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Saturday, June 5th, 2010

🦋 Music in the fiddle

A mix with some of my favorite fiddle music, and a couple of my own performances... link and notes below the fold.

read the rest...

posted evening of June 5th, 2010: 2 responses
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Sunday, May 16th, 2010

🦋 Swing Low

Trying to do something with the violin by itself -- no voice, no guitar. Here's what I came up with:

It almost works, I think -- there are places where it is a little hard to follow the melody without lyrics but they are short in duration, the song comes back quickly.

posted afternoon of May 16th, 2010: 2 responses
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Thursday, May 13th, 2010

🦋 A track (or two)

Here is a song John and I recorded last night, a medley of "Drowsy Maggie" and "Dancing Barefoot" -- we've been working on this for a few weeks and played it last week at the Menzel Violins open mic. I'm pretty happy with the way we've integrated the vocal melody with the fiddle melody.

Oh and here is another song I recorded recently that I'm pretty happy with:

This is a Leadbelly song also performed by Hazel Dickens (and many other artists), but the version I learned it from and which I always think of when I hear it, is my friends' band Other People's Children, Liam and Malcolm.

posted evening of May 13th, 2010: Respond
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Tuesday, May 4th, 2010

🦋 Billy in the Lowground

For the first time in a little while, I've found a new fiddle tune I want to learn. Here is the Ether Frolic Mob (featuring Peter Stampfel, Craig Judelman, Stacey Samuels, Eli Smith, Jeffrey Lewis) playing "Billy in the Lowground":

A few other versions:

Also, turns out "Billy in the Lowlands", which is what I thought this song was called, is a movie.

posted evening of May 4th, 2010: 1 response

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

🦋 Maintaining focus in the song

Here are some tapes from today's practice -- I'm trying to really hold my focus in the song and pay attention to what I'm doing, and I think it's coming through a bit. At the end of "Bill Cheetham" I lose it. "The Road to Lisdoonvarna" I think is currently my very favorite song.

posted afternoon of March 6th, 2010: 2 responses
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🦋 Photo from the open mic

Mo Menzel snapped a great photo of me while I was playing "The Irish Washerwoman" last night. Thanks, Mo!

I've been hunching over lately when I'm playing violin -- not sure why but this posture seems to make it easier to keep my focus inside the song. (Also I am going back and forth between holding the bow nearer the frog, and choking up on it like this -- and between holding my pinkie against the wood -- which I tend to think I ought to do -- and out in the air like this, which seems to happen pretty regularly when I don't pay attention to the finger.)

posted afternoon of March 6th, 2010: Respond
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Thursday, March 4th, 2010

🦋 Bowing patterns

Mixed results at the open mic today -- I played two songs, first one was very successful, the second was a mess. I felt pretty upset and brought down about the second one and as I was mulling it over I came to realize that having a solid bowing pattern is a really important part of knowing a song...

The successful song, my "Road to Lisdoonvarna"/"Drowsy Maggie" medley, when I was practicing it this afternoon I hit on a bowing pattern that I could stick with and that really drives the song along -- the rhythmic motion of my arm complements the tapping of my foot. I have always had a pretty clear sense of where I'm going with this song but the bowing just wrapped everything up very nicely. With the other song contrariwise, "Irish Washerwoman"/"The Swallowtail Jig", while I know the song very well, I can never seem to decide just what I should be doing with my bow. And it shows -- sometimes I will practice the song and have it sound great, other times not so much.

While I was mulling I got a little distracted from listening to people's performances, and my eyes were wandering among the shop's wares -- I was really taken by the minor variations in shape between every pair of violins on the shelf there -- in length, width, depth of body, proportion of the length given over to the "C" in the middle of the body, how concave the "C" is and how prominently its top and bottom jut out... One violin there has completely smooth sides, an hourglass figure, which I've never seen before. I fantasized about playing some of the more unusual specimens, and my attention slowly came back to the music.

posted evening of March 4th, 2010: Respond

Monday, February 15th, 2010

🦋 Fiddle medleys

Something I really enjoy with learning traditional fiddle tunes, is figuring out which ones of them go together and creating medleys. Usually the impetus for this to happen comes when I'm playing one song and accidentally fall into a different tune, then I work out how I can make that transition happen on purpose. Here are two medleys I've been working on a lot recently: "The Road to Lisdoonvarna"/"Drowsy Maggie" (a little interesting because the two songs, while in the same key, have markedly different rhythm), and "The Red-Haired Boy"/"Bill Cheetham" (which seem like they might as well be actually the same song, they have so much in common).

posted afternoon of February 15th, 2010: Respond
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Sunday, February 7th, 2010

🦋 Some new songs -- "the jig is up!"

This weekend I started working on a couple of new songs, some solo fiddle tunes and a blues tune I could play with John.

I thought I would explore the latter half of the alphabet in my music book a little; paging through the R's I found "The Road to Lisdoonvarna" -- well! I've been to Lisdoonvarna -- on a bike trip in western Ireland, with Ellen about 13 years ago -- and remember it fondly, and I have a shortage of jigs in my repertoire; so I thought I'd give it a try. Looked it up on YouTube to get an idea what it sounds like, and I found Ryan and Brennish Thompson playing it along with two other Dorian tunes:

I like all of these songs and have set myself the task of learning them -- they're coming along pretty well, I think. "Lisdoonvarna" and "Swallowtail" are jigs -- i.e. fast tunes in 6/8 time -- and "Drowsy Maggie" is a reel, in 4/4.

Another song I took a look at last night, which I think will be great to play with John, is "If the River Was Whiskey", Charlie Poole's version of "Hesitation Blues." Here are The Dough Rollers playing it:

or you can listen to Poole at It's a great fiddle part, a lot of fun, and it'll sound great with John's guitar.

posted afternoon of February 7th, 2010: Respond
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Sunday, January 31st, 2010

🦋 The Boys of Blue Hill

Here is a recording I made of "The Boys of Blue Hill":

-- by way of comparison, a recording I found on YouTube. This is James Galway and Matt Molloy, in 1977:

Update -- as long as I'm recording some fiddle tunes -- I added a take of "The Growling Old Man and the Carping Old Woman" to this post. And here is a tape of Graham Townsend playing the tune:

posted morning of January 31st, 2010: Respond
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