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Los verdaderos poemas son incendios. La poesí­a se propaga por todas partes, iluminando sus consumaciones con estremecimientos de placer o de agoní.

Vicente Huidobro

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Saturday, May 19th, 2012

🦋 Purple and Orange

Courtesy of Ellen's green thumb:

posted afternoon of May 19th, 2012: 1 response
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🦋 Otras Palomas (otros almuecines)

Some really striking passages are popping up in this collection of Giuseppe Ungaretti's poetry. Sound, listening, singing, sirens,...

y el mar es ceniciento
tiembla dulce inquieto
como una paloma

Agua confusa
como el ruido de popa que escucho
en la sombra

Hay niebla que nos borra
Tal vez nace un río por aquí
Escucho el canto de las sirenas

El sol roba la ciudad
No se ve más
Ni   siquiera   las   tumbas   resisten    demasiado

Below the fold a stunning elegy. Who is the translator? Not credited in the linked file -- possibly it is Luis Muñoz, his is the only name I am finding as a translator for Ungaretti in a few tries via Google.

posted afternoon of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Una Paloma

Speaking as I was the other day of epigraphs, here is a nice one (from one of my birthday books) --

De otros diluvios una paloma escucho

-- Ungaretti, 1925
(epigraph to Antonio Dal Masetto's La culpa, 2010)

I am taking this to be a reference (or more vaguely an allusion) to the dove that returns to Noah, a message of hope.

posted morning of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Richer than Midas, poorer than Bezos

I never realized this -- yesterday I was thinking about the King Midas legend (amid all the talk of wealth passing me right by...) and it occurred to me that Midas' golden touch must be, loosely and remotely, a root for Vonnegut's idea of ice-9.

posted morning of May 19th, 2012: Respond
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Friday, May 18th, 2012

🦋 Books for my birthday

A great party this evening! Some friends gave me books. Thanks, Janis! Thanks, Mariana!

  • Becoming Jimi Hendrix
  • Antigua vida mía
  • Manual de pintura y caligrafía
  • El siglo de las sombras
  • La culpa
  • Peanuts Guide to Life
Other friends gave me bottles of wine, also much appreciated; and Ellen and Sylvia gave me a spatula in the form of a Stratocaster. (Spatucaster? Stratula?)

posted evening of May 18th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Sortes vergilianæ

The beauty of the Virgilian Lottery has little in common with Google’s “I’m Feeling Lucky.”
My latest translation is up on The Utopian: Juan Gabriel Vásquez' column from two weeks ago, Reading Your Fortune. (Original Encontrar la suerte en los libros, at El Espectador.)

posted morning of May 18th, 2012: Respond
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Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

🦋 No Expectations

That rare treasure arrived in today's mail, a book towards which I have no predjudices one way or the other... All I know about Michael Stutz' Circuits of the Wind is that its protagonist is roughly my coeval and vaguely that he grows up with computers and hacking and such.* A wonderful epigraph from Ecclesiastes sheds a little light on the title:

The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north ; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits.

I'm sort of sniffing around the edges of the book trying to figure out how to approach it now, looking at the epigraphs and the dedication and acknowledgements (to among others, "the gurus, Daniel Frank Kirk [this Daniel F Kirk? this Daniel Kirk?] and Irwin Allen Ginsberg" and "Bill Burroughs for the blessing")... Some fun stuff.

*(Well and that its author considers READIN a worthy target for a review copy, which I'll grant is a big prejudicial point in his favor.)

posted evening of May 16th, 2012: Respond
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Saturday, May 12th, 2012

🦋 One eats the sweet fruit, the other watches.

A new animation from Martha M:

cf. मुण्डकोपनिषद्, V.1-3:
Two birds beautiful of wing and close companions sit on the same tree.
One eats the sweet fruit, the other watches from above.

Our two selves sit on the tree of life, one seer, full of light and love, the other consumer, eating the sweet fruit. Shaking sin and virtue from its wings and becoming stainless, the consumer becomes a seer and sorrows cease
The line also appears in श्वेताश्वतर उपनिषद, IV.6

posted afternoon of May 12th, 2012: 1 response
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🦋 Bet you never did the Modesto Kid

This passage, from a Nov. 1960 letter from Billy to Brion, I am finding almost unbearably perfect, evoking disparate threads from Beckett to Carroll to Pynchon... This needs to be quoted in bold and with underlining (some editorial, some present in the "original"). Burroughs is pitching an idea for Brion to write in the voice of Hassan-i Sabbah, for Reader's Digest...

LOOK OUT at all times. See what was in front of you. Can a man see what is front of him with all his friends and enemies talking in his ear? Stop talking to yourself. Ah this shocks you? Listen: Words should be your servants. Use them. Do not let them use you. And when you do not need them send them to sleep. How to? Learn to know the word your servant. Look at words. Listen. Listen out at all time. Look and listen out at all times. Take any simple phrase like I am That I am. Repeat it. Now pass it back and forth through a sieve of punctuation. See the words changing meaning as the period rotates. Now change the position of the words. Now translate into other languages. You are stuck in word slots. You do not hear. Cut the word lines. And step out into silence. It is yours. It is everybody's. You do not see the trees when you walk down the street because of ‘The ’‘Word ’‘Tree’. Look at the word tree. Look? at the word tree. Look at? the word tree. Look at the? word tree. Look at the word? tree. Word look at the tree? Tree look at the word? Etc. Now look at the tree and you will see the tree not the word tree. You will begin to see everything sharp and clear like after a rain.

posted morning of May 12th, 2012: Respond
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🦋 Countdown

Prak nodded again.

"Forty-two," he said, "yes, that's right."

He paused. Shadows of thought and memory crossed his face like the shadows of clouds crossing the land.

Today begins the final week of my forty-second year of life.

posted morning of May 12th, 2012: Respond

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