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The very idea of the (definitive) translation is misguided, Borges tells us; there are only drafts, approximations.

Andrew Hurley

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Wednesday, June 4th, 2008

🦋 Resolution

...So even as I was writing my last post, news was coming out all over the Internet that Hillary Clinton is leaving the race. I guess my initial perception of the speech as a concession speech was accurate on some level.

In comments at Obsidian Wings, Cleek points out a beautiful bit of date synchronicity:

  • August 28, 1963: Martin Luther King gives his â??I Have A Dreamâ? speech.
  • August 28, 2008: The first black presidential nominee will give his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.

(And read the post to which Cleek's comment is attached; it's a fine one.)

posted evening of June 4th, 2008: Respond

🦋 The Speech

OK, so I'm feeling bad about leaving the previous post up at the top, and want to at least move it down a little. It was intemperate, and saying "Screw you, Hillary" probably contributes to the atmosphere of misogyny they're discussing over at the Edge of the West.

When I was listening to the speech I had a lot of cognitive dissonance going on. I didn't experience the speech as "graceless" and "classless", like a lot of commenters I've been reading today seem to have; it sounded like a really good speech to me, just totally out of place and not suited to the occasion. So anyway. I'm sorry I reacted that way and I just hope Ms. Clinton will leave the race in a civil way and one conducive to Democratic victory.

posted evening of June 4th, 2008: Respond

Tuesday, June third, 2008

🦋 Returns

Sweet -- so I just turned on the TV and Larry King or somebody was saying that CNN projected Obama would secure the Democratic nomination.

Hillary is going to be speaking in a minute... Come on, Hil! You can do the right thing! You can avoid going down in history as the woman who wrecked America!

...Oh thank you, Hillary. Thank you!

...Oh wait, I spoke too soon. Screw you, Hillary. Screw you! ...But it really sounded to me like she was making a concession speech. What's wrong with me?

posted evening of June third, 2008: Respond

Monday, June second, 2008

🦋 Turkish lit

I just found out about this: a new translation by Maureen Freely is out, not of Pamuk but of another Turkish author named Fethiye Çetin -- the book is a memoir of her grandmother, an Armenian Christian kidnapped by a Turkish officer. This sounds interesting on any number of points, and Mr. Pope's review makes it sound like captivating reading.

See also this longer review and interview with Çetin, by Fréderike Geerdink.

posted evening of June second, 2008: Respond
➳ More posts about My Grandmother: A Memoir

Sunday, June first, 2008

🦋 Jammable

So more songs on the Feel Alright mix tape than I would have expected, turn out to be fun to play along with, even for a group with talents as strictly limited as myself, Bob and Greg -- we were listening to it this afternoon and of course the fast jazz is just nice for listening, and of course the rock-ish tunes like "Ophelia" and "Caldonia" and "It's Alright With Me" were easy to play along with -- but there were a couple of surprises too, like "Arpay" which Greg and I did pretty nicely I thought -- a harmonica and pan pipes have something in common -- and "Boogie-Woogie Blues"; and we all jammed pretty nicely on "The Museum of Sex".

We also did some nice stuff on our own, without the tape -- great version of "Ophelia" after we stopped listening, "Dock of the Bay" with this weird-but-appealing sort of accidental key change on the break, "Mr. Spaceman".

posted evening of June first, 2008: 2 responses
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Saturday, May 31st, 2008

🦋 Feel Alright

My mix tape of happy music is now online -- an hour of tunes with the common factor being that they all lift my spirits when I listen to them. ("Easy Listening"?) Download the mp3's here: Feel Alright mix. Track listing and some notes below the fold. Let me know how you like it!

(...Damn, I knew I was going to do something wrong with the metadata. If you add these files to iTunes, they will go in the wrong order. You can, if you wish to, correct the order by highlighting all of the songs, choosing "Get info (ctrl-I)", and deleting the "disk # of #" fields. ...Okay, I think this is fixed now... But if you add them into iTunes and the order looks wrong, well you know what to do.)

posted afternoon of May 31st, 2008: 3 responses
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🦋 Ashokan Farewell

Today, for International Children's Day, Gladney has organized a talent show at the Chinese consulate in Manhattan. Sylvia and I are going to be playing "Ashokan Farewell", which she learned in in Overture Strings this term. Fingers crossed! I think it will go well, we've been practicing it a lot over the last few days.

Inspired by Apostropher and by Dave B., I have put together a mix tape of music that makes me feel happy. It's uploading right now, I probably won't get a chance to link it until we get back from our performance. So come back this evening to listen!

...The performance went very well indeed! We both made our entrances correctly (and I just want to point out that this was Sylvia's first experience with arranging -- she worked out who would play what part where) -- played in tune and kept time and all. Here's a photo:

posted morning of May 31st, 2008: Respond
➳ More posts about Youth Orchestras of Essex County

Friday, May 30th, 2008

🦋 Happy Birthday, Agnès!

Agnès Varda has her 80th birthday today. What a great life she has led these 80 years. (And oh boy! A new movie in post-production! Click on the picture for more info.) If any of you have not seen her movies, check my archives for some recommendations. One of the greatest (though hardly the most prolific) filmmakers of the 20th Century.

posted morning of May 30th, 2008: Respond
➳ More posts about Les Plages d'Agnès

Thursday, May 29th, 2008

🦋 Pacing

In the Turkish paper Zaman, Fehmi Koru has a column today about Nuri Bilge Ceylan, and with reference to Pamuk, that strikes me as most thoughtful, though the premise on which he hangs the column seems kind of insubstantial. Koru does not allude directly to the controversy I referenced yesterday -- which makes me think it is probably not as big widespread as my reading was leading me to believe -- but it was in my mind as I read his column.

posted evening of May 29th, 2008: Respond
➳ More posts about Orhan Pamuk

🦋 Help me out

The greatest opening for a shaggy-dog story (or possibly just a simple pun) ever conceived. But it needs direction, it doesn't have anywhere to go:

Gregor Samsa and Gregor Mendel walk into a bar...

posted evening of May 29th, 2008: Respond

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