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I John 3:18

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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

🦋 Reading

Hey anybody who's around NYC tonight and has no plans or easily changeable ones: this event is going to be well worth your time and the price of the ticket. Orhan Pamuk, Salman Rushdie and several other authors will be reading from their work at a PEN benefit for victims of the cyclone and for freedom of expression in Burma. 7 pm at Cooper Union. If you can make it, drop me a line and we can meet up.

Update: Not "from their work", not sure how I got that idea -- readings were from the work of imprisoned Burmese dissidents, as would make more sense given the nature of the event. What an amazing evening!

posted morning of September 23rd, 2008: Respond
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Monday, September 22nd, 2008

🦋 Autobiography of Babel

Saramago says (approximately -- I am no Jull Costa; but with a little help from Google I can get something I think close to what he has written):

I believe that every word we pronounce, every movement and gesture,... each one and all of them together, can be understood as pieces of an unintentional autobiography, which although involuntary, or for that very reason, is no less sincere and truthful than the most thorough of stories of life written on paper. ...I propose a day, more earnestly than it might seem at first glance, when every human being would have to let his life story be written down, and that these thousands of millions of volumes, as they began to overflow the Earth, should be transported to the Moon. This would mean that the great, the enormous, the gigantic, the excessive, the vast library of human existence would have to be subdivided, at first into two parts, and then, with the passage of time, into three, into four, eventually into nine, always supposing that the eight remaining planets of the solar system would have environments hospitable enough to respect the fragility of paper. ...Like the greater portion of good ideas, this one too is unrealizable. Have patience.

posted evening of September 22nd, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Meta-sexism

Matt Yglesias links this really interesting article in the Washington Post: Study Ties Wage Disparities To Outlook on Gender Roles. If I'm reading it correctly, it seems to be saying that traditional-minded sexist men earn substantially more money than "egalitarian" men, for similar work -- egalitarian men in turn earn more than egalitarian women, who earn more than sexist women. It would be interesting to see how the study separated people into "traditional-minded" and "egalitarian" baskets.

With respect to the lowest-earning group, sexist women, the study's author asks, "If you were a traditional-minded woman, would you say, 'I am fine working the same hours as a traditional-minded man in the same industry with the same education but earning substantially less'? I don't think traditional-minded women would say that." This seems wrong to me -- it seems like the difference between "traditional-minded" women and the other groups is probably the easiest to explain in terms of self-image and expectations. (Caveat -- this depends on what is actually meant by "traditional-minded" in the context of the study. I am thinking of it as inoccuous shorthand for "misogynist," which was how the article seemed to be portraying it, but I have no idea how close to accurate that may be.)

You can see more information about the study, including the participants form and a dissertation proposal, at Beth Livingston's site; Ms. Livingston is a co-author of the study.

posted afternoon of September 22nd, 2008: 2 responses

🦋 Speak up

Today is an important day to contact your representatives in Congress. Tell them you are opposed to the bailout proposed by Secretary Paulson; tell them the country cannot afford to buy the banks' worthless assets at wildly inflated prices. We need a better plan, something with oversight and control. You can find some talking points in Paul Krugman's column today. As Brad says, this is a very big deal.

At Crooked Timber, there's a good comments thread on this subject.

posted morning of September 22nd, 2008: 4 responses
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Sunday, September 21st, 2008

The temptation to regard Mr. Wallace's suicide last weekend as anything other than a private tragedy must be resisted.
A.O.Scott writes an eloquent essay on Wallace's legacy in today's N.Y. Times, with reference to Wallace's 2004 review of a Borges biography.
He was smarter than anyone else, but also poignantly aware that being smart didn't necessarily get you very far, and that the most visible manifestations of smartness -- wide erudition, mastery of trivia, rhetorical facility, love of argument for its own sake -- could leave you feeling empty, baffled and dumb.

posted morning of September 21st, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Didn't Mean to be Unkind

Tom Paxton:

It seems to me like the line "You know that was the last thing on my mind" admits of two not mutually exclusive readings. It could just be a restatement and intensifier of "Didn't mean to be unkind"; or it could also be a separate statement, that he just wasn't thinking about how he was behaving toward the woman he's singing to. The difference here keys on whether that takes "I could have loved you better" or "to be unkind" as its antecedent; I like the ambiguity.

