The READIN Family Album
Me and Sylvia, smiling for the camera (August 2005)


Jeremy's journal

Dream is not a revelation. If a dream affords the dreamer some light on himself, it is not the person with closed eyes who makes the discovery but the person with open eyes lucid enough to fit thoughts together. Dream -- a scintillating mirage surrounded by shadows -- is essentially poetry.

Michel Leiris

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Sunday, January 11th, 2015

🦋 Guía de Perplejos, pasajes

posted morning of January 11th, 2015: Respond
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Thursday, January first, 2015

🦋 Dad and

Yours truly in my father's arms, 1971

posted evening of January first, 2015: 1 response
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🦋 mañana es otro dia

mañana es otro día
por J. Osner

nos unamos los manos:
nos giremos hacia el este
esperando al sol que teñirán
de rosa sus rayos el cielo negro;
nos dejarán saber
que empieza el nuevo día,
ese día hasta que postergábamos
todos los deseos más queridos.
agárrame a mí ahora la mano
y dime nuevamente, muévete:
nos ya estamos quemando
debajo del sol del mediodía.

posted evening of January first, 2015: Respond
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Thursday, December 25th, 2014

🦋 Christmas wishes

May all your tidings be explicitly comfortable and feasibly joyous; may all your glory be in the highest.

posted morning of December 25th, 2014: Respond
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Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

🦋 Go, little buddies, go!

posted evening of December 16th, 2014: Respond

Saturday, December 13th, 2014

🦋 Genesis

Luminiferous Genesis
by J Osner

The first day was water. On the second day
water created earth.
On the third day mud

breathed air. On the fourth day creation blazed, and said
that it was good. Muddy reality,
eternally drying out in the heat

of the moment.

posted morning of December 13th, 2014: Respond
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Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Twilight Zone - Once Upon a Time - Buster Keaton by pourlidasnstavros

posted afternoon of December 6th, 2014: Respond

🦋 Sound advice

Sedula curavi humanas actiones non detestare neque flere neque ridere, sed intelligere. (Spinosa)

posted morning of December 6th, 2014: Respond

🦋 Dialog

on an easel on the stage, the title -- ποταμοῖσι τοῖσιν αὐτοῖσιν ἐμϐαίνουσιν, ἕτερα καὶ ἕτερα ὕδατα ἐπιρρεῖ. Different waters bathe those who step into the same river. --Heraclitus of Ephysus. The spot fades and the placard is removed; enter Cratylus stage right. Lights come up stage right on Cratylus and gradually on the rest of his colleagues, who are standing like statues. Each (except Cratylus) has a placard identifying the character's name at his feet. Cr. kicks them away one by one as he points at the actor -- "waking him up".

posted morning of December 6th, 2014: 3 responses
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Monday, November 17th, 2014

🦋 1955: Lavender Mist

— My friend, you are a barbarian. You paint as if one eye were on the moon and the other on Mars. I don't like your work; but you have made me weep. And tears are the blood of sincerity.
Cool -- two publications in a row of Marta Aponte Alsina translations! A story I translated last year is included in the November issue of The Acentos Review -- 1955: Lavender Mist.

posted evening of November 17th, 2014: Respond
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