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— William Blake

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Saturday, January 29th, 2011

🦋 January is a good month for mixes.

I am greatly enjoying New Year's mixes from Steve of Hot Rox Avec Lying Sweet Talk and from Tim W. of The Great Whatsit. Steve's is a mix of his favorite cover versions of the past few years. Mostly new listening for me, and most of the tunes are ones I'm familiar with. I always find it exciting to hear new takes on songs I love. And Tim's is a list of new songs from this year, almost none of which I've heard before or even heard of.

Here is my contribution to the disk-jockeying fray:

    Los once: Jeremy's 2011 Mix

  1. "Hanohano Hawai'i" -- Sol Ho'opi'i's Novelty Trio
  2. "I Wouldn't Mind Dying" -- The Carter Family
  3. "I Love You Because" -- Ernie Tubb
  4. "You Met Your Match" -- Stevie Wonder
  5. "I Watch the Cars" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  6. "Starvation Blues" -- Big Bill Broonzy
  7. "Movin Day" -- The Holy Modal Rounders
  8. "Little Birdie" -- The Stanley Bros.
  9. "Ain't Misbehavin" -- Stéphane Grappelli
  10. "Belly Full of Arms and Legs" -- Robyn Hitchcock
  11. "Sikiliza" -- The Lafayette Afro Band
  12. "Pretty Polly" -- B.F. Shelton
  13. "Rock of Ages" -- Christian Kiefer
  14. "Sing You Sinners" -- Fletcher Henderson
  15. "Burning Up" -- Mutiny
  16. "Talking Bear Mountain Picnic Massacre Blues" -- Bob Dylan
  17. "I Know You Rider" -- The Grateful Dead
  18. "Famous Blue Raincoat" -- Leonard Cohen
  19. "Kanes Blues" -- The Kanek Hawai'ians
These are all songs I connect with discovering a new musical interest -- some quite recently, some in memory over the years as far back as high school. I hope everyone has a good, eventful year in 2011, gets to enjoy plenty of newly discovered and long-nurtured interests.

I haven't quite ironed out all the tagging issues with the mp3s of these songs. I will post a link in comments later on when I get the tape together.

posted afternoon of January 29th, 2011: 1 response
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Friday, January 28th, 2011

🦋 Kate Beaton as a Second Language

A friend of Katie Beaton's is teaching English to Korean students; as an exercise he had them fill in the speech bubbles of some of her comix with their own imagined dialog. The results are quite impressive -- what a marvelous idea for a language class activity! (Also a fun comments thread.)

(Sources: batch of comics #8, Nancy Drew #2, Shetland Pony Adventures, Return of the Saucy Mermaids, Aquaman: Defender of the Seas.)

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 A bellyfull of arms and legs

One title, two very different songs.

  1. Robyn Hitchcock's Phantom 45.
  2. Mr Fist's brand new tune from their third, as yet* unwritten album.
The two have in common that they rock hard.

* ("As yet" as of 2008 or so.)

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: 2 responses
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🦋 Rivera Letelier chronology

I am working on understanding the trajectory Hernán Rivera Letelier followed from being unknown to being, as Dorfman says, "one of the very few writers in Chile who can make a living writing books." His first novel was wildly successful, La reina Isabel cantaba rancheras, and made of him an overnight literary sensation. That was in 1996, only 8 years before Dorfman is talking with him, but you get a very firm sense of Rivera Letelier as an established literary presence. A lot can happen in eight years -- he has by this time published several novels.

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 en la tarde calurosa y transparente

Time for a story. In the fifth chapter of Desert Memories, Dorfman takes a detour from his tour of northern Chile, to relate a yarn; and he does so in a very clever way. Rivera Letelier is talking to him about the town of Pampa Unión -- this is remembered from a frame in which Dorfman is standing in the ruins of Pampa Unión on the following day, after he has left Antofagasta -- last night Rivera Letelier was telling him a story about this town of bordellos, this town which features in his novels Fatamorgana and The Art of Resurrection. The year is 1929 and the president of Chile, General Carlos Ibáñez de Campo, will be passing through the Pampa Unión station, where his train will stop for water.

The band of musicians is ready, they've been practicing for weeks. The children are waiting to sing. The train is coming, the train can be seen chugging on the horizon. And people begin to cheer and they are hushed by one of the organizers. Things have to look orderly and nice. They want to use the occasion to ask the president if he could bestow upon this town some sort of legal status, recognize them as a municipality, put them on the map.

Accept them into the fold of the great Chilean family.

"And the locomotive," Hernán had said, taking his time, savoring our interest, "pulls into the station at exactly 3:08 in the hot, transparent afternoon."

