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Friday, February 25th, 2011

🦋 Happy Birthday George

Let's listen to "My Sweet Lord".

You're welcome!

posted evening of February 25th, 2011: Respond
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Thursday, February 24th, 2011

🦋 Sophistry

I was happy to stumble upon Dion Chrysostom's 11th discourse, Maintaining that Troy was not captured. Kirill Yeskov cites Chrysostom as "the founder of this literary tradition of playing with others’ masks and backdrops" -- Chrysostom argues that Homer cannot be trusted as a reliable narrator, that the Achæans were in fact defeated at Troy. A refreshing read. Chrysostom's To Plato in defense of Homer has been lost to the ages.

posted evening of February 24th, 2011: Respond
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Monday, February 21st, 2011

🦋 Menneskeheden vil altid frygte monsterne.

If you're in Copenhagen this week, make sure to check out John Kenn's showing of monstrous Post-it® art at MOHS exhibit. The exhibit is titled "Office-space and beyond" and opens on Thursday. If you're not in Denmark you can always follow Kenn's creations at his blog.

posted afternoon of February 21st, 2011: 1 response
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Sunday, February 20th, 2011

🦋 Mountain House

Thanks to Rex Broome and to neighbor Dan Rosen for introducing me to House. My recording with Dan of Saint Etienne's "Stoned, to say the least" will appear on Rex's 39-40 Covers project tomorrow. A lot of fun playing and recording this, it seems like almost the perfect music for me -- repetitive improvisation over a fixed beat is about my favorite violin activity...

What a fortuitous coincidence, to have connected with Dan at the same time Rex asked me to cover Saint Etienne! I met Dan last December, at Woody and Lisa's Solistice party; and two weeks ago we started taking the same train in to the city for work, and talking about music as we ride in. So it seemed like a natural thing to ask Dan for help with this cover; he came through in a big way!

(Update: Post #2500 for this humble blog! Halfway there, woo-hoo!)

posted evening of February 20th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Let's listen to

Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

Narration by the Coen brothers.

posted evening of February 20th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 女の子浮遊の写真

Natsumi Hayahi's photography blog よわよわカメラウーマン日記 is full of pictures of her floating!

(via everywhere on the Internet. Thanks for hipping me to this, Martha!)

(Post title is my non-Japanese-speaking attempt to render "Pictures of the floating girl" -- a pun which I am shocked to find has not yet been made elsewhere, in English anyways, if Google can be trusted.)

posted afternoon of February 20th, 2011: Respond
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Saturday, February 19th, 2011

🦋 Beesten op het strand

Crabfu Artworks presents a walking machine powered by Princess, a pet Roborovski Dwarf Hamster -- huge fun and quite confusing for the Crabfu cat... The machine is a miniature version of Theo Jansen's Strandbeest PVC pipe creations which wander the beaches of Holland. Here is a 3sat Kulturzeit program on Jansen and his creatures:

posted afternoon of February 19th, 2011: Respond

🦋 The Blue Man

Blogger Alison Sampson has uploaded scans of Alberto Breccia's comic El hombre azul (1978) -- thanks for the link, Domingos! Breccia was an Argentine cartoonist, working from the mid-20th-Century to the 90's; definitely looks worth finding out more about him. I see he illustrated texts by Ernesto Sabato, Lovecraft, and Poe, among others...

posted morning of February 19th, 2011: Respond
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Friday, February 18th, 2011

🦋 I voted Outer Suburbitron

...but the leading contender by a long shot (AOTW)* is my second choice, Sciencemastering Lair. Go over to Scenes from a Multiverse to cast your vote for your favorite Famous Destination -- whichever destination wins gets a full week of story-line (next week? I am not sure. It seems like a lot of cartooning to get together on very short notice. Possibly it is the following week or something.)

(I really, really hope Bunnies Planet is not the eventual winner, much as I love it. But also hope that whatever strip wins has Bunnies Planet incorporated into it somehow.)

...A candid shot of Cornelius Snarlington, Business Deer is up at Jamie Zawinski's site,

*...And the pattern is holding up; as of Sunday afternoon it is Sciencemastering Lair way out ahead with 55% of the vote, Outer Suburbitron dead last with a measly 6%. Bunnies Planet is dead center between them.)

posted evening of February 18th, 2011: Respond

🦋 Eating the Lifestyle, Livin' the Dream

I laugh hard every time I look at this billboard modification of Banksy's, from Sunset Boulevard:(via The Wooster Collective)

(The original billboard is advertising a restaurant/nightclub chain in Las Vegas)

...Inside the Movies reports on Banksy's trouble with the Academy.

posted morning of February 18th, 2011: Respond
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