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Los verdaderos poemas son incendios. La poesí­a se propaga por todas partes, iluminando sus consumaciones con estremecimientos de placer o de agoní.

Vicente Huidobro

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Friday, July 25th, 2008

🦋 The Dog of Tears

It is not worth describing what Cipriano Algor thought about because he had thought it on so many other occasions and we have supplied more than enough information on the subject already. The only new thing here is that he allowed a few painful tears to run down his cheeks, tears that had been dammed up for a long, long time, always just about to be shed, but, as it turned out, they were being reserved for this sad hour, for this moonless night, for this solitude that has not yet resigned itself to being solitude. What was truly not a novelty, because it had happened before in the history of fables and in the history of the marvels of the canine race, was that Found went over to Cipriano Algor to lick his tears, a gesture of supreme consolation which, however touching it might seem to us, capable of touching hearts normally not given to displays of emotion, should not make us forget the crude reality that the salty taste of tears is greatly appreciated by most dogs. One thing, however, does not detract from the other, were we to ask Found if it was because of the salt that he licked Cipriano Algor's face, he would probably have replied that we do not deserve the bread that we eat, that we are incapable of seeing beyond the end of our own nose.
A dog licking tears from the face of a crying human is a central image in Saramago's work, as much as I've read of it so far anyway. And it is touching -- the other times I've read sequences like this, they have touched me as symbolizing the depth of connection between the dog and his master. But another way of looking at it that is occurring to me now, is how painfully lonely, to be weeping in a place where there is no other person present.

(The clause after "truly not a novelty" strikes me as funny in a sort of self-referential way -- it could be rendered, "What was truly not a novelty, because it had happened before in books I have written,...")

posted evening of July 25th, 2008: 4 responses
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🦋 Catchy

As I was getting in my car this morning, I found I was whistling a tune, and wondered what tune it was. Aha! It is Heebie-Geebie's new song, "My Neighbor"! Excellent -- I only listened to it once and it is already in my ear. I got some issues with the first part of the verse but in sum I think it's a very fine song.

posted morning of July 25th, 2008: Respond
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Thursday, July 24th, 2008

🦋 Seth Boyden

I was moved just now to look up and see who Sylvia's new school is named after. Turns out the man was an inventor and engineer who lived in Newark, and then later in Hilton, the town which is now the easternmost neighborhood in Maplewood.

There is a statue of him in Washington Park in Newark, the little triangle of grass outside the Newark Museum -- I have seen that statue many times but never looked at the name on it. The statue was erected in the 1890's*; here is a New York Times article (PDF) from 1909, about a memorial exhibition of his tools opening at the Newark Public Library.

This carven bronze! In face and form it stands
  To honor him, a son of toil so true
That from his brain and never tiring hands
  Labor was crowned with dignity anew!
For him dull iron welded firmest bar,
  And steam and gold gave out a secret lore,
The round sunlight beams sent him from afar,
  And silver wielded best of molten ore.

We went to a picnic this evening for new Seth Boyden kids and parents. Seems like a lot of kids from Marshall are transferring over to Seth Boyden for next year!

*Unveiled on May 14, 1890, further research reveals -- Newark's Central Labor Union boycotted the unveiling because the company that erected the memorial did not use union labor. Also: the Times obituary for Mr. Boyden (second one down), and a notice of his funeral -- their archives get pretty hard to read that far back. The Boyden homestead in Hilton burned down in 1903. (All these links are PDF's -- looks like scans of old Times microfilm.)

posted evening of July 24th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Love

I want to start putting together a mix tape of love songs. Seems like the right thing to do right now. Now it would be really easy to put together such a tape using only Robyn Hitchcock tunes but I don't want to roll that way... I think I will include "I Feel Beautiful" and either "Arms of Love" or "Heaven". (So many choices! My first thought was to open the mix with "Birds in Perspex" and end it with "Ride".) Anyway: time to start thinking about non-Hitchcock love songs...

posted evening of July 24th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 iPod bleg

Dear Internets,
I have a problem, which is my young daughter was listening to my iPod and went messing with the settings (I told her not to, but does she listen? She does not), and set the maximum volume to quite soft. When she was doing that, she put in a 4-digit password, which she promptly forgot. What can i do? Google-found pages advise me that I should use windows explorer to navigate to the iPod's "IPod Control\Device" folder and delete the file called "volume locked" -- I did this to no avail. (Somehow the iPod is only available via explorer while iTunes is synching its content, then it disappears. Google also tells me there should be a way of enabling it always to show up in Explorer but I'm not getting anywhere with that.) I'd be happy to do a cold reboot of the iPod if only I knew how. Pressing the Menu button and the center button together for a few seconds appears to do a soft reboot, and not to affect the Max Volume setting.

Help please! I want to listen to my music loud!

posted morning of July 24th, 2008: 2 responses

Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

🦋 Huckleberry Finn Intertextuality

Sylvia comments that the King and the Duke's plan to perform a Shakespearean exhibition (featuring the balcony scene, with the King as Juliet, and the sword fight from Richard III, and the King doing Hamlet's soliloquy) reminds her a lot of Moominsummer Madness. And I think she's on to something; Jansson could very well be referring directly to this scene. That's assuming Huckleberry Finn was translated and available in Finland in the early 20th C., which seems to me like a reasonable assumption.

An interesting moment was explaining to Sylvia why it would probably not be a good idea to read Huckleberry Finn out loud while we were on the airplane flying to California.

posted evening of July 23rd, 2008: 2 responses
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🦋 Beach Reading

Coincidence: the two times this year I have gone to the beach, I've taken along a book by Saramago -- he works really well for a relaxed read, lying in the sun. I'm not sure what it is exactly -- he's very "heavy" -- it takes a lot of thinking and re-thinking for me to get it. But the sun and the sand seem to help that along.

A couple of nice bits from this weekend's reading, below the fold:

posted afternoon of July 23rd, 2008: Respond
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Friday, July 18th, 2008

🦋 A little vacation

So after a spate of short and varying-degrees-of-silly posts, I'm going away for a coupl'a days -- my cousin Andy is getting married! So Sylvia and I are jetting off to San Diego this evening. Be back on Wednesday or thereabouts.

posted morning of July 18th, 2008: Respond

Thursday, July 17th, 2008

🦋 Dr. Horrible

I did not know until today about Joss Whedon's new movie (movie? I don't see any indication that it will be in theaters -- it is an internet phenomenon but it sure looks like a movie), Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. Just now I watched the first episode -- what a great thing this is! Nothing to say about it yet other than, go take a look.

...Oop, well, you can't go take a look any longer, not without paying at any rate.

posted evening of July 17th, 2008: 2 responses
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🦋 Little square robots

Tonight we went to the local park to watch a screening of Wallace and Gromit -- the three shorts, "A Grand Day Out", "A Close Shave", and "The Wrong Trousers". Wonderful movies, and nice to watch them outdoors on a hot summer night. I was wondering if anybody had noticed the resemblance between Pixar's character WALL•E, and the robot that lives on the moon in "A Grand Day Out".

...Yep, well, A.O. Scott noticed the allusion in his review of WALL•E -- which I read a couple of weeks ago! I didn't catch that at the time... Google tells me a lot of other reviewers caught it too.

posted evening of July 17th, 2008: Respond
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