And here Rivera Letelier's wife interrupts the story (and Dorfman's retelling of the story) to tell them supper is served, and Dorfman interrupts himself to talk about the meal -- so the meal serves as a frame internal to the story we have been hearing retold. From the mention of Mari he moves further back to talk about Hernán meeting Mari in the restaurant her mother ran out of her kitchen (and here we get an elaboration on the bit that Laura Cardona referred to in her review of The Art of Resurrection), and about his working in Pedro de Valdivia and listening to the stories of the viejos -- although "miners tend to die young," the men who have been working with explosives in the fields of caliche for years are called "old men" because they look old. And much, much more about his childhood and his path to becoming one of the most successful authors in Chile...

And after all this, Dorfman brings us back to last night in Antofagasta, after they have eaten supper, and he is asking his friend,

posted evening of January 28th, 2011: Respond
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Wednesday, January 26th, 2011

🦋 [This link is probably best viewed in full screen]

(It probably helps not to adopt too rigorous an understanding of the term "nothing" in this game.)

posted evening of January 26th, 2011: 1 response
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🦋 La dictadura

The fourth chapter of Desert Memories, "Nomads of Nitrate," offers an interesting juxtaposition, on the third and fourth days of Ariel and Angélica's journey north. May 15th, 2002 finds Dorfman in Antofagasta, meeting with a group of pampinos who were evicted six years earlier from the salitrera Pedro de Valdivia upon its condemnation. (Also present is Hernán Rivera Letelier, whom I'm glad to see -- one of my principal goals in reading this book is to find out more about Rivera Letelier.) The previous day he had visited María Elena, the last working salitrera in Chile, and dined with Eduardo Arce, the camp's manager for Soquimich S.A.

Despite the hospitable welcome... I was not entirely at ease. ...I feel uncomfortable whenever I meet members of Chile's business class, all too aware of their complicity with Pinochet's dictatorship, which in the case of Soquimich was particularly egregious, as our dictator's then son-in-law, Julio Ponce, had been one of those who acquired these salitreras from the state when they were privatized in the early 1980's in what observers consider dubious circumstances. And Eduardo Arce hints, at some point between the abalone and the sea bass -- or was it just before we were served the meringue dessert? -- when I inquire about his family, that his father had been traumatized by the experience of losing his hacienda in the South during the agrarian land reform program of President Eduardo Frei Montalva in the late sixties -- a process carried out by some of my best friends. But this is also Chile -- a country where people, at least of the elite, sit in close proximity to their former enemies and smile and chat about vintage wines and make believe the past does not really exist, that Arce is not a supporter of Pinochet and that I have not come to the North to search for the disappeared body of Freddy Taberna, not mention that Arce would lunch tomorrow at this table at the same time that I would be seated at a table in Antofagasta with the pampinos who were evicted from their homes because of decisions taken in this very room where we were having our midday meal.

posted evening of January 26th, 2011: Respond
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🦋 Pre-historic Migration

Another animal that migrated across the Bering land bridge and east and south throughout the Americas and eventually down as far as Chile: the polyommatus butterfly. Dr. Naomi Pierce of Harvard et al. have vindicated Nabokov's hypothesis regarding the introduction of this genus of butterfly to the Americas, as Carl Zimmer reports today for the NY Times. The slideshow attached to the article has to be seen to be believed.

Below the fold, a piece from The Art of Resurrection that came to mind as I was reading this article. (I have that book on my brain now...)

posted afternoon of January 26th, 2011: Respond
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Tuesday, January 25th, 2011

🦋 Unknitting, reknotting

I found this lovely anagram at neatorama -- it's the work of Torontonians Micah Lexier and Christian Bök. Among other things, Bök has written Eunoia (2001), consisting of five univocalic chapters and some poetry.

posted evening of January 25th, 2011: Respond

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

🦋 La mano del desierto

(found in Dorfman's Desert Memories)

Up ahead, to one side of the route, is a gigantic granite hand thrusting up from a slight mound in the desert. Yes, I did say a granite hand and I did say gigantic -- towering twenty or thirty meters high -- a smoth rock statue, this Mano, erected here in 1992 by the Chilean sculptor Mario Irrarrázaval as a way of commemorating the presence of humans on this land, both the Europeans who had arrived in 1492 and those who had made the journey so many millenia before Columbus.

Our answer to the desert, that hand.

For more, see Karl Fabricius' writeup of the Hand of the Desert at Environmental Graffiti, with photography from Wikimedia Commons and Flickr.

posted afternoon of January 23rd, 2011: Respond

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