 2 responses
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Monday, August 20th, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: neck in progress


First weekend's progress: the neck is cut, and I've begun shaping it. (A key realization was that I'm going to need to get an angle grinder for cutting the metal tub, I ought to get it now so I can use it in shaping the neck. That cut many hours off of the time to shape the neck.) The upper surface is not precisely level or flat, and it is slightly wider than it needs to be. I'm going to spend my spare time over the next few days truing that up with rasp and scraper, and getting it to fit the fingerboard. Then I will work on the scroll and pegbox.

posted morning of August 20th, 2018: Respond

Saturday, August 18th, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: Look, a cello!

well a drawing of a cello anyways. Next step, start cutting!

#tincancello layout

--well, the neck is a little off-center to the dowel. I think it will be stronger if it's centered.

#tincancello layout revision

posted afternoon of August 18th, 2018: 2 responses

Thursday, August 16th, 2018

🦋 Tin-can Cello: anticipatory woodworking

I'm looking forward to starting my cello project this weekend, and starting to get my shop in a little bit of order (anyway a marginally less chaotic state) and figure out where my tools are. I haven't done much woodworking to speak of since like 2007 at least! I'm really looking forward to having a well tuned up bandsaw, and to learning how to tune it up. This evening I found a box of rasps and files that I haven't seen in years :).


posted evening of August 16th, 2018: Respond

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