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Improvement makes straight roads; but the crooked roads without improvement are roads of genius.

— William Blake

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Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

🦋 Here, kitty kitty

photo: J.H. Pete Carmichael
National Geographic reports on the discovery that Margay cats in the Brazilian rainforest can mimic their prey when hunting. Interesting finding, and such a stunning photograph. (This photo of a Margay kitten is quite beautiful too, though not in the same breathtaking way.)

posted evening of July 14th, 2010: Respond
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Monday, July 12th, 2010

🦋 "Translate what I meant to say."

On WNYC this morning, Leonard Lopate interviewed Edith Grossman and Lawrence Senelick on the importance of translation.

(You can also read a nice interview with Grossman from a few years back, in Guernica magazine.)

posted evening of July 12th, 2010: Respond
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Sunday, July 11th, 2010

🦋 The room is boundless, and radiant with light.

Det Perfekte Manneske (1967) by Jørgen Leth. It is the inspiration and raw materials for Lars von Trier's (and Leth's) 2003 film The 5 Obstructions. (I'm a little puzzled about the English; in von Trier's film the clips of Leth's film are in Danish, but that does sound like Leth's voice. Maybe he made two copies of it with the voiceover in Danish and English. I can't find the Danish on the web.)

posted afternoon of July 11th, 2010: Respond
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Friday, July 9th, 2010

🦋 Alegrias

(from the movie Flamencos by Carlos Saura.)

posted evening of July 9th, 2010: Respond

Monday, July 5th, 2010

🦋 Distance from the story

Hace ya tantos años que Carlos Reyles, hijo del novelista, me refirió la historia en Adrogué, en un atardecer de verano. En mi recuerdo se confunden ahora la larga crónica de un odio y su trágico fin con el olor medicinal de los eucaliptos y la voz de los pájaros. It's been many years already since Carlos Reyles, son of the novelist, told me this story -- in Adrogué, one evening in the summer. In my memory are muddled now the long story of a hatred and its tragic ending, with the sickly odor of the eucalyptuses, the cry of birds.
-- beginning of "The Other Duel"
This beginning is fairly characteristic of the stories in Brodie's Report -- the narrator (who is often identifiably Borges) distances himself from the story he is telling. He introduces it as a story he heard years ago, that he doesn't remember, quite, and is embroidering with his own inventions -- sometimes (eg "Unworthy") the character who is telling the enclosed story explicitly expects Borges to weave a story out of it, to decorate it with knife fights and lawlessness.

posted evening of July 5th, 2010: Respond
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🦋 Has to be seen to be believed

Honestly. Blu's animated grafittis just keep getting better, more powerful, more beautiful. Today via The Wooster Collective I see he has (they have?) a new piece, Big Bang Big Boom — a "short unscientific story about evolution and his consequences":

Update: Also, Blu's first book is in the stores (well, at least one store). You can get Blu 2004-2007 from Studiocromie, 24 â‚¬. (And of course the shipping -- outside of Europe you will pay 25 â‚¬ to have the book sent to you. Inside Europe it is 19 â‚¬, still quite steep.) The World's Best Ever takes a look inside; and more photos at

posted afternoon of July 5th, 2010: Respond
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🦋 Arrabales and tango

In two or three pieces in Alma del suburbio, Carriego approached the epic; others were closer to social commentary. In Canción del barrio he crossed from Almafuerte's "sacred cosmic rabble"* to the humble middle class. In this second and final step we will find his most famous (if not his greatest) works of poetry. This journey brought him to what we might without deprecation call a poetry of quotidian misery -- a poetry of sick-beds, of failure, of time running in its course, wearing us down and sapping our will to live; a poetry of the family, of affections, of daily habits, even of gossip. It is worthy of note that tango would evolve along the same lines.

-- Borges, foreword to Versos de Carriego

Here are Carlos Gavito and Marsela Duran, tangoing to Eduardo Rovira's "A Evaristo Carriego." The orchestra is the Boston Pops.

* (or "omnipresent sacred rabble" maybe? di Giovanni renders it "cosmic holy rabble".)

posted morning of July 5th, 2010: Respond
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Sunday, July 4th, 2010

🦋 Pampas and arrabales

At the opening of "Juan Muraña" (the fifth story in Brodie's Report), Borges refers back to a biography of Evaristo Carriego which he wrote in 1930 (and which I see was translated by Norman Thomas di Giovanni, in 1984*) -- his old classmate Trápani mentions the book by way of asking what Borges knows of "malevos," a word which I am not finding in the dictionary but which Hurley translates as "fighters and thugs and underworld types." ("Gangsters" seems like it might work just as well...)

I took the opportunity to have a look at Borges' foreword to Versos de Carriego, a selection which he edited in 1964** -- it is giving me another bit of nuance about the Argentine literary tradition Borges is coming out of. Previously I had been thinking the knife fighting in his Argentine stories was a reference to gauchesca literature, the literature of the pampas; but in this foreword he writes,

Esteban Echeverría was the first chronicler of the pampas; Evaristo Carriego, it appears, was the first chronicler of the arrabales [suburban slums around Buenos Aires].
There is knife fighting in gauchesca literature, but the knife fighting in the stories in Brodie's Report all takes place in the slums around Buenos Aires; the reference here is not to gauchos but to malevos.

Below the fold, a little more from the foreword, which makes Carriego's work sound fairly important to the evolution of Argentine literature. Carriego's complete works are online at Proyecto Biblioteca Digital Argentina.

posted evening of July 4th, 2010: Respond
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Friday, July second, 2010

🦋 Ghost Town

Michael Gakuran blogs his visit to Hashima Island, an abandoned coal mining town off the west coast of Japan. Lots of beautiful photography -- this picture reminds me very strongly of My Neighbor Totoro, for some reason.

posted morning of July second, 2010: Respond

Thursday, July first, 2010

🦋 Sand Castles

Thanks to a note at The Wooster Collective, I see that Hampton Beach, NH held its annual sand-castle competition last week; pictures of the winning sculptures are up at My favorite is Marielle Heesels' entry, "Drowning in Love":

Bonus readin Family Album content below the fold.

posted afternoon of July first, 2010: Respond
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