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Happy together (Sept. 8, 2001)


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The only real thing that exists at this moment on earth is our being here together...

José Saramago

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Saturday, May third, 2003

🦋 Clifford soap works

Ellen bought two new soap dispensers, one shaped like Clifford, for the upstairs bathroom, and one with a monkey on it, for the downstairs. Last night Sylvia needed to wash her hands; we were downstairs; I just couldn't figure out how to open up the monkey soap bottle. So after watching me struggle with it for a few minutes, Sylvia let me know, "Clifford soap works".

posted morning of May third, 2003: Respond
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Friday, May second, 2003

🦋 Spring

It's been Spring for a couple of weeks now in South Orange, the flowering trees massively in bloom; but I've been waiting for leaves on the larger trees to come. This morning it looks like they are finally here! Almost all the trees have foliage coming in.

In our yard, the little tree that may or may not be dogwood has buds; and the bush in our front yard sprouted hundreds of crimson flowers all at once a few days ago. I de-ivied that little tree a week and a half ago; and last night I cut the last trunk of ivy off our big maple tree -- there are now about 8 feet of visible trunk before the ivy infestation starts. My dad thinks if I give it a couple of months, all that ivy above the cleared section -- which is no longer getting any nourishment from below -- will dry up and be relatively easy to remove.

Update: Ellen informs me the crimson bush is an azalea; also there is one in our back yard, which I noticed this (Saturday) morning is coming out in buds the same way. I'm thinking it may have gotten buds a few days later because there is less sun; but that is pure speculation.

posted morning of May second, 2003: Respond
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Thursday, May first, 2003

🦋 Quick and dirty home repair

Well tonight I was working in the yard and I noticed, the hose hook I installed last weekend was pulling the siding away from the wall. Oh no! I thought I had screwed through the siding into the stud -- come to find out, when I pulled that siding away, I had screwed through the siding into air -- there is a gap of about ½" between the siding and the stud.

What to do, what to do? I ended up cutting a rabbet in the end of that piece of siding so it would fit over the end of the piece around the corner from it -- that seemed to work ok but now I need to seal it.

posted evening of May first, 2003: Respond
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🦋 Site maintenance

I've got things pretty well back into shape. The links were all lost so I will have to rebuild them by hand, not too hard to do but a pain anyway.

posted afternoon of May first, 2003: Respond
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A test post with my new naming scheme... and a test edit

posted afternoon of May first, 2003: Respond

🦋 Site maintenance

Well I came up with a cool idea for how the site data should be physically organized -- a script to put that organization into effect -- ran it and bang, it deleted all my posts! So I'm trying to get them back, meanwhile the links are not going to be there, sorry.

posted afternoon of May first, 2003: Respond
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🦋 Hometown glory

Wow, Modesto made TPM! Check it out!

And given that Condit and Peterson are both from Modesto, isn't Geragos sort of becoming the Johnnie Cochran of downwardly-mobile Modesto philanderers?

posted morning of May first, 2003: Respond

Wednesday, April 30th, 2003

🦋 Best Breakfast

About a month ago I ate breakfast at Cheyenne Diner, on 9th Ave. and 33rd in midtown Manhattan. It was excellent -- perfect homefries, perfect sunny-side-up eggs, near-perfect corned beef hash. I hesitated though, to trumpet its virtues based on a single excellent meal... but this morning I went back and it lived up to my expectations. Well, fell short in one regard -- the homefries this time were only very good. But the eggs! This time I forgot to specify sunny-side-up as I normally do and ordered fried eggs; they came over easy as they generally do by default in this part of the country. And these were the best over easy fried eggs I have ever eaten -- ever. This is the best breakfast I know of in Manhattan. I am going to be recommending it to anyone who asks.

A note about the corned beef hash -- it is a little peculiar. I like it a lot but it is different from most, kind of goopy or something, I'm not sure how to describe it besides by saying it has the approximate consistency of refried beans -- which is an unusual consistency for corned beef hash.

posted afternoon of April 30th, 2003: Respond
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Tuesday, April 29th, 2003

🦋 Useless Information

With regards to my previous post, I want to flesh out the idea of limiting information content in order to increase bandwidth. Actually -- well I guess its accurate to say "I want to flesh out" this concept -- but not sure it is currently within my ability to do so. This must be an existing meme though -- if you have any recommendations for reading on this subject, please contact me.

posted afternoon of April 29th, 2003: Respond
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🦋 New Wheels

Ta-da! Jeremy and Ellen join the ranks of the four-doored! Tomorrow evening I am picking up our new car, a Pontiac Vibe; described by Western Driver as a crossover combining aspects of station wagon, hatchback, and sport wagon. It is a pleasant car, and inexpensive. It will be easier to get Sylvia in and out because of the four doors, and useful for hauling lumber -- currently I have to chop everything up into 4 or 5-foot lengths before I put it in the car.

Thanks to Ellen's father, Lou Kahaner, for helping us out with the legwork on this -- Lou found us the car dealer and negotiated the price we got, and made sure they didn't give us any grief.

posted afternoon of April 29th, 2003: Respond
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