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Sunday, November 6th, 2011

🦋 Athena

photo: Brandon Cole me, Athena’s suckers felt like an alien’s kiss—at once a probe and a caress. Although an octopus can taste with all of its skin, in the suckers both taste and touch are exquisitely developed. Athena was tasting me and feeling me at once, knowing my skin, and possibly the blood and bone beneath, in a way I could never fathom.

-- Sy Montgomery meets and befriends a cephalopod.

Montgomery will be leading a live discussion of octopus intelligence on next Tuesday, November 16, at 7pm Eastern. Register at Orion magazine if you would like to participate.

posted evening of November 6th, 2011: Respond

🦋 Almuerzo

Sylvia and I went down the street to La Galera for lunch today -- tasty... Now I am floating on a pillow of pupusas and pollo guisado and rice and beans.

posted afternoon of November 6th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, November 5th, 2011

🦋 Quick tasty dinner

(Made up on the spur of the moment this evening and worth remembering. It takes about 15 minutes including prep time.) A vegetarian pasta dish (vegan even, if you omit the grated cheese at serving time); for those who prefer it with meat, lamb or veal would probably go nicely in place of the beans.

Rigatoni and yellow and red

  1. Heat salted water for the pasta.
  2. Prep: chop a small yellow onion, a yellow bell pepper, some carrots and a yellow summer squash into bite-size pieces. (The carrot pieces should be smaller.)
  3. When the water is nearly at a boil, heat a skillet over a medium flame. Add about a Tbsp of olive oil. When hot enough that the onions will sizzle a bit, add the onions and some salt and stir around.
  4. Add the pasta, preferably penne or rigatoni (or wagon wheels or shells would be good, too), and a little bit of olive oil to the boiling water. Return to a boil and lower heat.
  5. As the onions start to cook, add the carrots and some turmeric and some oregano. Keep stirring occasionally. Add the bell pepper and the squash and a little more salt.
  6. Heat a little bit of water in a saucepan over a low flame. Drain and rinse a can of canellini or kidney beans and add to the saucepan with a splash of soy sauce. (I used kidney beans, which were the "red" -- the dish would perhaps not be as visually interesting with cannellini but I expect it would taste very nice. Broccoli would also add some nice visual/textural diversity.)
  7. Everything should basically be ready at about the same time, 10 minutes or so after you returned the noodles to a boil. I served the noodles and vegetables in one bowl and the beans on the side because of certain family members who are not partial to beans; or they could all be mixed together. Tasty with grated asiago cheese and red wine.

posted evening of November 5th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Escape reading: Among the poets

One of the most pleasant aspects of reading Savage Detectives, I am finding to be ease with which I can identify with the narrator and his scene, can picture myself in the crowd of real visceralistas and wannabees -- picture myself perhaps not as García Madero, who is after all just a kid*, certainly not as Lima or Belano; but as a minor character, a walk-on. It is an escapist pleasure, I am taken out of myself and out of my immediate world while I am reading (and really, it seems worth pointing out that that is an aspect of the experience of reading almost any Spanish-language text for me).

Without even spending any time/mental energy on the García Madera - Rosario sex scene (which believe me, could divert enormous quantities of both), it is worth considering how much like or unlike reading pornography this reading experience is. I'm going to assert that they are unlike in some key ways; but given first that feeling of imagining yourself in a character's boots (and, well, in his whatever) -- how will the distinction be drawn?

*Hm, and all of a sudden I find I am casting blogging friends of mine in some of this book's key roles...

posted evening of November 5th, 2011: 3 responses
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🦋 Canto canción/fragmenta

Los mitos de la palabra girando escúchanlo.
El éter apoyandolo y nada les entendía, mientras
Sylvia le traíalo, le podía, debería, comprar, oh
Algunas veces yo cuando pienso en María, oh

Me canta de la tierra su recuerda, matadora,
En velas viejas y blancas y a fondo del pozo:
Me duele por su toque.
Tengo a su vuelta esperanza, también miedo.

posted afternoon of November 5th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Los realistas infra

In Bolaño group read news, Richard has posted a review of Bolaño Infra: 1975-1977 -- Montserrat Madariaga Caro's examination of the poets who would become the cast of characters for Savage Detectives.

posted morning of November 5th, 2011: 2 responses
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Friday, November 4th, 2011

🦋 Let's Listen to


posted evening of November 4th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 A collection of starlings is called a murmuration

(And don't miss Nomad Soul Collective's original music)

posted evening of November 4th, 2011: 1 response
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🦋 Los Detectives Salvajes

Los poetas mexicanas (supongo que los poetas en general) detestan que se les recuerde de su ignorancia.
The opening pages of Savage Detectives made me fall down laughing when I read them last time around (about two years ago now) -- they are holding up in quality the second time around and in a different language. I could not find my copy of the book (indeed I may never have owned one, perhaps it was a library book), so have bought a Spanish copy and... will see how it goes keeping up with the group read. Even if I don't end up reading the whole book (which seems like it would be a stretch), I am getting some lovely reading experience out of it.

A nice coincidence, also, for the opening paragraph to have yesterday's date on it. A good omen of sorts -- it must be exactly the right time of year to be starting this book. (Shades of October 3rd, 2005!) And García Madero? -- he seems like sort of a brat, but in a lovable way -- I can identify with him.

posted evening of November 4th, 2011: 4 responses
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🦋 Bolaño Group Read

I thank Rise of in lieu of a field guide for hipping me to the group read of Savage Detectives happening in January. The participants include (but are not limited to, nudge, nudge),

Savage (and non-savage) Readers
Rise of in lieu of a field guide,
and of bifurcaria bifurcata
Amateur Reader (Tom) of Wuthering Expectations
Anthony of Time's Flow Stemmed
Bettina of Liburuak
Caroline of Beauty Is a Sleeping Cat
Emily of Evening All Afternoon
Frances of Nonsuch Book
Gavin of Page247
Jeremy of READIN
Mel u. of The Reading Life
Sarah of A Rat in the Book Pile
Scott of seraillon
Stu of Winstonsdad's Blog
Becky of Page Turners
Richard of Caravana de recuerdos

posted evening of November 4th, 2011: Respond
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