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We all know where we were born, o my brothers, but not where our bones will lie buried.

el Cristo de Elqui

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Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

🦋 Full Moon Fever

Speaking of Other Colors, this blog looks very promising. Orhan Pamuk category and all. Links to video of a conversation between Pamuk and Rushdie.

Speaking of Orhan Pamuk on video, here is a recent appearance at the NYPL. And offers a half-hour interview with the author. Plus, here is Maureen Freely discussing translating Pamuk's work.

posted morning of April 15th, 2008: Respond
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Monday, April 14th, 2008

🦋 Bond

This evening I saw the first James Bond movie I have ever seen: From Russia with Love. How did I like it? Well, I liked it. It seemed extremely similar to North by Northwest, which is a great movie to resemble. Didn't have Hitchcock's genius, maybe, so a lot of the attempts at wit came off as corny and a lot of the dialog was flat; but the photography was lovely, the action exciting, the plot twists not always expected.

Why did I watch the movie? I saw a reference to Goldfinger in Pamuk's Other Colors, and then read this letter in the NY Times, pointing out that Pamuk had the wrong movie in mind. Thought, I've never seen a Bond movie, maybe I'll see about it, added it to my Netflix queue.

posted evening of April 14th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Seat height

Sylvia and I went for a bike ride this evening -- she is doing really well at it, and I'm looking forward to the warmer weather when we can ride more frequently. Her seat has been set about 1½" - 2" lower than where it should be, so that she can comfortably stand on the ground while she's mounted, to give her more confidence. I had mentioned to her last time we rode, that I could raise it up a bit and she'd have more power in her legs -- as we were heading out tonight she asked me to do it. So I raised it about ¾" -- the difference is really noticeable. She's riding a lot faster, going up (slight) hills more easily, and not getting tired as fast. And she is still confident -- although she looked a little startled the first time she braked. I will raise it to the proper height next time we ride, hopefully within the next few days.

(Just after I posted this, I noticed that the photo at the top of the page shows Sylvia riding on the back of our tandem -- she's on her own bike nowadays. Ought to get some pictures of that in the photo album.)

posted evening of April 14th, 2008: Respond
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Sunday, April 13th, 2008

🦋 Connectivity

Over several years, his research team has spoken to rickshaw drivers, prostitutes, shopkeepers, day laborers and farmers, and all of them say more or less the same thing: their income gets a big boost when they have access to a cellphone.

Okay, corporate propaganda -- the primary source is an employee of Nokia -- but this article about cell phone use in the third world paints a pretty plausible (IMO) picture of how having a persistent point of contact is really useful to people in societies where that is not taken for granted.

posted afternoon of April 13th, 2008: Respond

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

🦋 Moments in the sun

Occasionally I will write a post that gets a lot of traffic. It feels good when that happens. A few months ago, my God Will Fuck You Up post got many hits because it was linked from a pagan mailing list. Today, the concert review got a ton of hits because I posted it to the fegmaniax list. More of a rush, because people are coming to read something I wrote rather than to listen to a song I linked by somebody else; and less of a rush, because I advertised myself rather than being recommended by a third party.

Fegmaniax looks like it will be a nice community to join. The key thing here is, I get way more traffic from mailing lists than I ever do from links on other blogs. Possible reasons:

  • I don't ever get linked from high traffic sites.
  • people subscribed to mailing lists are predisposed to find the link interesting in a way that people browsing web sites are not.

posted evening of April 10th, 2008: Respond

🦋 Mystery Train

(From the Manhattan Center show)

posted evening of April 10th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Robyn and the Beatles

(I should note: the performance of "If I Fell in Love with You" in the encore last night totally blows away my theory about Robyn Hitchcock being unable to cover the Beatles. Being wrong about that is not at all a bad thing.)

posted morning of April 10th, 2008: Respond

🦋 I had no idea they were brothers

I got into the theater and discovered it's a lovely room. Who knew there was a beautiful ballroom on the top floor of Manhattan Center? I did not. My seat was in the front row -- the dance floor had been covered with rows of seats -- about 15 feet away from the performers. The crowd was mostly white, but exhibited a wide diversity of age and of fashion sense.

