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The bastards that destroy our lives are sometimes just ourselves.

Robyn Hitchcock

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Saturday, December 5th, 2009

🦋 Antipoetry

(Every book in the world is out there waiting to be read by me.)
Today at MobyLives, Tom McCartan has written the first installment of their series on Roberto Bolaño's reading habits -- this one is about Nicanor Parra, Chilean anti-poet of my dreams. Bolaño believed that Parra's poetry will "endure... along with the poetry of Borges, of Vallejo, of Cernuda and a few others.... But this, we have to say it, doesn't matter too much."

Gives me a nice opening to mention that I read the opening pages of The Savage Detectives in a book shop this morning, and it moved several spots up on my priority list of what to read next -- just a hilarious book.

posted evening of December 5th, 2009: Respond
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Thursday, December third, 2009

🦋 Asemia

Turns out there is a name for the genre to which Codex Seraphinianus and the Voynich Manuscript belong; it is called "asemic writing", writing without semantic content.

Two resources: The New Post-Literate is an asemic blog, a gallery of asemic work by various artists, maintained by Michael Jacobson. (Thanks for the link, Edmond!) Have not looked around there a whole lot yet -- there seems to be a lot of interesting visuals but little in the way of links for further investigation of the images. And ASEMIC is an Australia-based magazine of asemic writing. The first three issues are available in electronic form for free, the more ambitious fourth issue you have to pay for.

posted evening of December third, 2009: Respond

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

🦋 Community Ride

Ellen's project for the last couple of months has been organizing with the South Orange/Maplewood Bicycle Coalition -- the goal is to make our towns a better, friendlier place for riding. The group hosted its first community ride today, from Meadowbrook Park in South Orange to Maplewood town center, and it went off without a hitch.

Turnout was huge, about twice as many people as expected -- Ellen thinks there were at least 50 people riding. It was a real kick to be riding down the street in such a big pack. This should definitely get us noticed -- time to push for more bike lanes!

posted afternoon of November 29th, 2009: Respond
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Saturday, November 28th, 2009

🦋 An evening with old friends

Jim Cross and family were in town today; I brought a guitar for him to play over to Antonio's house and we played with Bob, Janis and Greg. Some of the songs were just great, sounding like we had been playing together for all this time -- like the thread of practice was unbroken. Song list below the fold.

posted evening of November 28th, 2009: Respond
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🦋 Frost

We saw this video of Robert Frost reading his most famous (? -- I think) poem last night -- I had never heard Frost reading before and was really struck by the hypnotic, incantatory quality of his voice. Also he reads a little faster than I would have pictured.

posted evening of November 28th, 2009: 1 response
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Friday, November 27th, 2009

🦋 Vocals, instrumentals

Speaking of set lists: I played music with John this afternoon (also his brother Vic was sitting in on piano). We played a number of songs we've done before, and also did some instrumentals out of my fiddle book (the misleadingly named but comprehensive Fiddle Fakebook) -- it was a new thing to play these pieces with an accompaniment, very enjoyable. We are going to play the open mic at John's church in two weeks!

Song list below the fold.

posted evening of November 27th, 2009: Respond
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🦋 Hi Kinks fans!

Hey look, I got linked from! They linked some other reviews of the Wellmont show too:

  • No Expiration -- a blog about timeless music. No set list, but many of the songs Ray played are named.
  • Ken Schlager's review in New Jersey Monthly.
  • Jonny Diamond's (kind of callow) review in L Magazine.
  • ...Looks like Jon Mandle of Crooked Timber was there as well.
Thanks for stopping by -- if you'd like to read some of what I've written about listening to music, check out my archives...

posted afternoon of November 27th, 2009: Respond
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🦋 The Dining Room

This morning, the most recent installment of our home redecoration saga is complete; we finished painting the dining room, and have put the room back together. Look!

The painting is "Autumn Rhythm", by Jackson Pollock.

There are a couple of other views at the READIN Family Album, just click on the photo.

(Later on:) ...Such a pleasure, moving through this room and the adjacent two rooms, now that they are back in a proper state, not all chaotic as they have been the past couple of weeks. It feels like a stubbed toe or a sprained ankle, healed back up.

posted afternoon of November 27th, 2009: Respond
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Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

🦋 Audience Participation

So Ray Davies has (as Holly has been demonstrating all month) a huge catalog -- he made wonderful use of it tonight when Ellen and I saw him playing at the Wellmont Theater in Montclair, playing his greatest hits ("Lola", "You Really Got Me"), my personal favorites ("Come Dancing", "Waterloo Sunset"), songs I knew vaguely ("Low Budget", "Where Have All the Good Times Gone"), songs I had heard of ("Demon Alcohol"), and songs I had never heard of ("Cowboys in Vietnam"); and even one song he claimed himself to have forgotten having written -- "Moments", which he said he was playing because a Finnish journalist who was interviewing him requested it, and he had to look it up on YouTube to figure out what song the journalist was talking about.

A great, great show, and what I think will stick with me about it is the degree of participation from the audience -- from me and the people sitting around me and everyone in the theater. On every song, however well I knew or did not know it, I was bopping my head, stomping my feet, snapping my fingers, clapping my hands, bellowing out responses to Davies' calls. He played for two hours and my attention -- and the attention, it seemed to me, of the audience as a whole -- never flagged. I hope somebody posts a set list online, I'd like to remember all the songs he played.

posted evening of November 24th, 2009: 2 responses

Sunday, November 22nd, 2009

🦋 Sunsets, silhouettes

Spent the weekend in Atlantic City with Ellen's family -- happy 90th birthday, Lou! Here is a picture I took of Ellen and Sylvia on the boardwalk last night, that I'm pretty happy with:

This reminds me a lot of the picture I took of Sylvia early last year:
...Leads me to the conclusion that sunsets are just generally very pretty and a very good subject for photography.

posted afternoon of November 22nd, 2009: Respond
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