(Yeah, any excuse to post this song... I was listening to Chet Atkins' cover of it last night in the soundtrack to Stroszek and it became the song I want to have in my head all the time. Maybe I will try and learn the words and figure out a violin part for the October jam. Do you know there are like 50 covers of this song -- most of the ones I can find on YouTube are inferior to the original although Dolly Parton's version is pretty easy on the ears. Oh also: here is a tape of Tom Paxton singing "Rambling Boy" on Pete Seeger's "Rainbow Quest" show.)

posted morning of September 21st, 2008: Respond
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Saturday, September 20th, 2008

🦋 Further to Stroszek

It doesn't really make sense to title the previous post "Replacing Aguirre in my affections"... I was meaning to get across my dawning feeling as I watched it, that maybe this is the greatest movie Herzog ever made. But actually it's great in a very similar way to how Aguirre is, though they are very different movies. I think maybe the signature feature of Herzog's story-telling -- as I watch his films anyway -- is the way he can bring me to identify with his characters at the same time as I see them as totally alien, completely different from me. So I'm inside Bruno's head and I'm freaking out about how weird and inexplicable he is. Well that and of course the amazing layout of images on the screen, and the fantastic soundtrack; these are more qualities Herzog's great films have in common...

“Silver Bell” performed by Chet Atkins and Hank Snow -- not actually on the Stroszek soundtrack, a different version of “Silver Bell” was on it and some different songs by Atkins. (Including “The Last Thing on My Mind&rdquo -- just fantastic.)

posted evening of September 20th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Replacing Aguirre in my affections

may be Stroszek which I am watching now. This movie is exactly what a movie should be -- it is the ideal form "movie" that is in my mind when I give voice to the word. I think it is going to drive me to purchase a region-free DVD player -- am I right in thinking that such a thing exists? -- right now I can only watch it on my laptop and the image is pretty distorted; the characters and images on the screen are flattened so that it seems like you are looking up at the screen at a sharp angle.

I will try and figure out how to write a meaningful review of the movie and maybe post it later on.

(I wonder if this distortion is a property of the DVD rather than of the method of playing it. It would likely be cheaper to rent the DVD from Netflix, which will have a disk I can play on my TV set, than to buy a new DVD player. So that's what I'll do... Yep, strike all that above. I am watching the Netflix copy of the movie and it is sized properly. Way better this way.)

posted evening of September 20th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Sherman and Grant, sittin' in a tree

It Is Time for History is just the greatest thing. I'm very happy it's going on -- people have claimed days up through early November so far. Today, nextian posts a wonderful cartoon of Sherman and Grant, with some great historical tidbits and editorial insight. The comments thread is totally worth while as well.

posted morning of September 20th, 2008: Respond
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Friday, September 19th, 2008

🦋 The Plain Sense of Things

Jim Henley posts an excellent poem of his that he wrote back in 1997, which he purports to have bearing on the current presidential campaign -- kind of a flimsy excuse I think but I'm glad to be reminded of this poem, with its invocation of Wallace Stevens: Some Affluence of the Planet.

Wallace Stevensâ??s job in Surety Claims
was minimizing loss. The filigrees
of tendrils that we ink into our moneyâ??
stock certificates, bearer bonds, plain cashâ??
are not there only to foil counterfeiters.
Vulgar as the approximations are,
they stand for the fruits of life.

On the subject of writers named Wallace: I'm wondering if Stevens' The Plain Sense of Things can be read as having any bearing on D.F. Wallace's essay "E Unibus Pluram".

posted morning of September 19th, 2008: Respond
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