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Wednesday, December 7th, 2011

🦋 Nude Descending a Staircase

Iñaki me miró y lugo miró el mar y sólo entonces comprendí que la escena tenía algo de irremediablemente ridículo y que lo ridículo no era ajeno a mi presencia allí.

—Jaume Planells
June, 1994

A couple of episodes in part 2 of Savage Detectives are retold several times by successive narrators/interviewees, from their different vantage points. I think these are my favorite parts of the book -- here Bolaño uses the form he has chosen to its fullest extent. One of these is Belano's ludicrous duel with Iñaki Echavarne, fought off-season on a nude beach near Barcelona sometime in the early 90's (as close as I can tell) -- it is told first by unsuspecting Susana Puig, Belano's nurse and lover when he was hospitalized for pancreatitis, then by Guillem Piña, who hatches the scheme with Belano and serves as his second, then by Jaume Planells, who is drawn in against his better judgement as Echavarne's second.

I'd like to think about what it means that Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase #2 serves as a leitmotif for this episode. Piña repeatedly says he "felt like the Nude Descending a Staircase" in relation to Belano and that he "waited, which is what the Nude Descending a Staircase did" -- Planells picks up on this when he says he thinks Echavarne mentioned the painting when telling him about the duel, wonders "what did Picasso have to do with it?"

And, well, I'm not sure what Picasso or Duchamp has to do with this absurd duel. The whole thing works nicely as a way of keeping the image in your mind when you're reading the episode, as a backdrop to its events. Bolaño has not used visual art this way very much in Savage Detectives -- many of the poems in Romantic Dogs have a painting as their centerpiece.

I ran into a woman on the subway this morning who was reading The Skating Rink, and we chatted for a few minutes about how Bolaño is the greatest thing ever. That was fun.

posted evening of December 7th, 2011: 2 responses
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Tuesday, December 6th, 2011

🦋 Pied Piper

posted evening of December 6th, 2011: Respond

🦋 Muchachos

Y Cesárea me miró, una mirada cortita, así como de lado, y dijo que ése era el porvenir común de todos los mortales, buscar un lugar donde vivir y un lugar donde trabajar.

—Amadeo Salvatierra
January, 1976

While I was reading Amadeo Salvatierra's narrative this afternoon, it occurred to me to wonder whether he has ever referred to either of his two guests individually -- he is always saying things to "the boys" or recounting what they say to him, never (if memory serves) either one of the two by himself. A little funny because everywhere else in the book there seems to be a pretty strong distinction drawn between the two of them.

posted evening of December 6th, 2011: Respond
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Monday, December 5th, 2011

🦋 Two translators of Bolaño

In Savage Detectives Group Read news, Rise links to two videos: Laura Healy reading from Romantic Dogs, and Natasha Wimmer talking with Daniel Alarcón about how she discovered Bolaño's work. (Wimmer's biographical essay "Bolaño and the Savage Detectives" is online at Anagrama.)

posted evening of December 5th, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, December 4th, 2011

🦋 Tentative setlist

Mountain Station will be playing a gig in 2½ weeks, at the Crossroads in Garwood, a one hour set. Exciting! This week we are starting to figure out our set list. Here is an initial idea --

  1. High on the Mountain
  2. The Louisville Burglar
  3. Drowsy Maggie/ Dancing Barefoot
  4. Revelator
  5. Meet Me in the Morning
  6. A Jockey Full of Bourbon
  7. Running to Stand Still/ The Arms of Love
  8. Japanese Radio
  9. Mountain Station
  10. (if we have time) Highway 61 Revisited
  11. Odds and Ends

posted afternoon of December 4th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 When You Care, When You Love

Un poquito sublime y un poquito siniestro. Como en todo amor loco, ¿no? Si al infinito uno añade más infinito, el resultado es infinito. Si uno junta lo sublime con lo siniestro, el resultado es siniestro. ¿No?

—Felipe Müller
October, 1991

The narratives in the latter half of part 2 of Savage Detectives are spinning farther and farther away from the core of the book (which I stubbornly continue to insist is Belano and Lima's search for Cesárea Tinajero in 1975-6) -- long narratives by minor characters which involve Belano and Lima only glancingly or only in parts. Look at Felipe Müller's narrative from October, 1991 -- Müller summarizes a short story by Theodore Sturgeon, one which he is pretty sure Belano told him, "since he was the only one of our crowd who read science fiction."

The story is "When You Care, When You Love" -- it strikes me as curious and interesting that a full three pages are spent on relating this story, more adjacent space than has been devoted to any other work referenced in this book so far. Add another entry to the long list of influences for Bolaño, I guess...

posted morning of December 4th, 2011: 2 responses

Saturday, December third, 2011

🦋 Walk Right In

Let's listen to The Modesto Kid play his Stroh fiddle:

New and improved bowing technique courtesy of gifted teacher Lisa Gutkin -- thanks Lisa!

read the rest...

posted evening of December third, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Why did Henry James Kill Daisy Miller?

At Haquelebac, John offers a further development of his views on the question. Did Daisy die because she had tempted God? And why so horribly?...

posted afternoon of December third, 2011: Respond

photo by Sylvia

Daniel Grossman, sentado en un banco de la Alameda, México df, febrero 1993.

posted afternoon of December third, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Park Slope Folk

In this autumn of 2011, the peak concert experiences are coming fast and furious. Last night John and I went out to Union Hall in Brooklyn, the basement of which contains about the nicest performance space of its size that I can remember being in, to see Jeffrey Foucault and Mark Erelli touring their new album, Seven Curses. We showed up about a half hour early and got a chance to mingle with the other concert-goers, a lovely crowd of folkies, chat about the music, the weather, the neighborhood... talked up Mountain Station to a couple of people who seemed receptive...

Jeff came on stage looking like Ulysses S. Grant with a Gibson J-45 and Mark picked up his mandolin; sat down about ten feet away from us. After a little loose strumming and tuning up they broke into a clear, insistent rhythm, chords ringing out, sweeping us away. The two sets were a mix of covers and originals from both artists, tracks from the new record and from their back catalogs, murder ballads and love songs -- one particularly charming moment in the second set came when a man from the audience called out a request for Dylan's "Shooting Star" -- Erelli knew it, Foucault said he could figure it out, and (after a brief debate over whether they should play Bad Company's "Shooting Star" instead) the two of them improvised a rocking cover version on the spot.

posted morning of December third, 2011: Respond
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