Robyn walked out onto the stage and informed us the building was originally an airship, until it was taken out of comission in the thirties, "around when many people believe the Marx Brothers peaked." -- From there he segued into a story about Groucho Marx traveling cross-country on ducks, "very long ducks that moved on rails and belched coal;" this was by way of introducing his first song, "Heaven," which I did not recognize though I believe I've heard it before -- it is a sweet love song. Next was "Daisy Bomb," which I'm sure I've never heard. It is startling and catchy, and I thought, Awesome, this is going to be a night of new songs for me.

Sometimes a bomb is not enough
To express the way I feel

Robyn spent a minute tuning his guitar and explained how tuning as part of the show is very important, "tuning up a guitar is the sex part of" sex, drugs, rock n' roll. You see, if you as the audience absorb the tuning-up vibes through your coccyx, you will be able to radiate them outwards later on, when you go up to the tower to feed your pet hamster, or gerbil, or rodent. Be careful, you don't fall over and set fire to his straw! And he played "I Got the Hots," beautiful and funny. He seems to play this very frequently and that is alright by me. A lovely pantomime with his guitar at the beginning of it.

Robyn talked about his being "Nick Lowe's psychedelic younger brother," and how that was reflected in the shirts they buy and wear. Then he played "Wax Doll" and "The Cheese Alarm," two more songs I was not familiar with. I guess a large area of his catalog remains for me to explore!

A little more tuning -- Robyn talked about how he was "tuning by consensus -- you see if two strings agree, I will tune the third to match them, even though the third might have been the one that was correct all along... like the people who thought we should not invade Iraq. The majority rules." He played "Full Moon in my Soul," which I love, love, love, and "One Long Pair of Eyes," and then talked about how Gandhi kept a Stratocaster and a Marshall stack next to his bed, but never played -- it was an exercise in resisting temptation -- "He never even touched the strings..." and played "Glass Hotel," which I think he plays nearly as often as "I Got the Hots," and which I like, but not quite as well as the other.

The last song of this all-too-short set was a new song, possibly called "I declare that we are free," written for the 60th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights. Robyn said he had been asked to write it on short notice "because David Crosby was not available," and that it is going to be performed in a stadium in Holland, so we should imagine that it is "produced and in tune".

And he left the stage! But, came back out for encores after Nick Lowe did his set. The final two encores were just tremendous, the best thing in the whole show: Robyn and Nick and surprise guest Elvis Costello playing "If I Fell in Love with You" and "Mystery Train", the whole audience was a single body. Robyn took lead vocal on both, totally appropriate given that he has the best voice of the three.

Lowe's set was, well, a little corny it must be said. He is a handsome man and an excellent, charismatic showman; but his songs are lacking in the spark of genius. He played "Cruel to be Kind," "What's So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding," "All Men are Liars" and some other tunes I thought I recognized, plus some new stuff. Some lovely tunes but just a bit corny.

Update: Here are some pix from SketchGuy... who blogs about the show here.

posted morning of April 10th, 2008: 5 responses
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Wednesday, April 9th, 2008

🦋 Here I Go! (n/c)



posted evening of April 9th, 2008: Respond
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🦋 Song request

I told Bill I will be happy with whatever Robyn plays tonight; and that's true, short of Beatles covers, which I'll suffer through if I have to.* But... it would totally make my year if he would play "Birds in Perspex". (Listen to it here -- aah, beautiful.) He seems in interviews to have sort of repudiated the album "Perspex Island" but it's hard for me to figure out why, precisely. So I guess I will just cross my fingers, and maybe get lucky.

*(Not that I don't like the Beatles or anything, I just don't think Robyn does a very good job of covering them. OTOH he's done some great covers of Lennon's and McCartney's solo work so who knows.)**

**(Note: this thesis is now null and void.)

posted afternoon of April 9th, 2008: Respond

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