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I have enough trouble as it is in trying to say what I think I know.

Samuel Beckett

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Saturday, August 27th, 2011

🦋 Stormy Weather

So the big one is coming in today... My plan is to finish taping up the basement windows this morning, and hole up with some books until it blows over. Maybe John will come over and we can play some hurricane music while we wait for Irene!

posted morning of August 27th, 2011: 1 response

Thursday, August 25th, 2011

🦋 Stripped

A new Kickstarter project that could use your help: Fred Schroeder and Dave Kellet are producing a documentary on the comic strip -- where it's been, where it's going. Featuring interviews with a ton of great cartoonists. You can watch the trailer at their Kickstarter page. (via the Comix Curmudgeon)

posted morning of August 25th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, August 24th, 2011

🦋 Birthday Bike Ride

Happy Birthday, Ellen!

We rode our beribboned bikes around South Orange and then came back home for a picnic dinner in the back yard.

posted evening of August 24th, 2011: 1 response
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Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011

🦋 Utter Global Crisis

A game of Eschaton:
-- Thanks for the link, Lauren! (Articles about this at NPR and the Times.)

posted morning of August 23rd, 2011: Respond
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Monday, August 22nd, 2011

🦋 Late Night

Hey, this is a nice find! Some random poking around YouTube and I stumbled on this early recording of "Candy and a Currant Bun"... Following on some discussion in the comments there leads me to Harvested Records and a bootleg bonanza! "What Syd Wants" is recordings of 1967 gigs in Copenhagen and Rotterdam, and is only a small bit of what they've catalogued there. You can download the media tracks for it at Guitars 101. Some bizarre, some great, a couple of throw-away tracks.

Wow... 13 minutes of "Interstellar Overdrive"...

posted evening of August 22nd, 2011: Respond
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Sunday, August 21st, 2011

🦋 In memoriam

Hershel Toomim
1916 - 2011

I walked out to the end of the fishing pier on Washington Blvd -- about as far west as I could go without getting wet -- and looked back at the beach, the surf, the palm trees, at the pastel apartment buildings. It was Sunday morning and I had a plane home to catch.

I know Los Angeles much better as a setting for stories and novels and films (and blogs) than as a location. Visits to my grandparents' house once or twice a year over the course of my childhood were enough to familiarize me with a little eastern corner of Beverly Hills, and the Tar Pits, and one or two beaches; the city at large remained terra incognita, hundreds of miles of undifferentiated streets and freeways. The last time I was there was in 2005, to memorialize and to mourn my grandmother Marjorie. Yesterday we gathered in Marina del Rey to bid farewell to my grandfather Hershel's earthly presence; and today I am bidding farewell to this great unknown, Los Angeles, for what I imagine will be a long time.

Hershel looms large in my memories and aspirations. He was a man of science and an inventor, something I have wanted to be (or "wished I were", or wished I could be) at moments of my life. Together, Hershel and Marjorie founded the Biofeedback Institute of Los Angeles. When I was visiting with Hershel after Marjorie's memorial service he showed me a project he was working on, a simple virtual reality which the user controlled via headband-mounted EEG electrodes -- it struck me as the coolest thing I had ever seen and prompted me briefly to question all the choices I had made up to that point, choices that meant I was not working on something so amazing.

Aside from being a brilliant man and an innovator, Hershel was a deeply thoughtful, analytical man. When I am at my intellectual best I like to think I am carrying on some of the behaviors and thought patterns I learned from him. Very glad I was able to be present at his memorial, listen to people's memories of him and reconnect over his past. I do not feel it is appropriate to say he should "rest in peace" as he was, for all the years I knew him, a firmly committed atheist and materialist -- instead I will hope that his memory continues to live on after his presence is gone, and continues to affect the people who knew him.

posted evening of August 21st, 2011: Respond

Thursday, August 18th, 2011

🦋 Free Will and Consciousness

Nørretranders spends quite a bit of space in Chapter 9, "The Half-Second Delay", dealing with the experiments of Kornhuber and Deecke and of Benjamin Libet and with their indications that the consciousness of a decision to act is epiphenomenal -- that the volition to act arises out of unconscious processes, the conscious decision is a back-formation, a way for consciousness to explain the volition to itself. The result seems pretty clear from the experiments as they are described;* according to Nørretranders it causes a big problem for believers in free will. If volition is pre-conscious/unconscious/non-conscious, the argument goes, then the notion of our acting out of our free wills is illusory.

It is not completely clear; but I don't think that Nørretranders is expounding his own belief here, but rather explaining a debate that is going on. It's difficult to tell because he does not attribute to anybody the argument that Libet's results negate free will; he just states it as a common-sense difficulty with the results. But it doesn't seem so clear-cut to me, and I'm interested to see where he goes with it. My gut sense is that free choice can be exercised without necessarily being a conscious act; that innate urges and instinctual volitions are not necessarily mechanical or deterministic. If consciousness is an epiphenomenon of one's brain state, why shouldn't the conscious decision process -- the back-formed story of a conscious decision process -- be epiphenomenal to processes in the brain state which are indeed deciding to act?

*Though note, these results from Trevena and Miller call Libet's results into question.

posted evening of August 18th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Thursday... must be time for a mash-up

Here's the Cookie Monster, singing "God's Away on Business":

There's a leak in the boiler room -- Aahhhh!

posted morning of August 18th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, August 17th, 2011

🦋 The once and future Reg

From Ken Ostrander comes today's Super Groovy Delicious Bite: everybody's favorite, Perspex Island.

posted evening of August 17th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Happy birthday, Pierre!

Pierre de Fermat turns 410 years old this fine Wednesday; Google raises its glass to him with a Doodle. (Thanks for the link, Henry!)

posted morning of August 17th, 2011: Respond
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