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The very idea of the (definitive) translation is misguided, Borges tells us; there are only drafts, approximations.

Andrew Hurley

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Thursday, December 18th, 2008

🦋 Elsewhere

I wrote a brief review of Stroszek for The Great Whatsit's Thursday Favorites column. Check it out! If you're coming from there and want to read more about Stroszek, click the link below.

posted morning of December 18th, 2008: Respond
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Wednesday, December 17th, 2008

🦋 Sarasota,
Sanibel Island

Lots more photos up at the READIN Family Album, of Ellen's and Sylvia's vacation in Florida.

posted evening of December 17th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Movies this weekend

We're thinking of seeing a couple movies this weekend -- Milk and Cadillac Records. Have you seen those? Worthwhile, or do you have a different recommendation? Let me know.

(A friend recommended Slumdog Millionaire in pretty glowing terms, but I don't know if a trip in to the city is going to be feasible.)

Oh, look at that! Slumdog Millionaire is playing in Montclair -- maybe I will lobby for that. Cadillac Records looks like it might not be that interesting.

posted morning of December 17th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Together

The Wooster Collective features some art from Peter Fuss of Poland, including this billboard, which reminds me a bit (as so much else is doing these days) of The Stone Raft:
(Seen in context at Fuss's site the message is a bit different.)

posted morning of December 17th, 2008: Respond
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Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

🦋 Duncan Pro-Fly

Just a note: my new yo-yo is about the easiest and most fun to spin of any yo-yo I've tried. It will come back in situations where most yo-yos would not. If you're looking for one to learn on or if you know how to do it and want to have some fun, I recommend this model.

(Note: It is not as heavy as a classic Duncan Imperial or Duncan Butterfly, so it will not sleep for as long as them; I mostly like doing looping tricks where sleeping is not as important.)

posted evening of December 16th, 2008: 1 response

🦋 Pairing off

The only real thing that exists at this moment on earth is our being here together...
I'm lingering around the middle of The Stone Raft a bit. I was a bit surprised at Joana's revelation, and it prompted me to think of the book as pretty strongly feminist in tone; but now, following close on that, she has paired off with José; Maria has been introduced and has paired off with Joaquim, and with that any feminism in the book seems (for now) much more muted, I mean to say it seems like a romance in a more familiar model.

Joachim is self-centered and needy; if the book's aim is to show him growing into a full human being by accepting love from a woman, well, it will still be a very good book but I will be disappointed. (I speculate about how I will feel about the book when I'm done reading it -- obviously I can't know.) A romance can be a very satisfactory read of course. But the first half of this book made it seem like it was going to be much more than that; hopefully Saramago is not headed where I am assuming he is.

posted evening of December 16th, 2008: Respond
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Monday, December 15th, 2008

🦋 Best translated books of 2008

Three percent has nominated 25 books for the title of "Best translated [into English] book of 2008" -- they are running posts about each of them over the next month, until January 27 when they'll pick ten finalists. Lots of good stuff in the list! (A couple of titles from there are going on my reading list.) Thanks to Scott for the link.

posted afternoon of December 15th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Reading List

OK, for 2009 I am doing something I've never really done before (that I can recall), which is to make a list of books I'm interested in reading this year. The list is not ordered; I'm just going to be adding titles to it as they occur to me, and without commentary. When I comment on a book that's on the list, I will update with a link to the diary for that book. I'm going to link this post in my sidebar, so it will be at hand for reference.

Just a few books for now, I'll build the list over the next few days. Note that I'm expecting 2009 to be mostly a year of reading Iberian and Latin American lit for me, not sure exactly how this will pan out though.

