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Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of genius.

— William Blake

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Monday, January second, 2012

🦋 An interview with Juan Gabriel Vásquez

Looking around for background material to help me understand The Informers, I happened on an interview with the author from two years ago, in the winter 2010 issue of BOMB. Lovely reading -- always puzzling and enchanting to hear from someone so thoughtful, so clear-spoken -- and yes, some good background material to help with reading this novel.

posted morning of January second, 2012: Respond
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Saturday, December 31st, 2011

🦋 the calligrapher replies Ⅰ

A delightful bit of asemia that we saw at the NC museum of art: Tom Phillips*, the calligrapher replies Ⅰ.

According to the NC Museum of Art Handbook of the Collections,
"The painting is a tease. It invites and resists interpretation. Viewers can pick out a word here, a phrase there, but the artist has intentionally entrapped the content within the written maze."

(worth trying out as a wallpaper as well)

*And lo and behold! I did not recognize his name -- it turns out Mr. Phillips is the author of A Humument, now available in its 5th edition and in app form for iPad.

posted evening of December 31st, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Happy New Year(!)

2011 has been a long and interesting year. Here's hoping 2012 is likewise -- may we all live in interesting times!

We three went on vacation and spent from Christmas Day until this morning with Michele and Kaydi in Chapel Hill. Everyone had a good time, Ellen and I saw some lovely music in the person of Tim Stambaugh and looked wistfully at (and played a few of! and started thinking about building something similar to one of!) the instruments at the Electric Violin Shop in Durham, we all went on some fun hikes around the area.

In reading and writing news, I devoured The Crying of Lot 49, which I think I have not read since college(!) -- I remember loving it then; it had a similar impact the second time around. Have been working on a translation of Zupcic's "Who Killed You, Vinko Spolovtiva" and maybe "The Real Death of Vinko Spolovtiva" to go along with it, meaning to contact him with a couple of questions. Read and loved The Little Stranger on (I believe) Andrea's reccommendation... midway through Juan Gabriel Vásquez' masterful The Informers (another fantastic translation by Anne McLean -- and actually prior to Costaguana -- I am very happy to have learned of Juan Gabriel's work this year).

posted afternoon of December 31st, 2011: 1 response
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Saturday, December 24th, 2011

🦋 Who killed you, Vinko Spolovtiva?

I am setting a goal for myself of finishing my translation of Zupcic's "Vinko Spolovtiva, ¿Quién te mató?" Probably not much blogging this week.

(Oh and happy year's end!)

posted evening of December 24th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Fiddle tunes

A vacation playlist. Composed over at cleek's place.

q. Marche au Camp, Laurie Hart (wow do I ever not listen to this record enough)
w. Down the Road, Flatt and Scruggs
e. Across the Universe, Robyn Hitchcock (Maxwell’s, November 04 — the linked version is the not-particularly-closest thing I could find)
r. Cumberland Blues, Fiddlin Doc Roberts (this shuffle is truly shining in the fiddle department)
t. Visions of Johanna, Chris Hintz
y. Dry Town Blues, Leake Co. Revelers
u. Cypress Grove, Vassar Clements
i. Ain’t That a Shame, Brian James (IRS Greatest Hits)
o. Ten Tiny Toes, One Baby Nose, Sol Ho’opi’i and his Novelty Quartette
p. Egyptian Cream, Robyn Hitchcock and the Egyptians.

Really recommend checking out the Laurie Hart piece, that (Danse ce Soir) is one of those records that I forget all about for long periods and then hear a song from on shuffle and fall in love with all over.

After the shuffle I am going to go spend a while listening to Laurie Hart.

posted morning of December 24th, 2011: 3 responses
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🦋 Hyvää joulua!

(Thanks for the link, Heikki!)

posted morning of December 24th, 2011: Respond

Friday, December 23rd, 2011

🦋 Fröhliche Weihnachten!

(thanks for the link, Peter!)

posted evening of December 23rd, 2011: Respond

🦋 Dancing Barefoot

Mountain Station's show on Wednesday was a lot of fun -- we got a couple of people to come out and listen to us, we got a chance to play with amplification, played our whole set plus a couple of spur-of-the-moment songs, got a chance to play with Kari sitting in on vocals...

Ellen got a tape of us playing "Dancing Barefoot" on her phone -- the audio quality is a little strange but I think our sound comes across nicely.

posted evening of December 23rd, 2011: Respond
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Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

🦋 Forking Paths

«Hasta los confines del sistema solar hay cuatro horas-luz; hasta la estrella más cercana, cuatro años-luz. Un desmedido océano de vacío. Pero ¿estamos realmente seguros de que sólo haya un vacío? Únicamente sabemos que en este espacio no hay estrellas luminosas; de existir, ¿serían visibles? ¿Y si existiesen cuerpos no luminosos u oscuros? ¿No podría suceder en los mapas celestes, al igual que en los de la tierra, que estén indicadas las estrellas-ciudades y omitidas las estrellas-pueblos?»
In Savage Detectives group read news, Rise links to some translations of Bolaño's First infrarealist manifesto.

posted evening of December 22nd, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, December 18th, 2011

🦋 Voto en blanco

Somewhere, José Saramago is laughing -- reports that the town of Bello in northern Colombia will be repeating its mayoral elections after no-one won the vote -- no-one won the vote because 56.7% of the voters marked their ballots as blank. (Reinaldo Spitaletta of El espectador writes that he knew something was going on when he saw a lot of people in Bello reading Saramago's Seeing before the elections.) Thanks for the link, Jorge!

posted evening of December 18th, 2011: Respond
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