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— Stéphane Mallarmé

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Wednesday, March third, 2004

🦋 Dollars to Donuts

I was thinking this morning about the phrase "I'll bet dollars to donuts that..." (Context: I was walking down 5th Ave. thinking about breakfast and Sarge's corned-beef hash crossed my mind; it crossed my mind also that yesterday some guys from my office ordered lunch from Sarge's. My boss, who is orthodox, did not participate in the order; I thought of somebody saying "Sarge's is kosher" and myself replying "I'll bet dollars to donuts it's not.") "Dollars to donuts" used to be shorthand for really good odds, like 20 to 1 or so; but in New York currently, donuts cost 50 cents, so you are only offering 2 to 1 odds. Apropos of little, I thought "Dollars to Donuts: the Krispy Kreme story" would be a good title for a book about that company.

Note: I realize looking at this, "20 to 1 or so" is just something I made up -- anyone have an idea what a donut cost when this phase came into being?

posted morning of March third, 2004: Respond

Tuesday, March second, 2004

I finished the first part of Don Quixote last night. What I want to say about the book is that it is funny and clever but not satisfying. And that the reason for this is, the reader is given no chance to get to know the characters as humans. (Funny, this is the same thing I just said about "The Dreamer" -- I don't know if that makes my saying it more or less trustworthy...) I do not want to paint myself into a corner where the only thing I can appreciate is modern novels. And I don't really thing that's what is going on: I can think of two works I love (and find satisfying) straight off the bat, Iliad and Beowulf, which do not have human characters in the sense I have been talking about; I'm sure there would be many more if I took some time to dig through my memory. Why is it that these work? Can I shift my expectations of Don Quixote to make myself enjoy it more?

posted morning of March second, 2004: Respond
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Last night we went to the movies. None of our first choices were playing and we ended up seeing "The Dreamer" -- an excellent choice as it turned out. Now my main comment about the movie is a criticism but I want to be clear -- this movie is close to perfect. Its big failing is lack of character development, which I attribute to a poorly written script. I think this precise story, and all of the events in it, could have added up to something fantastic if the writers had just devoted themselves to really creating full, real people in the roles rather than just treating them as sort of archetypes and trusting the audience to identify with characters already existing in our heads.

Update: Oh yeah, and here's what was good about the movie: Cinematography, soundtrack, acting -- these three elements were just stellar -- a good, engaging story; and lovely, sexy nudity.

posted morning of March second, 2004: Respond
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Sunday, February 29th, 2004

Don Quixote, chapter L: the story of Part I is drawing to a close and I am a bit troubled. I have been appreciating the narrative gymnastics and the wry wit; but I don't think any of the characters have emerged over these 450 pages as much more than one-dimensional. I am confused a bit about the pedantic tone of the sections that inveigh against chivalric novels -- sometimes it seems like irony, other times quite earnest.

As a reader in 2004, the question of chivalric novels doesn't matter much to me except insofar as it expands to cover popular action novels in general -- do I read Cervantes as talking specifically about the genre popular at his time, or as addressing a more universal human trait?

posted evening of February 29th, 2004: Respond
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Friday, February 27th, 2004

Once I reached the scene where Lester breaks into Moussad's house, I was unable to put down House of Sand and Fog until I finished it -- it was electrifying. Hoping against hope that somehow the Behrani's would not be destroyed, darkly disappointed with Kathy for bringing this all to pass, stupefied at Lester's transformation into such an evil character, right inside Moussad's vengeful, violent head at the end.

Monday Ellen and I are going to the movies, I will lobby for "House of Sand and Fog" although her goal is to see "Lost in Translation". I wonder though how I will respond to the appearances of the actors -- I have come up with pretty fixed understandings of how each character should look.

posted evening of February 27th, 2004: Respond
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I am just ploughing through House of Sand and Fog now, loving the world of the book -- Dubus has got me totally roped in to his reality. He is leaping around amongst various time frames and points of view and it seems totally fluid to me. This is IMO the key to a really good modern novel. I would like to develop this at more length sometime. Also it was occurring to me this morning, how does that tie in with my experience of Don Quixote? The movement between various narrative lines which I was admiring a few posts back is in the same direction as this quality I am talking about; but it is not precisely the same.

posted morning of February 27th, 2004: Respond
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Wednesday, February 25th, 2004

Don Quixote, Chapter XLV: Ah, we're back to the main subject matter of the book, the madness of Señor Quexana. The other stories are good too but this is the real meat of it.

posted evening of February 25th, 2004: Respond

I started reading House of Sand and Fog, by Andre Dubus III, yesterday evening. It is nice, at least two very strongly drawn characters (Massoud and Kathy) -- the blurb description of it as "tragic" (I see this term in two of the quoted reviews) seems accurate. I am identifying very much with Massoud and a bit with Kathy as well, and feel a sense of dread hanging over the book at the thought that their dreams will be thwarted...

This is the second-and-a-half Oprah's Book Club selection that I have read; the other two were The Poisonwood Bible, which I enjoyed not at all but made a good gift for my mom, and The Corrections, which I enjoyed a great deal but which only counts as half an Oprah's Book Club selection.

I bought House of Sand and Fog at Clovis Press bookshop, a fine used and new shop at 229 Bedford Ave. in Brooklyn. I have poked my head in there several times before -- nearly every time I'm in Williamsburg I stop in for a few minutes -- but had never bought anything there. I saw a sign on the front door announcing a memorial evening for Clovis the Dog, after whom the bookshop was apparently named.

posted morning of February 25th, 2004: Respond
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Monday, February 23rd, 2004

Don Quixote, Chapter XLIV: The web of coincidences in the last section of Part I was really threatening to lose my interest... But somehow it has pulled me back in over the last two chapters.

posted evening of February 23rd, 2004: Respond

Ellen and Sylvia are playing Cinderella -- Ellen is Cinderella, Sylvia is the Fairy Godmother.

CINDERELLA: Before I leave, do you have any advice for me?
FAIRY GODMOTHER: Be sure to come home before midnight.
CINDERELLA: And why do I need to do that?
FAIRY GODMOTHER: (thinks about it for a minute) ...I'd appreciate it.

posted afternoon of February 23rd, 2004: Respond
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