The List

Novels and stories

  • City of God by Paolo Lins
  • Inherent Vice by Thomas Pynchon
  • The Gospel According to Jesus Christ by José Saramago
  • Museum of Innocence by Orhan Pamuk
  • What Can I Do When Everything's on Fire? by António Lobo Antunes
  • The Black Book by Orhan Pamuk, in Güneli Gün's translation.
  • The Double by José Saramago
  • The Elephant's Journey by José Saramago
  • All the Names by José Saramago
  • 2666 by Roberto Bolaño
  • Senselessness by Horacio Castellanos Moya
  • The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman
  • Elizabeth Costello by J.M. Coetzee
  • Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolaño
  • Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee
  • The Promised Land by Karel Shoeman
  • Die Blendung by Elias Canetti
  • Cien Años de Soledad by Gabriel García Márquez
  • The Elegance of the Hedgehog by Muriel Barbery
  • Death in the Andes by Mario Vargas Llosa
  • Brief Interviews with Hideous Men by David Foster Wallace
  • The Counterlife by Philip Roth (Started this, totally turned off.)
  • My Two Worlds by Sergio Chejfec
  • The Fat Man and Infinity by António Lobo Antunes
  • The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
  • Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee
  • A Wild Ride Through the Night by Walter Moers
  • The Time Regulation Institute by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar


  • Cultural Amnesia by Clive James
  • Borges in/and/on Film by J.L. Borges
  • The Labyrinth of Solitude by Octavio Paz
  • Cuadernos de Lanzarote by José Saramago
  • The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James
  • The Hunter Gracchus by Guy Davenport


If you have any suggestions for me, any books you think would do me good, please put them in comments!

posted morning of December 15th, 2008: 6 responses
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

🦋 Language barrier

(Yikes! four posts about The Stone Raft this morning -- it's taken over my consciousness pretty completely.) Interesting: With the addition of Joana to group of travelers, there will be no more conversations that everybody understands. Pedro speaks only Spanish, Joana speaks only Portuguese -- José and Joachim are bilingual. I guess I had been vaguely assuming that most people in Portugal were competent in Spanish, not really sure why I would think such a thing though. When Pedro did not understand what was happening between Joachim and the border guard, it surprised me to realize that Joachim and José had not been speaking their native language with him.

I think it's easy to fall into a trap of viewing the two languages as more similar than they actually are, if most of your exposure to them is reading. It seems like if you just do some letter substitutions, written Portuguese looks pretty similar to written Spanish. I was surprised watching City of God last night, that I had mostly no clue what the characters were saying -- when I watch a Spanish film with subtitles, I can generally map the meanings in the subtitles to the sounds of what people are saying -- but here it was very much the exception for me even to recognize a word of the spoken dialog. I don't know how different the spoken Portuguese of Brazil is from that of Europe. (By the way, Paolo Lins' City of God is now on my list of books to read in 2009 -- the movie made me really want to find out more about the characters, and I think I'll be able to understand them better in book form.)

posted afternoon of December 14th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Why Ereira?

The Mondego crossing at Ereira, 1952
The location of Joana Carda's line in the sand (and I'm assuming her home town*) is revealed on p. 124 of The Stone Raft as being Ereira, a village southwest of Coimbra on the banks of the Mondego. (See my map of the journey so far.) Why there, and why the mystique about it? -- where all the other characters' locations and origins are discussed at length, Joana
Church at Ereira
has been tight-lipped -- "I've nothing to tell you about myself, if I've revealed nothing so far to these men with whom I'm traveling, there's no reason why I should confide in strangers."

I had the thought maybe Ereira was Saramago's birthplace, and went to check -- but it is not. He was born in Azinhaga, near where José Anaiço lives. (And I think it makes sense to identify José Anaiço with the author of this story.)

(With regards to Joana's feminine mystique: as they are walking to see the line, she says she will tell them the rest of her story. "You could have told us sooner, either in Lisbon or during the journey, José Anaiço remarked, I don't see why, ...As a reward for having believed in you, It's for me to decide your reward and when it should be given, José Anaiço refrained from answering,... but she heard Joachim Sassa murmur, What a girl, Joana Carda smiled, I'm no girl, and I'm not the bitch you think I am, I don't think you're a bitch, Domineering, stubborn, conceited, affected, Good heavens, what a list, why not say mysterious and leave it at that,...")

*Not quite -- her home is in Coimbra, but she's been living with relatives in Ereira for about a month, since separating from her husband.

posted morning of December 14th, 2008: Respond

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